part 2

Oct 19, 2010 19:03

ZOMBIE LIBS, AND NIBS: (Sat. insert): Begin your career fighting to defend the poor against these outrageous abuses:

Petty / Nibby
In Denial

But if you do so merely because you are fulfilling some role in the social dysfunction - because you are playing a game to gratify or live up to the demands or expectations of certain authority figures in your life - or because you wish to display that you oppose such figures, then when you are older, you will adopt these evils as your very Modus Operandi. And you will automatically and habitually project and blame these evils upon the very people in society whom you once set out to help.

It happens to so many Liberals - and to Commies and Socialists even more ruthlessly. Unless the disadvantaged or marginalised or radical or independent accept your now-false myth that, "I am the one who will help you," then your passive aggression against them turns to hatred and attack, because they will not support your social-status "need" for greedy control. And those authority figures you glorify, now figure most solidly in swaying what you do; and respect for those who do not have the authority, the POWER, is to be flagrantly disabused - abandoned with them, to the dogs.

These poor Liberals, pawns of the Right, cannot not be respected by the self-respecting poor, without taking advantage of that respect: reaching out their dead arms from the grave and trying to pull them down into their spiritual rot like zombie nibs. They are imprisoned behind the walls commanded by the likes of the TeaBaggers and the hypnotically conservative, who's only mission is to destroy anyone or anything that threatens the corporate elite, or the false promises made to an incoherent mob of belligerent old crazies riding around on Medicare-bought Rascal scooters.

This is the land of the unholy nibs, where no one leaves without sin or embarrassment, naked of ass. This is the land of contorting mirrors, everyone watching everyone else, and all blending into the same demented person, pulling his own pants down, both laughing and crying. Here is the circus of unrelenting gossip, as tasty as cake, as addictive as gingivitis - everyone dressed in suits, accusing everyone else of being a clown, and then denying it. "What? Oh! I was only clowning around!" And money makes the rounds like cocaine in a well-painted whore-house.

It is by spending a life, hob-knobbing with the right and the rich, kissing up to those you respect only because they can grind you into the ground with their heals if they wished, professionally speaking, but who so graciously spare you - it is by circulating as close to the envied, morally-correct elite as one can get, that these false-missionary Liberals lose their idealistic luster, and rise - conspire - with degrading society, pulling down the Empire, grabbing curtains of ideology as they go, falling together on the already-broken backs of the poor.

It's funny how the rabidly Liberal and the rabidly Conservative will start out in life, so in opposition to each other - but when they mingle in parties and the halls of Congress, presented with all manner of titillating heure derbs, they become just spiffy friends - as if each has more in common with the other than might any of the greater mass of humanity. When they both arrive in the yards of the ultimate elites, who are all FAMILIES - maybe merely the yards, yes, but still - they reach some cozy, Nirvanic, exclusive truce, as if now behaving well enough to garner favour, or attention, from the mythical parents INSIDE. As if they were in some kind of church, together, and so let not the servants break the righteous paralysis with so much as a breath. Nor let the unemployed so uncouthly rabble beyond the gates.

Oh, aspiring saviour, wishing so strong to fight injustice, and free the world, as the preferred idea of Father would have had it, you ape the Lord, imagining yourself divine, but you are no less ape. Seeing yourself, as imaginary others seeing you, as Jesus out to save the prostitutes - sipping wine with drunks and lepers. Slaving away like Mother Teresa. Living: AS IF. Living: As NARCISSUS. These pawns have souls of their own - and they are not of your business. They are only beholden to you if you love, honour and respect them for whom they are and wish to be. They are none of yours, if Missionary. It is only a matter of time before your sitting on your own alter. Ego. - Oh, right, you're an Atheist - I forgot. Sure. Very scientific.

And so, as it happens, sadly, the hollow, holy mission to control is no different than the mission to capitalise and exploit. And what come of morality debased? Decadence. Begin by saving the poor from the powerful, end by watching the poor wither away, throwing your loyalty to the only powers surviving, the rich, all the more tantalising. Watching the people you cared about, the people you helped, shrivel away in economically destructive time, and using that spectacle to decide that LIBERALISM does not work - and, therefore, it's time to go align with the RIGHT. "Why should I listen to that?" and not see that the mislabelling, the FALSE help, the hypocrisy and self-gratification, the pernicious abuse and, indeed, sabotage which was disguised within the "help". "Meaning well," had always been more important than doing well for others - and so it's time to turn the back, in defeat, and do well for oneself. Compassion fatigue is more often self-congratulation fatigue.

But I am not saying that generosity, love, respect, Liberals, religion, etc., are all bad things unto themselves. Not at all. I am speaking of their perversions. How it happens. How it ends. How it trends in a devolving society, where the pulls and temptations are very strong. So strong is the need to defile anyone of moral intention, or anyone pure of heart. So strong is the conspiracy against goodness - and so insidious, it is. I cannot judge how people begin - I can only see how things can and do go.

And no one is perfect. Working for the good of the poor can turn you into a jerk - because so many of the poor are asshats, angry, addictive, ungrateful, and so forth. But that's part of the package. And working alongside other strident, critical, politically correct, missionary Liberals - it could turn people into little monsters. It could develop within people an addiction towards creature comforts - and the relief of luxury - and into a habit of despising the poor. And, then there is the attendant GUILT.

Nevertheless, many well-meaning Liberals start out with a Romanticised characterization of the poor - of the disadvantaged, of minorities, of the homeless, of the mentally ill, of the immoral, of the incorrect, and so forth, which is flawed from the start. And this is something of a comfortable, cowardly or naive, disrespectful projection - not unlike the Colonial projections of "The Noble Savage", and so forth. For a continuation of this important topic, see the book: "A Renegade History of the United States" - check this - Written by a fellow who was raised in a Socialist family, as a poignant Challenge to some presumptions of the Left - (but, this is nothing like P.J. O'Rourke).

But, looking again at the damage that is done: Along the mission to salvage the renegades, there is a Liberal double standard which presumes to allow deeper and deeper invasion of privacy into the lives of these savages, the more they are seen as being dependent, annoying, or recalcitrant. On a large scale, this invasion, primarilly based on the intention to help, can be just as intrusive as the invasion from the Pattriot-Act Right, with which we are all - Allex Joans included - so familiar.

