Betrayal and Secrets - It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong

Aug 01, 2013 11:10

Title: It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
Author: rollieo122
Series: Betrayal and Secrets
Characters/Pairings: Mattie Llewellyn-Jones/Charles Gregory
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: So if I'm what he needs to feel like he's home, then so be it.
Author's Note: This was written for prompt 68 on drabblefix, city, and is the first of... a few. What can I say, this prompt inspired me! Again, first from this series to be put anywhere. This is first person, so the first drabble is Charles, and the second is Mattie.


I’m from a tiny village in the Scottish Highlands, so when I first left my family and came down to England, it was a big deal. Thankfully for the first year, I was in a small town, so it wasn’t as bad, and I didn’t feel that I missed my family as much. But after that, I moved to London. I was unused to being in a city, where no-one wants to know you, and I missed my little village more than ever. But since I’ve met Mattie and live with him, London definitely feels more like home to me.


I love living in London. I’m used to the hustle and bustle of the place as I grew up in Swansea, which in itself was fairly busy, even if it does look like a tiny village in comparison to London. I love the noise, the atmosphere, the nightlife, everything. But I’ve lived in the countryside too, and I love that as well. And I know how daunting it can be, coming from a small place where everyone knows you into an anonymous giant like London. So if I’m what Charles needs to feel like he’s home, then so be it.

rating: g, pairing: mattie/charles, character: mattie llewellyn-jones, character: charles gregory, genre: slash, series: betrayal and secrets

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