Fic: A Dark Night at Harvard

Feb 03, 2014 20:40

Title: A Dark Night At Harvard
Fandom: The Social Network
Pairings and Characters: Mark/Eduardo, Chris, Dustin
Rating: G
Word Count: approx. 2,862
Summary: “In this case, Eduardo,” Chris says, “ignorance might actually be bliss.”

A/N: This was written as a (very belated!) Halloween present for shah_of_blah, who has recommended me to (nearly) all of my ( Read more... )

-fanfic, the social network, -one shot

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Comments 9

ozfroggirl February 4 2014, 16:49:32 UTC
I've never seen 'The Social Network' but I'm definitely looking forward to that Buffy fic. I've been craving that show so much recently. :)


radio_silent February 5 2014, 04:36:06 UTC
I COMPLETELY know that feeling. Hence why I created the forthcoming Buffy thing, which is honestly more of a tribute than a fic? (I could tell you what it was, exactly, but I think that would spoil the surprise. And I'm hoping to post on Thursday, so it shouldn't be too long of a wait.) But anyways. It might be time for a BTVS rewatch for both of us?


osprey_archer February 5 2014, 02:26:24 UTC
Ha, I love how Mark keeps edging closer to apoplexy over Dustin and Eduardo's couple costumes. Not that Mark would ever dress up in a couple costume without being forced to it, possibly at gunpoint...but Dustin shouldn't be horning in on his Wardo!


radio_silent February 5 2014, 04:40:15 UTC
Yeah, I have to admit that writing jealous!Mark (and, to complement, full-of-feelings-and-not-totally-understanding-why!Wardo) were my favorite parts of writing this fic. Even topping all the comic book jokes, which were also fun to write. The boys just have so much UST, it isn't even funny.

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope things are going well for you these days--both in fandom and real life!


osprey_archer February 5 2014, 14:02:50 UTC
Yes, pretty well! I finished my masters degree and now have a job as a barista while I figure out what to do next. I'm learning how to make All the Coffee Drinks, which is a lot of fun.

What are you up to these days?


radio_silent February 6 2014, 03:19:56 UTC
That sounds great! Have you gone on any informational interviews? I am the biggest proponent of informational interviews during the "figuring out what's next" part of life. I've somehow landed myself a job that could lead to a career and I'm still going on informational interviews, just because I don't really know if that's the career I want?

Also, what's your favorite coffee drink to make? :)

These days I am doing marketing for a theater, and failing to write very much due to falling out of the habit (it's awful!), and having overly expensive adventures in the city where I live (the catch to working at a theater is that you don't really make much money, relatively speaking) and, except the writing part and sometimes the money part, it's going very well!


xbriyeon February 5 2014, 15:56:12 UTC
aww this was very cute. MJ!Dustin, ily. \o/


radio_silent February 6 2014, 03:14:42 UTC
I had WAY too much fun writing Dustin as MJ. And writing Dustin. And writing. :)

Thanks for reading and commenting!


devon380black June 25 2014, 10:28:21 UTC
kudos :)

This is my favorite part: "Because even when Eduardo feels uncomfortable in his own skin (and he does, rather consistently), for some reason he never feels uncomfortable in his own clothes. Every outfit becomes a costume, if one puts enough thought into it. And every outfit is something you can hide behind."

^I like how this part because their clothes offer a hint of their personalities. Eduardo (as Spiderman/Peter Parker) <- trying to be someone he's not, someone better. Mark (no costume) <- just being himself, his honest self. Chris (when life gives you lemons...)<- optimistic. Dustin (Mary Jane to Wardo's Peter Parker) <- thoughtful.


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