It partly begins with a belief in free communication: that poor people, who can be pried - preyed upon - ought to step up and answer any question given, (whereas far more deference is paid to the rich, powerful or successful). They may be grilled about their finances, drug use, etc., etc., even though it be none of anyone else's business. This is institutionalised in tonnes of intrusive paper-work they are expected to fill out - for Social Services, for housing, for Family Services, for Court, for Food Stamps, and so on, and so on.

Similarly, their possessions and their land are treated with profuse disregard, commonly taken away as if they had no intrinsic or sentimental value, but were instead little, bothersome, miniature enemies of the sttate. Watch the Commies and Squatters consume your property, once let in as your ideological mentors. Just as fundamentally bad as capitalist imperialism. Yet the property of the elites are somehow respected. It's something like the dysfunction within a family - treat family members with less respect than strangers. But the greatest incursion is into the self-possession of the individual him/herself - the liberty, the thought, the feelings, the safety, the morality...

In a declining economy, this abuse is hoist upon more and more of the middle class. Consider that, today, if we sign any kind of petition, say supporting gays, our names must be made public. But if a corporation, (even foreign), wants to pour millions of dollars, (from its general fund!), into certain political campaigns, it is allowed to do so completely anonymously, and without reproach, scrutiny, stigmatisation, or threats to life or limb. (end of insert)

EXPANDING FURTHER INWARDS: (Recall the stigmatisation of gossip, moral censure & consequent bullying)... Where once the Imperial expansion was outwards into reality, securing resources, building infrastructure, opening secrets and corruption to the light of day, believing in education and modernisation - believing in The Constitution - NOW the expansion is inwards, towards pilfering the souls out of the Free and the Brave. Trespassing has gone deeper and deeper underground. Into the fricken sewers. Into privatising the fricken sewers. Where once it was all about profiting from reality, now it is all about gaining power through manipulating the insides of people. "You don't have Intestinal Fortitude! Nyah!" For WE are the source of our wealth. We are the powers to mine. Our crap is a precious commodity. Dirty laundry. We dare to defy the grave, so long as we can control the mortality of others amongst us. That buys us special tickets to immortality. Science and God liken us unto gods.

Um, wait... uh... China... Um, you're going to deny China... Its computer parts in our nukkes? And out-sourcing... And our decimated manufacturing base.... BP oil spill toxins... and Global Warming....?? And almost no more Unions?... You think that's such a good idea? DOWN COMES THE BOOT. "SLAM!", go the steel doors. But, but, but... wait! Inflation! What about inflation?!!! CRAZY TALK! YOU'RE TALKING CRAZY TALK!

And PRIVATISATION closes like the jaws of a viper on the freedom of the Government...

THIRD WORLD AMERICA?: In this very journal, long before the crash, I predicted, AS IF DANGEROUSLY PARANOID, that this country would not only experience a crash, but would subsequently slide into third-world-nation status. That is exactly what is happening. After all the economic problems, you'd think we'd learn enough to stop outsourcing jobs overseas. Nope. The last 6 months have shown a large INCREASE of outsourcing - the highest rate ever! Yay! Our elections are being bought by China, etc., via the USCOC FOREIGN MONEY, etc., through such bullshit, fly-by-night non-profits as:

americans for prosperity - david koch / RNC
american crossroads - karl rove
crossroads gps - karl rove
americans for health and security
americans for tax reform - grover norquist
the club for gowth
the senate conservative (committee?)
americans for job security
americans future fund

The US Chamber of Commerce (USCOC), (, launders Foreign Money to fight USA progressive candidates! - "US Chamber (of Commerce) WATCH"! - on USCOC (US Chamber of Commerce) - Bob Vadick(sp?) - on failure of NETWORKS to cover USCOC FOREIGN MONEY - (anti-USCOC foreign money) - PA progressive running for congress opposing USCOC foreign $ - USCOC $ vs dick defasio of eugene OR congress candidate

Mortgage foreclosures and unemployment applications are up yet again. And Wall Street is planning on cutting 10% of IT'S OWN WORKFORCE because, despite the upswing, because it sees nothing but years of decline ahead. This month: The largest trade deficit in history. The REPUBLICANS, (including TeaBaggers), are talking about dismantling Social Security, eliminating funding for Education, coming down on the gays, and ad infinitum. As I said, when the economy stalls, conservatives have no choice but to conspire to out-do each other in taking us BACKWARDS, deeper into dysfunction. The GDP and Wall Street and CEOs make more money when DISASTERS happen to other people. Junk bonds and hedge funds and corporate raids and Ponzi Schemes and credit-default swaps, etc., are all BASED ON THIS VERY LOGIC OF DYSFUNCTION. Down is now up, and up is now down. War becomes peace, the peaceful become the enemy.

To reiterate: "And, no surprise, what has been - entropically - creeping into the cracks of this 30-year cloak of denial? Oh - floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, freezes, droughts, methane, BP, global warming... Reality has been asserting itself all the stronger, while we weren't looking. That is THE WAY OF NATURE. And we have been carrying on like lobotomised ants, not knowing a damn thing about what we have been doing."

HOW I FIT INTO THIS: What I want is not to be sick. But, I NEED to take care of my illness. That is the reality. Oddly, people are obsessed with this "need" to believe that I am not really sick - that I am a bum, a hermit, gay, crazy - well, so long as they stay out of my life, and do not make it harder, my illness doesn't care about that and neither do I. It is pathetic and pathological, however. To see them go out of their way about this - to see their fixation and obsession - like the crazy Republicans on the "9//11 Mosqque" issue. It's all a diversion - a cover for those even higher near the top. (hmmm... Like for, maybe, say, The Carlyle Group, Haliburton, the Bin Ladddens...). If not for CFS, my wants and needs would be fulfillable - normal, healthy ones. It would be swell to be able to work, make money, get the hell away from this all.

A thought occurred to me: A major function of morality is to make most people do the same things at the same times. Work all week. Debauch on Saturday. Get all holly and humble on Sunday. Over and over again - (ha! See my "IDIOTS" post, where I tell the story of the schizophrenic Village Idiot!) But I don't do anything at the same time as anyone else, other than sleeping - and not so much even that. Consequently, I see different things, I hear different radio programmes, I HAVE to cram all my efforts into a few hours when I'm well, and this means a different kind of social interaction. I lie in bed for hours and days, in pain, and this creates very different insights and views. So, in a lot of way, crazy things often happen to me - and I am often targetted, as well as ignored - simply because I am on a different "schedule".

