Running Diamonds, The Outline, POLYSICS -POLYSICS WORLD TOUR OR DIE 2007!!! ~KARATE HOUSE~-
The night before the show, Kelynn came over to spend the night so we could go over to The Clubhouse together. We spent the night getting ready by watching PVs and concerts and stuff~
(What happens when you've been waiting for hours...)
We got to The Clubhouse at about 5:30PM and qued for about 3 hours before the doors opened. There was only one group of girls ahead of us and they were going to see The Outline. Oddly enough, I knew said girls from middle school. So that was interesting. Kaity and Annie got there about one hour before the doors opened.
When I got inside, the first thing I did was go to the merch table and get a shirt. Kayo and her manager person where up selling. Since she couldn't speak that much English, she just had a little piece of paper with shirt sizes on them and would point to them. It was cute though, I would point to something, she would point to something else and then again. I finally just settled on what ever shirt they decided to hold up to me because I didn't want to lose my spot at the stage. She then asked which poster I wanted by pointing to them and asking "whichone?whichone?" and I pointed to the one where they were wearing their orange jumpsuits. She then signed it for me.
The first band that played, Running Diamonds, sucked beyond belief.
The Outline was actually very good. I'm always very skeptical about opening bands that I've never heard of and automatically assume that they suck, but they were pretty good. I don't know any of the songs, so I can't really put up a set list.
After The Outline left stage, POLYSICS came out to set up. While they were setting up they had put in an 80s mix CD with songs like "Take On Me", "Whip It", and "You Spin Me (Like a Record)". To amuse themselves while POLYSICS was setting up, the crowd started singing along to the choruses of the songs. After Hiro was done tuning, he then turned around and proceeded to conduct the crowd into all the rest of the songs and he sang along too.
They took about 20 minutes to come back out and kept opening and shutting the door to taunt all of us, until one of their crew members finally decided to announce their coming.
M1. P!
M4. Hot Stuff
M5. むすんでひらいて
M5. Shizuka is a machine doctor
M6. Superman
M7. サイコサイコさん
M9. I My Me Mine
M10. ワチュワナドゥー
M11. Tei! Tei! Tei
M12. ピーチパイ・オン・ザ・ビーチ
M13. Baby BIAS
EN1. シーラカンス イズ アンドロイド
As all of them started to run on stage, the whole crowd pushed into one ball and all the people a long the stage [Including me] grabbed onto what ever they could to hold on [my hold was on Hiro's amp].
I never really thought POLYSICS would be that crazy. The crowd was more wild than the ones at These Arms Are Snakes and The Blood Brothers combined.
After about the 3rd song, the sweat from the crowd went into the air and it become humid as hell. My back was already really sweaty and my hips and pelvis hurt from being slammed against the stage so much.
Before "Shizuka is a machine doctor", Hiro did a little MC saying how much he enjoyed ("I ENJOY!! I ENJOY!!! SANKYUU TEMPE") the show already. He then kind of ran around and started slapping his face and heart. Awwwww.
I forget which song it was during, (I think it was "サイコサイコさん") but the crew member from before came out on stage and gave Hiro a big glass of beer and he stopped playing his guitar to chug it while getting very close to the edge of the stage for people to grab at him. A lot of the beer got on Kelynn and I, most of it was from his mouth. ahhhahahaha.
After "MY SHARONA" (I think) he asked us what POLYSICS meant. Someone from the audience shouted "MANY SOMETHING!!!" (which is actually half right.), but Hiro said no and said, "POLYSICS means...ROCK. AND. FUCKING. ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!". He then thanked us again and blew us all kisses and made us shout "TOISU!" a couple of times. He couldn't say Tempe right, (He called it "Temp") so when he told us to "GO FAWKING CARAZYYYYYYYY" it was cute and funny and people went fawking carazyyyyyyyy.
"Baby BIAS" was their last song and everyone got pretty sad. Everyone started chanting "POLYSICS! POLYSICS! POLYSICS!" (which was very hard to do because my mouth was very dry.) until they came back out and played "シーラカンス イズ アンドロイド". After that was "BUGGIE TECHINICA" and surprisingly enough, instead of Hiro coming to the front of the stage, Fumi did so we all went for her and got our faces melted off by awesome bass. When that song was over Hiro went through introducing the band one more time before they left. ["ON BASSSU, FUMI!!!!!!! ON DRUMMM, YANO!!!! ON KEYBOARDD, KAYO!!!!! AND ON GUITAAAA AND BOKARUU, HIROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Right after they left I went for Hiro's set list, but some guy already got it, so I asked him to give me Fumi's and he did. So I have Fumi's setlist.
They are so good live, holy damn. I think something that would have made it a million times better though was if they made Kayo and Fumi's microphones louder.
- Hiro singing alont to 80's music with us.
- Getting Hiro's beer all over us.
- ALL of Hiro's MCs! They were adorable.
- Meeting Kayo.
- Being invited to party with them afterwards, but were unable too. :[
Kelynn's mom was coming to pick us up this time and take us back to my house. I first had to go to Kaity's car though to get my camera since I didn't know that for this show they didn't allow them.
On the way home we talked about our experiences and about how Dir en grey will be and all that.
Here's the poster that Kayo signed for me. I wish I was able to stay and have the rest of them sign it though.
The shirt that Kayo and their manager basically choose for me.