
Jun 13, 2010 12:22

I know I haven't posted here in short of forever, I know that. But there were a few updates I wanted to share, if anyone is still listening (and if you are, you totally rock). Because exciting internet things are happening, between me and shah_of_blah, which is to say we're writing a...

1. blog full of tv meta and show reviews.
(I'd post a link but nothing's up on the site just yet!) First up on our list will be a co-written series looking back at the good and bad elements of Buffy (since we both love it so). And she's talking about meta about BSG and Dexter, and I'm looking at maybe some meta for this season of Glee and certainly for new Doctor Who.

(And if anyone wants to know why this stuff is going in a blog instead of a LiveJournal entry, you can read my thoughts on the decision over here.)

Next up is old news, but we'll get it out of the way...

2. A Tale of Two Tylers is absolutely, completely finished.
I'm just, still, really thrilled about this. And you can now read it on livejournal or (possibly more legibly?) on fanfiction.net.

And on that note...

3. future fanfiction is on the way!
I'm not exactly sure WHEN this is happening, since I'm in the midst of icon requests (which I worked on last night!) and actually a series 4 trailer for doctor who as well, AND a crafster swap in which I've been making DOCTOR HORRIBLE KNITTING PROJECTS (which I'll totally post here when they're done!). And making corrections to a full-length original screenplay (!) which I may or may not post about. If there's interest. (is there interest?)

But, believe it or not, I've also got my first Merlin fanfiction (for those of you who don't know, Merlin is my guilty pleasure show these days) in the works. And it's actually (like most amazing Merlin fanfic) slash. Or rather pre-slash at this point, because I keep meaning for them to make out but I get caught up in writing cutesy dialogue (does this happen to anyone else?). And I have an idea for a ten/rose fic I've been trying to sort out for months now, and it still hasn't quite happened.

Moral of the story being, there is a TON of stuff going on. And I want to include you guys, and also post here, since I have been AWOL quite a bit as of late. Oh, and also to get opinions--are there any shows you'd want me to blog/meta about? And also, since I fail at being up-to-date sometimes, what exciting new projects are you working on?

life as a fangirl, merlin makes me say "adorbs", being crafty

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