I am going to hell because I do not live in any real U.S. Time Zone. I've been a bad bacteria.

I spend a lot of time with LJ. And this is now my primary way of feeling connected to people. And that is why this hermit is not necessarilly crazy, and will not necessarilly die young. OMG - I've cracked the system!! OMG - I'm a danger to your children!! Please, I BEG you, SEND ME TO AUSTRALIA, AS MY PUNISHMENT! And keep your hands off my sparkly red rocks, btw!

ECONOMICS AND THE DECLINE OF EMPIRE: Today gold and silver have set yet-again record highs. If you know anyone who has a 401-K or IRA, tell them they really need to get out of them now. If they switch them to a personal account, they can save on paying an extra commission. I'd also get out of any CDs. Invest in solid long-terms - esp. gold, esp. in-hand. Do NOT invest in U.S. Bonds, gold/silver bank certificates or futures options, or (longer-term) palladium. Do not invest in corn unless you plan to jump out within a week or two. If you want to stay in the stock market, stay only BRIEFLY - and invest in overseas stocks - (but not Swiss), copper, lithium, palladium (shorter term), money-market funds, (oil - although it would be an immoral thing to do), builders of road, water & electricity/green infrastructure in India & China (ditto), gold-based investments, Caterpillar, Ugh (benefits China), MacDonalds, used cars and parts, LED lightbulbs, Sam Adams... I'd like to suggest many GREEN and hemp stocks, but you might want to wait for the market to crash first.

(Fri Oct 15 - 11:am): Rough morning - this is day #6 - but I might finally be able to do something this afternoon, and post this.

There are practical solutions to the metamorphosis of dysfunctional Empire into fascism, but the underlying dysfunctional psychology doesn't want to permit them. Only through a second collapse or a devastating war would this change. Something is coming to kick the Boomers ass once and for all - but that something could result in fascism or destruction just as much as it could offer progress.

Among the many practical solutions: Grassroots-up credit and investment; hemp; solar/green; a massive programme to decentralise agriculture; significant fees on goods manufactured overseas; cutting the payroll tax / giving an employee credit; seed money for green industries and research; revolutionising the Fed system; breaking up the banks; suspending and ending many failed mortgages; reinstalling legislation which regulates Wall Street and commodities futures trading, and ending the hyperspace derivatives / financial instruments juggernaut; regulating hedge funds; separating BANKS from WS gamblers like Goldman-Sachs; bringing back the Uptick Rule, eliminated in 2007; restructure and regulate the out-of control, anti-small-investor computer stock-trading system; preventing future Flash-Crashes; putting criminal banksters in jail; setting a ratio for worker-to-CEO pay; only allow CEO bonuses according to the real productivity of those CEOs and or as a percentage of their wages, as now done in Europe; SINGLE PAYER; end the Bush tax cuts for the rich; actually APPLYING anti-trust laws; ending the media-monopoly cancer by ending the telecommunications bill which was signed by Clinton; some tariffs which are fair and equivalent to tariffs already imposed against us; IMPEACHING 5 SUPREME COURT JUDGES AND DECLARING "CITIZENS UNITED" UNKONSTEETUTIONAL; campaign finance reform; end the Senate filibuster in this session and cut it down to a 55 majority for future sessions; investment in infrastructure; AND SO MUCH MORE...

And I once had big, creative ideas that would have, if ever manifested, could have made this country into heaven-on-earth - but all the good ideas don't matter if the country is run by jackasses and idiots, and the people are the equivalent of a bunch of tree stumps. One idea I had today, for example, would have large trans-nationals broken up - into various competing smaller companies, and into one LARGE company still able to compete with large foreign companies overseas - and the domestic companies would pay membership fees, and/or own stock of, the LARGE company, which would pay them dividends. Whenever the LARGE company acted in a way destructive to the domestic economy, the smaller companies could withhold their financial input - or such. Imagine an entire economy built on this organisational model - very healthy. Another idea - bunch several precious metals together, maybe add a little oil and water, set the weight, and then base a currency on a fraction of the value of this unit. Another idea: Trade by the week and QUARTER - I'll discuss this later, when I can remember it again - it's pretty good. And other ideas have been offered in some of my posts, esp. from around 3 years ago. (Book: To be released in Spring, by FT {Financial Times} Press - "Crap-Shoot: How Congress, etc., Turned the Stock Market Into a Casino", by Jim MacFague(sp?) and Barons Washington).

However, as it stands, the trends are moving in the opposite direction of any such progress.

Must rest....

(Noon): (Note: DELIBERATE MIS-SPELLING). Can you imagine this country in the future, broken up into five separate new countries, some of them belonging to China or Mexico, and highly surveilled, while emaciated American moms sit along the sides of the roads with starving, dying pot-bellied babies? No - this could NEVER even be possible! Even if we hit really terrible times, we have so much might we could FIGHT our way out of it! Not so. It is worth considering, that these things may come to be. To deny even entertaining the POSSIBILITY is just like the people I've described, seeing someone disadvantaged, having no clue of their reality, and yet presuming to know and do what's best for that person - TO that person.

You don't think these things can happen? They're happening NOW. Fox news thinks it has a right to select the GOP's next Presidential candidate. Fox news is a foreign corporation - run by China-buddy Murdoch and an Arabian oil sheik. There is a reason and a strategy for Fox's endless propaganda - it serves the interests of certain groups and countries - not ours. China is "LEGALLY" buying our elections away from us through the turn-coat US Chamber of Commerce. Our Supreme Court is unconstitutional, just like our last president. Obama is already a puppet. AND, we have vast voting machine tampering, and election fraud, already in place for the November elections - AND 1/3 less polling places!

We dismiss the TeaBaggers, but they are well funded, and they don't need to make much progress to give Congress back to the Republicans. Across the country, Republicans have one thing in common: Work to deestroi the FEADRAL government, and bring back a confederacy of different, separate, independent states. Don't look now, they may succeed. One day. For example, we may want to dismiss it, but they will take the Health Care mandate question to the Supreme Court, and it may likely decide that the Feadral Government does not have the right to "force people" to buy health care insurance - and that it must cede other interstate commerce powers to the states.

Corporate-funded Republican elitists are advocating removing the minimum wage, removing overtime pay, and basically bringing the whole Chinese SWEAT-SHOP concept back to America. We have millions of people desperate for work, and people talking about letting a few of them work for PENNIES, with no benefits or security. Republicans have blocked jobs bills, the bill to help small businesses, and the bill to place a fee on companies which outsource jobs! See anything positive in that? Meanwhile: Let's hit the hot buttons and turn people against Gays, Moslems, Jews, aliens, etc., so they can't focus on their wealth being stolen away.

