don't fucking ask me about camping. i swear if someone asks me again i'm going to start fucking swearing, and eventually explode. i'm pretty unreliable, so don't fucking ask me to do shit and i won't let you down. by the way, you would think that my own mother would be a little more understanding, having a kid at 17 and all. fuck i hate her.
my head is splitting. splitting with fuck. fuck. screw school. all i want to do is sleep and throw up, today was probably a good day, considering... i like sick days. as long as the sick isn't overwhelming. i don't want to go back tomorrow.
fuck you stupid tunnel vision, anti-peircing tsawwassen kids. all i got was my ears and i've been ridiculed for the last 3 days. fuck you. simpsons been suprisingly nice though. other people haven't been so nice.