Dear LiveJournal,
I'm so s i c k of people.
I like random (LONG) surveys.
Name -Brenna Rochellllllle
Nick Name(s)-Hey bitch.
Birthday -8/23
Age - 15
Age you wish you were- A little older, maybe eighteen.
Birthplace- Dallas, Tx, DUHHH.
Current Location-Eulezz.
Eye Color- Brown
Haircolor- Natural? Brown. Right now? Brown-ish black-ish blond-ish
Height- 5'5 or somethingggg.
Righty/Left?Ambidextrous-Right-y O.
Sexuality-STRAIGHT, NIG.
What grade are you in-11th
Do You
Swear -All the time. I should quit.
Drink - Sometimes..
Want to go to College- Yes.
Want to get Married- Not sure, Marriage might ruin things.
Belive in yourself-Fucking right.
Think you are Attractive- Do you?!
Get along with your parents-For the most part.
Like thunderstorms- Yeah.
Play an instrument -Used to.
If yes, what one(s) -Violin.
Consider yourself tolerant of others -Not really, no.
Trust others easily -No. You have to gain it.
Whad do you like most about your body-The fact that my body is a part of me, basically, I am that bad ass.
Least -Nothing.
Are you a health freak- I go through random periods like that.
Your heritage -Uhhhhh, I'm part Spanish?
Place to eat- Cafe Express, Taco Bell, and nothing else.
Person -MYSELF. I never needed anybody.
Drink -Water, Dr. Pepper, Vodka.
Band/Singer -Blood Brothers
MusicGenre -I don't see the relevance of this question, I like a lot.
Color -Red or Green.
TV Show- Fuck Tv, It would probably be CSI if I watched it.
Sexual Fantaasy -Don't EVER get those.
Turn on -YOU
Season - Fall
Weather- Tornadoez
Late night activity-I dont know. Depends on whats going on that night.
Animal -KITTTTTTIES <333
Have you ever
Drank alcohol -DUH.
Thought about committing suicide -This isn't relevant AT ALL. to me.
Cut yourself, on purpose -Nope, cutting is for babiez.
Had surgery -Sure, why not.
Been out of the country- Not yet.
Played strip poker -I think so. But, since I'm an expert poker player, nothing happened to me.
Want to (again) -Not really.
Slept in bed with someone of the opp sex, that isn't related to you, w/o having sex- Basically, yes.
Kissed the same sex- Unfortunately yes.
Dated the same sex -No.
Done anything sexual with the same sex -No, I'm not a dyke, k?
Been betrayed- Yessss.
Killed an animal on accident -NO, I DIDNT RUN OVER A SQUIRREL.
On purpose- No way.
Been on Radio/TV -Yeah.
Danced in the rain -Only every time it rains.
Had a reoccurring dream -Yeah.
If is; do describe -My mom died, I died, you died. The world ended. I had sex with Jared Leto.
Have you colored your hair -Yeah.
Have any tattoos -Nope.
If yes; where -Read above, dick-head.
Cook -Bitches cook stuff for me.
Talk to yourself -No, I'm not Jordan.
Have actual conversations with yourself -NO!
Sleep walk -Used toooo.
Snore -Not that I know of.
Name one thing you're obsessed with -Right now, a song by the Peaches. <3
Fall sleep better with the TV/Radio on -No. That's for babies.
Take walks in the rain -Yeah.
Do you wish it were more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a boy out -Of course.
In the past month -
Drank alcohol -A little.
Smoked -Yeah.
Been on drugs -Yeah, not going to lie.
Gone on a date -PLENTY.
Eaton an entire box of Oreos yourself -No, fatass.
Eaten sushi -Yessss.
Been on stage -My room basically is a stage.
Been dumped -Nope.never.
Gone skinny dipping -No.
(ever gone skinny dipping) - NOPE.
Stolen Anything -Yeahhhh.
Been called a tease -HAHAH, YES.
Regret something you did -Yeah, not anymore though.
Regret something you didn't do -All the time.
This/That -
Soda or Coffee -Coffee.
Coffee or Cappuccino -Cappuccino.
Chocolate or Vanilla -Vanilla > Chocolate, ANY day.
Briefs/Pantis or Boxers(on yourself) -Panties?!
Spandex or Shorts(on yourself) -SPANDEX IS FOR TOUGH MOTHER FUCKERS.
Skateboarding or Blading -HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
Windows or Macintosh or Unix(Linux)- WINDOWZ.
Loner or Group(on average preferred) -Sure.
Passive or Aggressive -Passive.
Optimistic or Pessimistic -Pessimistic.
Pepsi or Coke -Cocaine in a can. (Coke)
McDonald's or Burger King -They both suck.
Single or group Dates -Don't know.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea -I make my own tea, and it's not either of those, k?
In a Boy/Girl...
Favorite Eye Color -Blue or Green.
Favorite Hair Color -Brown.
Short or Long hair -Longgggg.
Height- Taller den me.
Body Type -What?
Best clothing style -Seriously, you guys are 222 picky.
Number of Piercings -I don't care. You gotta be hot with them.
Number of Tattoos -NONE. Tattoos aren't classy.
Glasses -Sure.
Party hopper or more stay at home -Either/or.
Kisses -
Do you like kissing -Who doesn't?
Do you only kiss one person on the lips- I really don't get this question..
If so who -I didn't get it the first time.
Do you prefer tongue or no tongue -THIS IS STUPID.
Where is the best place to be kissed on your body - AS HELL.
Worst place -FUCK YOU.
Last person who -
Turned you on -I don't get turned on, sorry.
Made you laugh -Umm, Taylor.
Laughed at your joke(s) -I don't remember.
Made you cry -Probably Polish Mark. I dont even know why, though. haha.
Brightened your day -Everyone.
You saw a movie with -James, Joe, Lori, Mark.
What makes you cry your heart out -Seeing dead animalz.
Do tears make eyes look pretty -This question is lame.
What do you do when you're angry -BEAT DA' SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE, or listen to Daughters.
What makes you happy -Teh Sims, hahahaha.
What/who makes you smile uncontrollably -My friends?
Who cheers you up more than anyone else -All of my friends.
Your weakness -Don't know, actually.
Your biggest fear -Being murdered, drowning, etc.
Your perfect pizza -None at all.
Goal you would like to achieve this year -Make better decisions.
Your most overused phrase/word on an instant messenger - Sick-O, haha, etc. etc. and so forth..
Thoughts first waking up - What time is it?
Your bedtime - Whenever I please.
Your most missed memory - Elementary school, 9th grade <3345
Have any pets -Yethhhh.
Who's the person you talk to the most online - A lot of different people...uhmmm, Jordan, James, Mark, Taylor, etc?
Who are you on the phone most with- Ummmmmmm..
Who do you trust the most -Close friends
Who listens to your problems most - My friends, I don't tell anything to my parentz. Ever.
Who do you fight with the most - Brotherrrrrrs.ANIMALS.
Name someone's arms you feel safest in: -Jesus's, HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.