The President now has the power to order ass-ass-eenations of American citizens WITHOUT DUE PROCESS, without divulging any reason, evidence, or explanation, by saying that this info cannot be revealed because IT IS A STATE SECRET. Think this is far fetched? Obama has allowed just such an order to occur. This is not theory - it is fact.

Right now, we have federl aggents bullying the little guy, the poor mother, children, poor people. Because these aggents are motivated not by virtue or being right, or even legal, but by corruption. Do you think they have the guts to confront the Mexican Gov't and/or drueg-king thugs who send them back their boss' head in a suitcase? They don't have the balls to confront those neo-Aztecs. So, if Texas says it wants to sexcede from the USA, and mexico says it wants to help them, do you think the Feaderl government is going to want to mess with that - when it is already bogged down with a depression, two or three expensive wars in the Middle East / Asia, other sexceding states, and China now trying to wheedle it's way into owning California? See - it can really happen.

The economy can drop like a stone. Hyperinflation is certain, the dollar is beginning its fall, and depression is probable. Bonds are destined to crash within a few years - that means China will say, "We loaned you all this money, and now we want it back!" What happens then? China will be becoming more economically independent internally - we will be becoming the opposite. China is controlling up to 90% of all rare metals - needed to build solar cells, catalytic converters, lithium batteries, computers, etc. China is exploiting those famous metals in Afghanistan, while we're over there blowing people up. Our politicians are beholden to BP, and other transnationals. So China can withstand where we cannot.

And you think we have so much military might? China, and others, have the means of hakkng into our electricity grids and shutting them down. They have the means to shut down selective computer systems on the internet - veritably, almost the whole internet. They have computer parts in our nuklear misssssls - which is insane - which could shut them down. It only takes a selective strike on a newk plant or two to really harm this country. It would not take a newklear wor to destroy us - all it would take would be an EMP strike by two newk explosions high above the country, disabling our entire electrical networks and appliances - followed by a swift invaziion or demand. They killd so many baby girls, now they're filling up with males who wouldn't mind seeing a little militry adventure. They have a space programme. And so on. Finally, certain groups in China are clearly in cooperation with feadrl intelligens groops and groups contrary to USA PROPER economic and security interests.

So - talk about konspeeracy theories - there you have it. They need to be considered. Plan for the worst, expect the best.

There are supra-human forces working together, based on selfish-interest; cavalier elitist or doctrinaire ideologies of "humanitarianism" or supremasissm; theology; nashunalism, and mere anti-entropic coincidence. To not consider these forces, and put them into perspective, is to be foolish. Empire uses them, as it uses corrupt economy, and dysfunctional mass and elite psychologies, to doggedly pursue its vapid goals, always ending in it's running itself into the ground, and dragging the world with it.

"The answer to 1984 is 1776."

And the silly thing is, when I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to become an F x B x I Ajent. Now I just want to disappear without a trace. Sillier things have happened. Tell despairfaery she gets my glass slippers.

ON THE PRESERVATION OF REPUBLICANS: (Sun Oct 17? 9:am): I'd just like to add a little bit about politics, since this is only one of three ways we have of changing things, (besides voting with our wallets, and changing our psychology/society and values). The solution is to vote - I'll say that right off. It is not to be dissuaded by the corrupt state of politics today. Behind very much of this sorry state is a deliberate tactic of the elite-allied Republicans to demoralise you and keep you from voting. The less people vote in general, the greater chance Republicans have of winning. So, when I discuss a little of how Republicans have been successfully employing tactics which are undermining democracy, please remember that, rather than getting depressed by this, the best thing do do is to get motivated to do everything you can to vote and to inspire others to vote. In keeping with the topic of how Empire is seeking to preserve itself, and so sliding towards fascism:

I want to describe the extent of the insult - yes, it will sometimes seem like more insane konspeeracy theery... must rest....

(11:am): OK - first of all, we have this little problem in U.S. elections which they don't have in Europe. We basically have two permanent parties, and so only two corrupt candidates, and either one or the other wins. That is a structural flaw, which give people the illusion that they can really change things. The reality is that only through large popular movements influencing a party, or a party co-opting the move towards a third party, do real things change in our favour - otherwise, things change in favour of the powers that be. The Reagan revolution pretty much locked us into the latter for 30 years. (In Europe, on the other hand, there is run-off voting, and/or proportional representation and parliamentary coalitions). The main thing is, this structural flaw heavilly favours the status quo.

How? Well, for one thing, it ever-equivalates the two parties, and two candidates. This means that, even though Tweedle Dum may be a back-stabbing scoundrel, he can be considered an "equal" option to Tweedle Dee, based on party ideology or myths, whereas Tweedle Dee could be the best, most decent candidate for the job, he is lowered to moral and popular equivalence to Teedle Dum. So, we have been forever stuck in this Old Testament either/or, black vs white mentality, which installs our policies, and keeps us subservient.

The frustration and demoralisation which this evokes in people who want real change, who see the politically-motivated moral ambivalence and paralysis carried over into actual governance, discourages a large number of people from voting, and so works to the advantage of the party wanting things not to change, the conservatives. Republicans, though in the minority, are diligent voters. AND, it is important to note, the elite foster moral ambivalence in their upper echelons, and amongst their political pawns.

An example of the voter ambivalence or ambiguation surrounding the, shall we say, "BASE 2" model, can be demonstrated in the recent debate between the two Senatorial candidates in Delaware: Christine Sabrina O'Donnell, and Chris Conehead Kuhns(sp?). The latter, a Dem, is fairly competent, intelligent, eloquent - and critical of the latter's ditziness. O'Donnell is brimming with nonsense and self-interest - but she is the pick of the corporate elite, who WANT an idiot electorate. What did people say after the debate, wherein O'Donnell made a fool out of herself? "Well, we found Sabrina to be vague. But Conehead seemed condescending." Well, no mention of policy or proposals - which is WHY Conehead seemed "condescending" - it's all based on feelings. Meanwhile, the GOP continues its Beer-y'all Pusche, presenting a flurry of cute, quirky ditzes.

