How old were you?: 14
What grade were you in?: I was homeschooled...there weren't any "grades."
Where did you go to school?: see above
Where did you work?: Artistry in Motion Center for Dance- teacher in training
Where did you live?: I had just moved to Mt. Juliet.
Where did you hang out?: Jenny's house; Nxt Gen; DCA football games.
How was your hair style?: Exceptionally long, straight and very blonde.
Did you wear braces?: nope
Did you wear glasses?: Only when I wasn't wearing my contacts.
Who was your best friend?: Jenny/Chelsey/Josh Dutton
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Andrew and I had just started dating. (If only I had known then what I know now...)
Who was your celebrity crush?: Hell if I remember...probably Edward Furlong.
Who was your regular-person crush: I guess it would have been Andrew.
How many piercings did you have?: two in each ear
How many tattoos did you have?: Who lets their 14 year old get tattooed?
What was your favorite band?: Rage Against the Machine/ Sublime/ Slipknot
What was your biggest fear?: Anything that buzzed and had a stinger- wasps, bees, hornets etc.
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: Nope
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: Nope
Had you driven yet?: Not really.
How old are you?: 19
What grade are you in?: 3rd year college
Where do you go to school?: MTSU
Where do you work?: Johnny Rockets- Head Server (Yeah, I know...it even used to be printed on my nametag. Those jokes never got old.)
Where do you live?: Murfreesboro
Where do you hang out?: Home; School; Coco
How is your hair style?: Longish, blondish with black underneath
Do you wear braces?: nope
Do you wear glasses? Still...only when I'm not wearing my contacts.
Who is your best friend? Allison
Who is your celebrity crush? Jonathan Rhys- Meyers
Who is your regular-person crush?: The same as always...someone I can't have.
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend: It's just me, myself and I.
How many piercings do you have?: Two in each ear; bellybutton.
How many tattoos do you have?: None
What is your biggest fear? Failure; rejection...and things that buzz/sting.
Have you smoked a cigarette yet? negative
Have you gotten drunk or high yet? nope
Have you driven yet? Yes...with no accidents or citations to my name, thank you very much.
I'm afraid of the quiet: Not really. My apartment can get oppressively quiet sometimes, though.
I'm afraid of the dark: not at all
I'm afraid of facing my back to open doors at night: No.
I am homosexual: I hate girls. Seriously.
I've run away from home: Nope.
I listen to political music: Some of it is...some of it isn't.
I collect comic books: I've never even read a comic book.
I shut others out when I'm sad: I shut others out when they try to get too close.
I open up to others easily: probably not
I watch the news: Unfortunately. (According to MSNBC, there's going to be an Amish uprising.)
I own over 5 rap CDs: No...and I'd like to keep it that way.
I own something from Hot Topic: Yes, I do. (Oh, and for those of you keeping track of my christmas list, Hot Topic currently has an awesome David Bowie/Labyrinth shirt that would make a great addition to my wardrobe. Pleaseandthankyou.)
I love Disney movies: Hells yeah.
disney movie that they like grew up with: That is not a question...or coherent, for that matter.
I kill bugs: I try my best to ignore bugs...I have my cats kill them for me.
I curse regularly: yeah
I have an "x" in my screen name: Nope.
I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation: Internet lingo is really funny when vocalized. For example: pronounce "roflmao." Silly, no?
I bake well: Why, yes. I do.
I have worn pajamas to class: Not that I can recall. I have worn cutoff sweatpants to class though.
I have a job: Yes...serving the head at the JR lounge.
I love Martha Stewart: Martha Stewart makes me naseous...alot.
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS: No...and how dare you suggest such a thing.
I am self-conscious: Painfully.
I like to laugh: Who doesn't?
I have cough drops when I'm not sick: I don't have cough drops when I am sick...they taste terrible. And they make you smell like an old man.
Swallowing pills makes you gag: negative
I have many emotional scars: most certainly
I have many physical scars: I have a small one on the underside of my chin and a few on my feet from dance.
I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room: Not if the spider is exceptionally noisy and/or hogs the blankets.
Am really ticklish: I am not ticklish at all...which makes tickling other people super-amusing.
I love chocolate: "Darker the better" Amen, Luke.
I bite my nails: No. I do pick at them though.
I am comfortable with being me: I suppose I have to be. But there's always room for improvement.
Seen a shooting star: Yes...and I've wished on all of them.
Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of your nose: Only once. And it was immediately after saying, "You know, I've never laughed so hard that my drink came out my nose." Ironic, no? (Note: Coke burns really badly when it comes out your nose.)
Swore at your parents: in the company of, yes...but not directed toward them
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: Is that possible?
Bitten someone: Oh yeah...I'm a biter.
Gotten the chicken pox: when I was 3
Crashed into a car: nope
Ridden in a taxi: nope
Had feelings for someone who didn't like you back: Ha. Does it work out any other way?
Had a crush on a teacher/coach: nope
Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: It's a Hallowe'en tradition!
Thrown up in a bar?: Can't say that I have.
Eaten Sushi: Yes...haven't had any since May, though.
Walked purposefully into traffic with your eyes closed? No...but alot of people on campus do that. It takes driving to a new level of excitement.
My weakness: Music (play the right song at the right moment and I am putty in your hands); compliments in a foreign language; bass players.
Got a new pic on your myspace: Just the one from Hallowe'en.