No apples are all tart and you can kill small children with them. Pears are more polite, and ok yes the texture is a bit untrustworthy, but so am I. The flavor of a pear is subtle and slightly green, and that makes it better than the beat-you-with-a-zibby-stick sour of apples. I don't even know what a zibby stick is. Fuck apples! Fuck them good.
I would eat pearsauce. Especially, like, if I was really old and didn't have any teeth. I was just remarking earlier how I would eat brownie slush, too. Now, brownie slush with pearsauce on top? That sounds fab.
Comments 9
I suppose I worded the question poorly. Which is better to eat, apples or pears.
I'm also not so fond of the mushy mushy type in syrup in cans. Those suck too. I can't even imagine wanting to put that in my mouth.
And can you imagine how gross something like "pearsauce" would be? Applesauce, sure, but not pearsauce. Ewww. ew ew ew.
But pears are definitely better.
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