メリー , ギルガメシュ, D'espairs Ray, ムック -JROCK REVOLUTION-
MAY 26TH, 2007
I honestly couldn't really sleep all that much. From the time I did sleep though, it was good. Kelynn, Allison and I all shared one sheet while Myra and Heather shared the other. We were all pretty much spooning together for warmth, because the night was freezing (although, later it proved to be hellishly hot)
I woke up at about 8:30AM or so by the sound of crows circling over head. Heather and Myra were already awake and talking to the group of guys next to us.
A few moments later, security asked all of the group leaders (the people who put in their names on the list) to come to the front of The Wiltern so that they could talk to us about a plan. I was pretty confused at first, but later got it. For that time being they were going to put faux-numbers on people to discourage cutting. These weren't the actual numbers that were going to get into the pit (those would be put on later on.), but it was just so that, if people come to the front to try and get to a group, you'd have to go "hey, sorry. I'm already numbered. You won't be able to get in."
We all sat around for hours and hours until Allison finally couldn't take the thought of being in the same clothes that she's been wearing for four days straight anymore, so Heather, Allison and I all went back to the Miyako to get changed and freshen up while Myra and Kelynn held our spots. It took a lot longer coming back because our taxi driver took the most longest way possible to jack up the price. Which was pretty shitty. When we did get back though Myra was burnt to a crisp and Kelynn went to the other side of The Wiltern to cool off.
We were pretty hungry, so Myra, Heather and I walked to McDonalds while Allison held out spot this time.
We eat and then ventured to CVS to get permanent markers just in case we "saw" anyone.
A few hours later, we were all ready to go in, which was AMAZING. It was so incredibly hot.
The weird thing about The Wiltern this time was that they allowed non-professional cameras, but no gum or umbrellas. So the FLOPPY umbrella that I had made had to be thrown away for no apparent reason. It's fine though. Not the end of the world.
We did the usual sprint to where we needed to be, which wasn't in the pit this time since we were exhausted. So instead we all took our places at the rail in the second section. Which still had a PERFECT view.
They brought the screen down again and played X-JAPAN's LAST LIVE DVD while we all waited. Soon enough, the lights dimmed, the screen went up and a familiar tune erupted from behind the curtain...
M2. ロジウラエレギ
M3. コールing
M4. 最果てのパレード
M5. 溺愛の水槽
M6. 迷彩ノ紳士
M7. オリエンタルBLサーカス
M8. ジャパニーズモダニスト
M9. 妄想rendez-vous
The curtain lifed to Yuu, Kenichi, Tetsu and Nero all at their places playing "PEEP SHOW". This went on for a few minutes as all of the energy starting building up.
Gara FINALLY came up, dressed in a somewhat sparkly kimono top and a fedora with no shirt under. The rest were wearing their usual blazers and slacks, Nero was wearing what Nero wears, which is usually some weird patterned get up.
ロジウラエレギ, I don't remember too much of. I do however, remember コールing and how Gara would just sit on his little desk and sing and look dainty.
Gara's first MC was him bringing his calligraphy things out and writing two simple things...
"ハロー" and "Merry", the first paper he thew into the audience for someone to have.
溺愛の水槽 was a confusing one, because the beginning sounds like a few other songs, but I knew what it was after a while.
Fast forward ---- (because I was rocking out too hard and don't remember much.)
There was a time, right before Nero's MC, were the lights dimmed and メリー was switching instruments and changing shirts, everyone thought their set was over and got a little irritated and started chanting "MERRY! MERRY! MERRY! MERRY! MERRY!" The amazing thing about this was that NO OTHER band got a chant from the audience. Only メリー did.
Nero then had his MC which was basically him saying "YUUU ARE MERRI'S SIX MEMBAAA~!!!!" and "WE BE BACK!" and "GO CRAZYYYYYYYYY" even though we couldn't understand more than half of the things he was saying, we all cheered anyway. I mean, it was Nero. Come on.
ジャパニーズモダニスト. WHAT AMAZING SONG LIVE. I was video taping it on my phone acually, but it came horrible since I was thrashing about and head banging so much. You can still hear everything though over my screams of "GO MAD!"
They went out with a bang. They were the best performance of that whole night. THEY WERE AMAZING.
As usual, when we walked out, the Japanese man with the camera interviewing people as they walked out, interview us first since we were the first ones to walk out. He asked "How was...Merry?" to which we replied "AMAZING BLAH BLAH BLAH" (without the "blah blah blah"'s)
The first thing we did, was I followed Allison to the merch to go get her stuff since she didn't get anything Friday. (Myra, Heather and Kelynn stayed inside.) She got a メリー towel and charm bracelet, which is totally ADORABLE.
I went over and got us a Gatorade and we took our post over by the stairs looking for people.
A few artists later, to no avail, we did not find anyone, so in our boredom, we decided to go back into the area to see ムック perform.
I always thought they were kind of boring, but live, they were pretty amazing.
M2. 極彩
M3. 路地裏僕と君へ
M4. ディーオージー
M5. 空虚な部屋
M6. 最終列車
M7. 25時の憂鬱
M8. リブラ
M9. 流星
They were pretty awesome, I must admit again. 25時の憂鬱 was pretty awesome. Yukke brought out a stand up bass and did SLAP ON IT. HE DID SLAP ON IT AND THAT IS AMAZING...and Tatsurou's voice carries good live. I think I might actually try and get into them a little more now.
M1. 13
M2. Jarring Fly
M3. 遮断
M5. 曖昧な味覚
M6. Deceived mad pain
M7. volcano
M8. 腐界の闇
M9. 終わりと未来
M1. damned
M2. Angeldust
M3. Closer to ideal
M4. Mirror
M5. Hollow
M7. 凍える夜に咲いた花
M8. Sixty Nine
(Please correct me if I made any mistakes!)
After the show, things were pretty hectic. Since Kelynn needed a place to stay, we let her crash in our room, but that meant five people. Normal cabs don't hold five people, so we had to hail a special van one. Apparently LA is retarded and doesn't know where The Wiltern is because we told them a million times and they still needed an address. After about an hour or so of frustration and cursing, our cab finally arrived and we went back to the hotel.
MY BED HAD BEEN FUCKING SHANGHAIED BY KELYNN, so I was forced to sleep on the very edge. That kind of sucked. Oh well. After sleeping on the streets for a few nights, anywhere on a bed was amazing.
In the morning, I was the only one awake to say goodbye to Heather and Myra as they left for the airport. They bought us breakfast. ♥
To kill time, after everyone packed and got dressed, we went around and wandered around Little Tokyo mall for a little trying to find a good purikura booth, but found NONE WHAT THE HELL.
Then Whitney and Derek came and we went home.