Well, the Base 2 model is not merely taken advantage of, it is - with all it's attendant ambivalence - it is perpetuated in fact, and in social psychology, EXTENSIVELY across society. How? Well, this little thing called virtual "equal time", is one example. The corporate networks, quite predictably, always even out the race, because it improves ratings. As soon as Obama is down, a flurry of stories or interviews pop up, criticising something about McCain, and vice versa. Even polls are contrived to fit this manipulation, to the extent that they can be. Now, regarding this upcoming election, you can expect a surge in stories beneficial to Dems, and in their ratings, near the end of the race. This is because the networks do not really have too much to fear, corporately, from a Democratic majority continuing in Congress.

The case of Fox News is something different. Fox, like Clear-Channel, has run at a LOSS in the past, pushing actual propaganda, like Beck and Limbaugh, in the service of more ulterior motives, and the broader interests of elite organisations and countries. It is possible that other network CEOs might choose to switch to the Fox mode, but probably not soon.

Never underestimate the ruthlessness, guile and persistence of the elite-oriented and/or fanatically fundamentalist Republicans in planning out their electoral strategies, years in advance. These strategies also involve a high degree of public manipulation. And never underestimate the Liberal and Progressives' blind confidence in the ultimate triumph of the American intelligence. The Nixon gang, which goes back to the NSA of 1947, sent out it's Cheney and Rumsfeld goons back in the 1970's, who conspired with Bush 1, John Birch, and others, to first bring us Reagan, with the help of the IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS - and now, after a conspiracy of think-tanks and sleazy funders, we have the TeaBaggers, who's main purpose is to move the country further to the right, so that other Republicans will appear centrist, reasonable and considerate. People scoffed at the thought of Reagan getting elected, and today they scoff at TeaBaggers and Palin gaining prominence. Big mistake to underestimate.

When Republicans lose, they schmooze. They worm their way into the confidence of liberal suckers. While the poor sit outside in the cold. Meanwhile, their political representatives may be holding up the Senate for months on end, like spoiled children. And when they win, they abandon the schmoozing, because they don't need it - they can now make life worse for the poor, and middle class, right out in the open. Back and forth, back and forth, setting up the liberals to eventually fail in their programs. Witness: The Bush tax breaks, set up to expire NOW. (The politics behind this is worth your checking into, btw). They play Good Santa, then they play Bad Santa - and basically, so far, the Liberals limp along, like a partner in a two-legged pants race.

Years ahead of time, and in cahoots with Blue Dog Democrats and turn-coats like Lieberman, the GOP plans out it's cute little cut-throat strategies. I don't doubt that Harry Reid was chosen as Senate leader, because the GOP knew he would be easilly defeatable now, after their torppedoing of the Senate, if they merely ran against him some large dominatrix grannie. Very telegenic. While Obama seeks to take the long-term, pragmatic approach, as in trying to get CONGRESS to eliminate "Don't-Ask, Don'tTell" PERMANENTLY, the GOP brings in The Log Cabin Republicans to mess it all up in the mean time, and for the future, making Obama look very bad. Slash and burn Reptilian-Brain, "PARTY OF NO" tactics, while the Libs put all confidence in rationality, cooperation, and the theoretical long-term.

Think-tanks coming up with the next scandalous diversions: The "Ground Zero Mosque"; OJ Simpson-type media circuses; suspicious "disappearances"... As well as coming up with rhetorical, buzz-word, stigmatic, talking-point, symbolic, and actual political, strategies. (Plus, let us not forget the 1984 practice of scaring us into submission through Terribleist Alerts, and examples of terrible acts of terribleism). Many of their political ads almost seem benign, calling for deficit-reduction - but they are all together weighting heavilly against the Dems, along with attack ads filled with lies and innuendo, posted by fly-by-night non-profits, funded anonymously by giant trans-nationals interested in breaking down environmental, etc., regulations and moving jobs overseas. The Supreme Court's decision giving corporations personhood, anonymous free "speach" was decades in the planning. And it relied on the illicit installation of GWB in 2000 and 2004, to pack the Court.

In addition to that now-"legal" funding, there has been funding from illegal activities, such as dreug-running; armms-running; the $7 billion that disappeared in the Iraq war, and money that dissapeared into TARP giveaways and loans. Not to mention the NWO sphere, where such things as gold taken out of Japan after WWII, finance a whole realm we don't even see.

Well, to cover the gaping discrepancies in public philosophy, such as sending jobs overseas, destroying the environment, and so on, the elite-oriented Republicans, and complicit Democrats, have the need to create illusions, sleight-of hand, magic, to try to make people ignore the contradictions, and the rape. The primary card they pull is always, "HATE this or that ENEMY, and give our military-contractor and intelligence buddies MORE MONEY through BORROWING so we can blame the deficit on future LIBERALS." They also have an interest in Rabid Fundamentalist Conservatives shouting at funerals, "GOD HATES FAGS," because this diverts attention, divides the electorate against itself, and make conservative pundits look perfectly nice when they say, "What ever happened to CIVILITY?" It's al a sham - and a ploy.

Another thing they did to obfuscate their raids was to require that the TARP be initiated during BUSH, but being carried into OBAMA. Now, virtually every man on the street thinks Obama was responsible for the expensive TARP, which they now confuse with the more productive STIMULUS BILL that followed. I call this, "The TARP Overbite".

FUNDAMENTALISM: Now we come full circle. I have said before that when the economy falters, Progressive may at least tread water - but Conservatives have nowhere else to go but backwards - into the muck of blame; invasion of privacy; divide-and-conquer; abuse, neglect and exploitation of the burgeoning lower class; vulgar antics; negativity; running idiots for office; targetting enemies and provoking wars, and so forth. It's because they all race to the bottom, trying to out-do each other, to prove their fundamentalist "moral righteousness", ("Patriotism"), as well as to fight for attention from their rich overlord elites. The result is that they become even more hypocritical, between the promises they make to the populace, and the sins they commit for self-promotion and greed. But this ambiguation reflects - as cause and as effect - the wider psychological ambiguation across society. Recall the ambivalence towards voting, confronted by such things as the Base 2 model, and the Catch-22 control-vice upon the poor.

