Title: A Tale Of Two Tylers
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Wonderfalls
Characters: Ten, Rose, Jack; Jaye, Sharon, Eric--and a few others!
Rating: PG
Total Word Count: 9,708
Summary: "Alien possession," Jaye Tyler said to the strange pair leaning against her kitchen sink. "You think I'm possessed by an alien? Really?"
Disclaimer: I don't own Wonderfalls or
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Comments 5
Love the banner!!
I really really love the show.
Did you get a chance to read the fic?
Funny thing yesterday, I watched the pilot of Wonderfalls and went to see my friend Marion. Told her what I was watching and she went O_o cos her brother had been watching it too. Then, Tracie Thoms was on Criminal Mind and Caroline Dhavernas in the final of The Pacific that was on after. *giggles*
You'll know when I read it because you'll get comments. ^_^
Also, um, this fic would never have happened (or at least would have never happened *well*) without you. So many, many thanks for that! <3
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