(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 15:12

Alright so i haven't updated since i've been back from Camp...which was an amazing experience ;]

So here is goess....Even though it's pointless && not like anyone reads this anyway.

Friday once i got home from camp Brian called me. He was at the Union Forever Fest. He told me to meet him there. So i went down. It was like 12 hours of Punk bands. It was pretty good. Taking Cadence && The David Hasselhoffs, && The Rydells were goood. Other than that ..eh, i don't know. We lost power. I got to see a couple penises && lots of pubssssss. And some amazing people. Then talked with Dylan && Bennny Barker for a bit. Then still hung out with Kyle , Andy && Brian. Then i left around 7ish becuase they lost power. So i went to Pizza Hut && Blockbuster. Then came home && chilleedddddd.
Saturday i had to wake up super early. Then pick up Rachel && go down to the commons by 10am. Which was where Youth Fest was being held. Another 20412501 hours of amazing bands. Brian's band played first. So as soon as we got there they were already practicing. So we went to Dunkin Donuts && the Getty Station. Then came back. They played for aw hile. Then we got to hang out with Brian && Kyle && Andy && a million other people forever. It went until 7 o' clock ish. But i ended up leaving pretty early....like 4:30. Taking Cadence was there again! I got some free CD's && TC is a wicked neeet band. We got some lunch. Kyle got into a fight with Brian/ Andy. Grant joined the band. Alot happened. We made pretty grafitti on Arthur's Market :] && whatever elseeee. Saw some good people who i have missed. And even got to play on the swings!!! Then went to work from 4:30- midnight.
Sunday i woke up super early once again && got all ready. Then walked to Sarah's house. then we went to Grace for church. Got back from there at like 9:30. Then went straight to True for MORE church. 4 hours of it. I wanted to die. I was so tired && so bored :[ Which sounds terrible. Then after church we....i dont know what we did. But we did something. OH YEAH.. We went out with Doug && Kyle for the day. Went driving for a couple hours. Then out for ice cream && the drive in. Then to my camp. Then to teh store. Then we all cam back to my house for a cookout. Then Sarah slept over.
Monday i hung out with Sarah all day. And Patrick, And Bri-Bri && Josh. Then i did whatever. I went over Sarah's house. Then she had to go to work. So me && Rachel && Katie hung out. Then Glenn, Craig, Greg && Brenden came over. We all jsut hung out. Then Brian picked me up && we went to his band practice. Hung out at Gran'ts house with Kyle && Andy. Had some fun. Then headed home around 9ish..
Tuesday I hung out with Patrick && Bri-Bri. Then Bri-Bri they had to leave to go bring Pat to the airport because he was flying out to go see his girlfreind in Ohio. Then Bri-Bri came back. so we went to Ron's house. Because his flight landed && he was on his way home from Cali!!! So we hung out at his house by ourseles for like an hour. Then he came home with Josh && Nick.. We hung out with him for a bit. Then Sarah came over my house. Then we left for camping. When we got to the camp ground we ate some ice cream && hungo ut. Then we went swimming && other stuff. We watched Ja[nese HJopscoth..it is interesing. We just hung out or whatever until 10:30. Then went back to the tralior && watched tv until we went to sleep. I SAW S C O T T I E !!!!!
Yesterday We woke up pretty early && watched some tv. Then we got all ready && went swimming. Went back to the tralior for lunch. Then went && got ice crem. Went swimming again. Went down the water slide. Made some sippy cups in the art shop...AND SAW S C O T T I E !!! Then we left aroaund 2:30. Sarah wenthome. Then i hung out over ron's house with Nick. Then me && Ron played in the rain. Then it thundered so we went inside. Then at 5:30 i picked up Brian. Then went to Epping to meet up with my cousins. We went out for pizza. Then Brianna && Heather came back to my house. So did Brian. && Kayla, Sarah && RAchel came over too. We just kind of hung out && did some fun stuff. Then Kay, Sarah && Rachel left at 9:30. So did Brian. Then Heather && Brianna slept over.
Today We woke up around 8ish && got all ready. Then Jakki came to pick us up. We went to my house. Dropped off Brianna && Heather for a meeting because they might be coming to my school!! Then Jakki && I went to the bank, Cafe on the Corner, Dunkin Donuts...SAW OLIVIA! Then to my moms work to see her. Then shopping! Then picked up Brianna && Heather. Then they dropped me off at my house. And i went to the gym with Sarah && Rachel. Then to Ron's house to get my house key back from him. Now i'm about to go to a doctors appt. Then camping again..and hanging out with some losers ♥

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