This is the very psychological essence of fascism. Conservatives, seeking NO CHANGE - i.e., the PRESERVATION OF EMPIRE - instead become rampantly destructive, in their conspiracy to take society backwards, and downwards. They inevitably resort to spouting Fundamentalist "principles". And one reason for this phenomenon, is that the slightest sneeze sets off their paranoia, and off they rush to crucify the sneezer - to show off as the biggest bully on the lot. It's all motivated by fear, and greed. By the way, here's a little logical trick they employ: They hire lawyers to justify their greed. But they can't justify their greed unless "proving" that their FEARS are justified. And they can't justify the fears without proving that a terrible enemy exists - mainly by instilling fear in others. And they can't legally or scientifically "prove" this enemy without either fabricating this enemy, or fabricating untrue evidence in support of their claims - as was their rationale for waar with Iraq. It explains the attacks on Unions, immigrants, etc., etc.

So, there is this perverse ambiguation. They seek to use this ambiguation - the confusion and dissonance it creates in society, by stealing the show, creating the thunder, making bullshit promises to the middle class. Making them think that tax cuts for the rich are morally correct, and even beneficial to the middle class. On the one hand, they are patting you on the back, while on the other hand, they are picking your pocket.

Part of social ambiguation is the growing division of the personal psyche, between allegiances, between moralities, between choices, between fear and desire, between sense and insanity, etc. That is precisely why Empire likes to grow INWARDS, to exert it's control, during decline - to make this muddled mess in people's heads, by invading their privacy, in, yo, a whole spectrum of ways, or insults. Leaving them as if raped, in a daze, their victims become powerless. Sheeple. DEMORALISED. The elite like the dissonance. They like their politicians further dividing minority against minority. But THE INVASION OF PRIVACY is most delicious.

I have discussed how and why Empire grows inwards, to invade privacy. I have described how and why some Liberals become fixated on invading privacy. I have discussed how gossip enjoys invading privacy, and consequently producing coward-bullies, in its service. And I have pointed out several examples of how our privacies are being invaded - on the phone, on the internet, in bureaucratic red tape, etc. But I have not discussed what motivates CONSERVATIVES to invade privacy, because, basically, we all pretty much know about that. They do it for two main reasons: Fundamentalism, and selfish gain - competitive gain of social prestige or money. These two reasons are ultimately related, hand-in-glove - just as the moneyed elites are related to the fundamentalist TeaBaggers.

Let's take the second one first. In the atmosphere of a dysfunctional economy, conservatives are basically cowards, chattering amongst themselves, puffing themselves up. Afraid of change. Ready to blame others for change. Most of them putter away their lives in quietly picking pockets in a professional, legal, business-like manner, living off the profits, creativity, labour, and risk-taking of others. Their mission is to steal. To take credit for other people's creations. To become very wealthy, and in control. But never to get caught. Now this, in itself, is obviously rife with moral ambiguation. It becomes a denial-driven addiction to secretly compete with people, to prove themselves always morally "RIGHT".

And, so, being cowards, they are endlessly obsessed with the personal lives and "problems" of other people - they find this can be profitable, through gossip, through bribing, through co-opting, through exposing, and so on. Caught in the web of proper, paranoid gossip themselves, they enjoy living in this hell, the fear of being exposed, and proceed to quietly persecute others not so indentured to it - such as people who like to have crazy hot sex. And, this perversity of invading privacy, with all it's motivators, can be common across the POPULAR society, as well. That's the whole point of FOX and TMZ.

Both arms of the conservative beast scratch each other's backs - (plus there's an arm for picking pockets and an arm for twisting arms, plus the arm with the Obama puppet on the end, and an arm for dicing celery). In comparison to the elite-oriented, business-like thieves discussed above, the FUNDAMENTALIST arm of the conservative privacy-invaders may be a bit less sophisticated, but it is much more interesting. It goes way back to Biblical times, after all, when Dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

As a cover for moral insanity, it's nice to have Fundamentalism around. Fundamentalism is always morally correct, no matter what it says or does, and it gets along just swell with other Republicans and the puppeteer elites. Just an aside: MONEY has everything to do with MORALITY - don't think otherwise. It shouldn't be like that, but it is. It's always at the end of an era of moral suffocation of society that dynamic economy finally springs lose - just at the same time as quantitative easing, curiously. And don't think that the moneyed elites are all about corporations - they also have a large cadre involved in Anglican, Evangelical, Apocalyptic, and Satanic religiosity - made all the more bizarre by it's intense hypocrisies, and flaws in rationality.

ANYWAY, FUNDAMENTALISM is great as a cover, and excuse, for hypocrisy, contradiction, cognitive dissonance, ambiguation, and all that - cuz Fundamentalism is ALL ABOUT that, and ALL ABOUT being in DENIAL of that, by ever-preaching about it's fundamental moral RIGHTNESS. If it says someone should be damned, or someone should be saved, or blacks are bad, or Obama is a Socielist, or war is good - and everyone is expected to shut up and believe it.

Well, the thing about Fundamentalism is that, as everyone knows, it - being the moral backbone of all conservatism - and being the repository of all the great ideals and stories and metaphors and superstitions upon which the Empire is supposedly FOUNDED - Fundamentalism is obsessed with getting its fingers into everyone's private business. This is the great dictate of all Republicans: Fixate on people's private parts. Gain control, expand government, expand the Church, by crucifying people for what they do in private. There is no fricken end to this disgusting campaign.

Why do Fundamentalists do this? Well, frankly, the topic bores me - but I'll do another post on it some day. But, they try to compel people to accept their control - i.e., their preached morals - in their own private lives - hearts - because they must always be RIGHT and in control. They must always have the upper moral hand. The chance to get away with sinfulness. They have a RIGHT to mess with other people's business, cuz they spend so much time shut up in church, in their halls, in their parties, praying for God to save people, whilst all the people they exploited are suffering in the cold outside. Exploited? How? By a thousand cuts, a thousand snips, a thousand nickles and dimes.

"Become one of us! Accept our BS... because... because... GOD! You can be like us, whom God loves the most! Because we sit a lot and mumble together! And curse about witches unless they are TeaBaggers!"

BTW - So long as the Democratic Party is contemptuously called, "The DemoCRAT Party," and so on, I am fine with calling them names. "Boehner", like "Groening", is actually SUPPOSED to be pronounced with a long "O', - SCHROEDINGER, GOERING, POERTO-POETTY - but they sound too nasty that way, so they're not. They couldn't do much with HYDE and DELAY or DEMENT or RETARDO, or DICK ARMY, could they? Well, they were the first to call themselves "TEABAGGERS" - and they're NOT EVEN A DAMN PARTY - they are REPUBLICANS. They're a Progressive-energy-sapping PUPPET. So, um yeah, no respect intended, cuz no respect due.

