=_O Veshch? Bog? Ya Tuhan, dua minggu ini gw coba baca A Clockwork Orange dan sampe sekarang baru nyampe halaman 50-an. Gw nahan diri untuk gak nyari kamus Nadsat di Internet.
I guess you're nineteen in Chinese calendar. Kalo gak salah, bayi baru lahir udah diitung satu tahun ato gimana gitu.
ah. i viddy well my little droog. smeck smeck smeck. AHAHAHA baca di Introduction-nya napa? kan diajarin gimana untuk ngerti dengan liat konteksnya. emang cuma baca novella setipis itu gw butuh dua hari. dasar Burgess kurang kerjaan pake nadsat segala *geram*
i missed you birthday! D: oh god i'm sorry, i thought livejournal sent reminders, but then i checked and its temporarily down. thats no excuse i know, i'm sorry. i hope it was ok x <3333333
do i slooshy a phone call from arthur? hehheh. mending situ :*)
whee, that stolen copy of clockwork orange is still sitting in my bookshelf. a part of me says i should be a good citizen and take it back. while another part of me says that the school deserved it for having idiots, morons, and selfish bastards run it.
:/ birthday coming, and mum wants to throw a party cos it's my 18th birthday. i don't want even want a party. i don't even like cake
Comments 14
<3 <3 <3
I guess you're nineteen in Chinese calendar. Kalo gak salah, bayi baru lahir udah diitung satu tahun ato gimana gitu.
baca di Introduction-nya napa? kan diajarin gimana untuk ngerti dengan liat konteksnya. emang cuma baca novella setipis itu gw butuh dua hari. dasar Burgess kurang kerjaan pake nadsat segala *geram*
MSN!!!! MSN!!!
aaaah. stupid typoculosis!!!
i love yoooou
[plays with checkboxes]
whee, that stolen copy of clockwork orange is still sitting in my bookshelf. a part of me says i should be a good citizen and take it back. while another part of me says that the school deserved it for having idiots, morons, and selfish bastards run it.
:/ birthday coming, and mum wants to throw a party cos it's my 18th birthday. i don't want even want a party. i don't even like cake
cake brooklat. :D
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