Maybe the light was just different when you first looked so it appeared to be broken but wasn't, not really. Yes. Maybe.
Also, if you're eating like a pig and still loosing weigth, there might be something wrong with your thyroid gland. It's very common for people our age, really, I've go thyroid problems too. So there. The tribe has spoken.
no. it's true. those lines really change. i compared a print of my palms back from the 8th grade and my palms now and they are different. at least the right hand prints are different. i researched it further and found out that the lines on your non-dominant hand are the lines you were born with and normally they don't change. while the lines on your dominant hand keep changing as you go through life. fascinating no?
and my mother slash my dear doctor confirmed that it was not a thyroid problem and told me that it was probably other metabolism problems. gah. lets just hope it's not worms living on my intestines and eating all my food away :shudder:
Did you ever read filth by irvine welsh? The main character has a worm living in his intestines and he keeps on hearing the voice of the worm in his head and it goes 'must eat, must eat more my dear host, eat eat eat' and in the end he finally looses his mind and kills himself and and and.
But, I'm sure you don't have a talking worm inside you. No, really.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that book was one of the last books i read lately <3 welsh <333 okay okay. then having worms in your intestines is only half bad.... *bites nails* must. look. out. for. strange. voices. in. my. head. *curls up*
Palm-reading? Loads of BS. Engkong gw diramal umurnya panjang soalnya garis kehidupannya panjang, ealah kok ya belum sampe kepala empat udah wafat. Dan garis tangan emang bisa berubah-ubah, nggak tau kenapa.
hmpfth. nggak kok. gw pernah di diagnosa ada kelainan kelenjar tiroid karena tangan gw tremor. tapi kelainan itu bisa nyebabin 2: 1. lo jadi kurus, tinggi, mata belo ( kaya lisette diatas ) atau, 2. lo jadi pendek, gendut, dan sipit ( gw didiagnosa yang satu ini ). yang satu akibat kelebihan, yang satu akibat kekurangan. jadi i'm on the other end, jadi gak mungkin karena kelainan tiroid gw. lagipula dah agak normal kok. mungkin metabolisme gw lagi kacaw aja. heh. gw tu gendut kok eth. ngapain ngiri. sapa bilang gendut lebih jelek daripada kurus? gw jauh lebih suka jadi gendut daripada kurus :D
haha. iya. gw tau sih itu bisa ngarang ngarang aja ramalannya. tapi yang ngebuat kaget ya karena bisa berubah..... ....bahkan dalem waktu 1/2 jam !!!!! kan gw rada rada ngeri juga.
over here, nobody's ever heard of cacingan. that's why when i was little, and i played in the rain (aka mud), my mum panicked and asked my dad to send us a pack of combantrin, hahaha.
Comments 25
Also, if you're eating like a pig and still loosing weigth, there might be something wrong with your thyroid gland. It's very common for people our age, really, I've go thyroid problems too. So there. The tribe has spoken.
i researched it further and found out that the lines on your non-dominant hand are the lines you were born with and normally they don't change. while the lines on your dominant hand keep changing as you go through life. fascinating no?
and my mother slash my dear doctor confirmed that it was not a thyroid problem and told me that it was probably other metabolism problems. gah. lets just hope it's not worms living on my intestines and eating all my food away :shudder:
Did you ever read filth by irvine welsh? The main character has a worm living in his intestines and he keeps on hearing the voice of the worm in his head and it goes 'must eat, must eat more my dear host, eat eat eat' and in the end he finally looses his mind and kills himself and and and.
But, I'm sure you don't have a talking worm inside you. No, really.
that book was one of the last books i read lately <3
welsh <333
okay okay. then having worms in your intestines is only half bad.... *bites nails*
must. look. out. for. strange. voices. in. my. head. *curls up*
Palm-reading? Loads of BS. Engkong gw diramal umurnya panjang soalnya garis kehidupannya panjang, ealah kok ya belum sampe kepala empat udah wafat. Dan garis tangan emang bisa berubah-ubah, nggak tau kenapa.
mungkin metabolisme gw lagi kacaw aja.
heh. gw tu gendut kok eth. ngapain ngiri. sapa bilang gendut lebih jelek daripada kurus? gw jauh lebih suka jadi gendut daripada kurus :D
haha. iya. gw tau sih itu bisa ngarang ngarang aja ramalannya. tapi yang ngebuat kaget ya karena bisa berubah.....
....bahkan dalem waktu 1/2 jam !!!!!
kan gw rada rada ngeri juga.
gw pingin liat deh dia berubahnya kaya apa. kaya etch-a-skecth gitu gak ya....
my thought, exactly :shudder:
over here, nobody's ever heard of cacingan. that's why when i was little, and i played in the rain (aka mud), my mum panicked and asked my dad to send us a pack of combantrin, hahaha.
negara beradab sih gak usah khawatir :\
tapi ternyata gw gak cacingan tuh. perut gw alhamdulillah belum menunjukkan tandatanda kebuncitan.
bokap gw sih yakin gw busung lapar :o
tapi pasti dia becanda...
...ya kan? :(
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