THE FOUR GODS OF THE APOCALYPSE: The TeaBaggers have an approval rating of about 28%. Coincidentally, 28% of the population believes in an Old Testament God who likes to punish people. If those people succeed, Sarah Palin will be our punishment. Because we - hmmm, I dunno... walked amongst prostitutes and lepers, and even JEWS! BOOOOOOOoooooooooooo! We are immoral for doing that! We are evil for looking at SPARKLEY RED ROCK!

1 - "Sparkly Rock is EVIL!"
2 - "Now ME have much-covetted Sparkly Rock!"
3 - "Sparkly Rock is so PASSE!"
4 - "Stone the damn Aussie!"


28% believe in a Punishment God; 21% believe in a Critical God; 22% believe in a Benevolent God; 25% believe in a Distant God; 20% believe in a Glenn Beck God; and 5% (Atheists) believe in various things, like Ughs, Skechers, flats, flip-flops, talking spiders, Dutch Elm Disease, or finding a job, and another 20% believe that math will save us all.

I reckon that the Benevolent God mainly goes to the Liberals - Colbert, Obama, Oprah - people who actually spell their long "O"s correctly. He rewards people. He gives to us, and so we give to others. We ACT like our God - except to the aliens. Works great in a good economy. Becomes bizarro in a bad economy. People stop giving, and start praying for more things. Or, they hand it to the Conservatives, who seem to get by simply by patting people on the back, or talking about how orgasmic Being Saved is. Cuz that's how they access YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT.

But, mainly, the Conservatives go back and forth between the Critical, whining-Jewish-mother God, and the Authoritarian Punishment God - both Old Testament. Rewards don't happen until you get to Palm Springs.

I suspect that the Critical God is something of a Trickster, dancing about, complaining about your shoes, and picking pockets. Maybe a little arm-twisting and back-patting here or there. He prevails in better times, and benefits the money people. He basically says your rewards will come when you get to heaven - IF you LIVED RIGHT, here on Earth. Accounts will be settled then. (So be a good Prole). Unless you're running a Ponzi scheme. And own a yacht. People who imitate this God are either very irritating or very flattering. They mind their own business - unless you are an alien, in which case: they don't seem to want to mind their own business at all. Instead, they try to sway you over to their own religions.

The Authoritative / Punishment God rears his ugly head in bad economic times. Out of the fear that He is trying to punish us - as all the global-warming and gay-marriage signs are obviously telling us - we instead rally to judge and punish other people and countries. This us buys us favour with HIM, and is referred to as "living a right life". By ganging up on others and hitting them on their heads with bibles. THIS is the God to which Conservatives - now Fundamentalists - always flee during times of decline. It resolves all the inconsistency and hypocrisy - JUST AS WARS SALVAGE THE ECONOMIES FOR THE ELITE - and diverts the public's attention away from their abusers. It takes something as pure and delicate and harmless as natural psychic awareness, or spirit - which everyone owns in their own way - and completely mutates it into a HUNGRY MEGALYTHIC REPTILIAN MONSTER.

The Distant God is the absentee parent who started the world and then ran off with a Floosie. This was the Deist God of the Founding Fathers, and so is the cause of all social problems. The good news, my brothers, is that while 30% either believe in this distant god, or are atheists, etc., (another study shows that 17% belong to no religion - and they probably mainly belong to this 30%). In other words, they might believe in a god, but they don't believe in religion - in the hierocracies, in the ego-centric preachers, in the crude moral demands, in the false promises, in the fantasies and magical thinking, in the boringness, in the judgmentalism agains gays, trannies, lesbians, immigrants, Moslems, sinners, etc., and the blatant political and money ties. The Millenials have been getting smart and getting out, more than anyone else - 28% do not accept the authority of any religion. THEREIN LIES OUR ONLY HOPE.

DESTROYING CIVILITY: So, the TeaBaggers, at the behest of the Elites, are representing the countries shift into BACKWARDSNESS, as symbolized by the Punishment God, who says war is an OK way to hide your sins, be the biggest bully on the block, and yet somehow maintain the status quo. This is the very embodiment - the very emergence of a physical Monster - of the chaos-into-FASCISM mechanism, used by Empire in desperate self-preservation. And it burns, burns, burns...

Fundamentalists go back and forth between Gods, though, depending on the times. Sometimes, while in the minority, as up until 1980, they keep in the shadows, proselytizing, criticizing, moralizing, etc. Then they suddenly pop into a presumed Evangelical majority, as has been happening since 1980, and they try to control everyone, telling people that they will be damned unless they do-and-say as they say, (but not as they do). (And, one of the things that seems to grease these transitions back and forth is the whole prophesy of Apocalypse. The other may be the orgasm of being divinely motivated - seriously. Occasionally, political sense occurs to them, and they change their course a little).

Interesting that this exactly coincided with the Reagan revolution. Well, this was no accident, because the Moral Majority, now the TeaBaggers, has been precisely the social ploy the elite-oriented Republicans, and the Elites, have been using to hide their thievery, the complete idiocy of their Randian "Trickle-Down" / Deregulation theory, and all of their personal and ideological contradictions and lies.

The only way to hide their irrationality and corruption and rape is by lulling the populous into an absolutist SUPERSTITION, just as the Nazi's used. I pity all the dupes following these bastards.

In a pluralistic society, you may believe in this God, and I may believe in Fruit Bats, but what we can have in common is a civil respect for each other - a Jesus-like concern for each other's well-being. Built into most, if not all, religions, is this message of respecting one's neighbour - not bearing false witness; be kind to the least of my brothers; honour women and sing of God's romantic love, (Mohammed); do unto others; judge not lest ye be judged; Karma; reincarnation; Ahimsa; all that Kwanza stuff, and so forth.

But the switch over to the PRESUMED predominance of the vengeant, Punishment God; goaded on by rich, vested interests; and the Libertarian/Libertine philosophy of greed, might, survival of the fittest, & the glory of Male Competition; divide-and-conquer politics; social ambiguation; gossip/bullying, and the paranoia of being controlled FIRST, has all conspired to methodically destroy that civility, going back many decades. At the tip of the destroy-civility sword are the most Fundamentalist Republicans, the TeaBaggers and other Evangelicals. What is their mantra? Take back our CIVIL RIGHTS! Fight back against moral RELATIVITY!

For an expose on what the TeaBaggers REALLY are, see Matt Tianby(sp?) article in

NAILED TO A SWASTIKA: But, this big swing to WHITE, vs. BLACK, as a defense against "relativism" - any damn person can do it. It is a childish, selfish view of the world, and attempt to control the world. It is a madness, sanctioned only by the numbers in mob psychology, and nothing more. The greatest, and most damaging, loss, in this juvenile surge, and eventual purging, is the loss of civility. You see blatant incivility everywhere advocated and practiced by TeaBaggers and politicians, as if it's relevant, useful, entertaining, meaningful, to be an ass - to bully, to gossip, to steal, to harm, to label, and even to attack and destroy. Well... I just can't keep my eyes open... Will return later with conclusion...

(9:pm Sunday): Wow, this is an interesting song: "Stylo", (heard live World Cafe version), by GORILLAS - see! They're still good! And Massive Attack has a new album out!

Back to unreality... OK, ya got, on the one hand, the encouragement to use incivility, even violence, unless you're a Liberal, of course. If you're a Liberal, you're supposed to get sucked into being awestruck, then stung and paralyzed, by the colourful spider. On the other hand, ya got this warping of words and language... Buzz words, talking points, red flags, labels, ideals... These are used to rationalise the violence - and all manner of abuse.

People become more and more ambiguated - coerced by gossip, by the fear of judgment, by the fear of losing one's home, by divided interests and alliances... There are people's fingers in their private lives, they are out to invade someone else's privacy, they are getting into fights to defend boundaries.... In is out, out is in, down is up, up is down... There's no clear logic. People are frazzled by having to deal with other people who's attention-spans have been filed down to bare bone by TV, video games, impatient diabetic children, alcohol, competitive relatives, everyone fighting for attention, for the last word, for a buck... Everybody fears the bad economy, and so their fear is shifted to the Moslems, and then the Blacks, and then the Hispanics, and then to themselves... Anger is seething, seeking a rational target, failing... They want to seek out reasons to lash out, to act out, to fight back... Of COURSE they're going to want to fall back on the easy words offered by the Fundamentalists: "Liberty" means either you kick ass, or your ass gets kicked. "American" means either you support the war, or you get hunted down.

Are you a Fundamentalist now? Has the fun in your life turned mental? Is that chair over there telling you to mug some dufus? No! Chairs can't talk! What is that cat saying? No! It's not that cat. Is your hand telling you to squeeze a trigger?! No! None of them are allowed to talk to you. But GOD can talk to you! God cannot be disproved - he's better even than a talking chair! He's nothing but a word! Which means whatever you want it to mean! Like "Liberty" or "America"! These WORDS are telling you what to do - whom to target! These mumbly words from your own schitzophrenic lips. They are only words - the only words left, in a sea of cognitive dissonance, unreason, untrustworthy politicians, and paranoia. They are jam-packed with powerful meaning - like the buzzer triggering Pavlov's dogs to run for meat!

We feel unconfortable! SO: Hey, let's take INVADING PRIVACY to the ultimate extreme! Let's insult another's honour, his dignity, his self-respect! Let's expose him as a subversive! Let's paint his internal, never-ending pain and disability as A DIABOLICAL PLOT TO DESTROY US. Let's colour the GAY BOY Satanic - he's trying to destroy our children! Let's demand papers from the BROWN PEOPLE - cuz if they're not guilty, then WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? AFRAID! EVERYONE BE VERY AFRAID! Pot-smokers! Same-sex couples! Socialist Liberals! Jews! Because we're invading the walls of your town, and we're invading your right to be in peace, and we're hauling you off to the MIDDLE EAST - and we're INVADING THE PRIVACY OF OTHER COUNTRIES - We're invading so much fricken privacy that it can only be counted in the MILLIONS OF LIVES!!! And we'll blame it all on the Liberals!

See what I'm talking about? And what gives permission to these crimes? Words. Idiot, meaningless words. Completely detached from rationality.

What? Let's chop this guys legs off because why? Because YELLOW!

Here, let's string up this fag, because OSTRICH!

Hey, hey, hey, it's CAN OPENER, so let's all together beat up this homeless guy!

And, why sir, did you and your army march into the Polish town and massacre all it's residents?

Because... um... Because HITLER!

Why not drop the words, which mean nothing, and communicate nothing; and show what you're REALLY doing: Attacking like a damn soul-less beast in a pack, for no damn reason.

"Defending Empire..."

An Empire of false idols.

All for want of mere civility... Common RESPECT... HUMAN EVOLUTION... Richard Mau(sp?) : "In affirming a stranger, we are honouring the image of god"... See also Newsweek article on tolerance, kindness, communication towards gays, etc. Jan 2009, on "Proposition 8" - I've said I could at least talk to a Fundamentalist who was open-minded enough to admit that earthly wealth was not proof of being more divinely-favoured than other people. Well, this here "Richard Mau"(?) seems to be another such open-minded Fundamentalist - of which there are but two. Let's remember that this same, civil affirmation of strangers should also be extended to one's very own FAMILY MEMBERS.


OPTING OUT BY OPTING IN: Except: What will be the final solution? Will it be to let this crap take over, or will it be to VOTE it away. Listen: Things can be much worse. They can get much worse. So sitting at home or on the fence, thinking that there is no moral difference between the two parties is a self-serving, dangerous cop-out. There are big differences - and the main one is that the Democrats are not hungering like dogs for a world full of Apocalypse or Fascism. The (TeaBagger) REPUBLICS have always played hard ball, no matter how secretly. Even though the Dems have been in power, obliging them, the Republicans have been acting like anti-Americans, grid-locking the Senate, empowering corporate cash in campaigns, opposing jobs, small business - it's as plain as day - acting as if THEY had a 60 vote majority, and succeeding! So, the final solution is not to slink back, but to fight harder.

Instead of starting each time at the 50-yard-line, and playing defense, what we need to do is realise that we are actually at the 90-YARD-LINE, and all we need now is a touchdown! Let's delude ourselves like the TeaBaggers, and go for 5 more Senators, not 5 less as a result of inaction!

So VOTE - please VOTE. Don't vote Democratic, VOTE AGAINST THE REPUBLICANS - because that's a principle allowed to you to exercise. Why? Because, time after time, turning out in large numbers, the Republicans don't pick and choose, they consistently vote a STRAIGHT-PARTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. They only vote Republican, almost all of them. THAT'S HOW THEY ARE WINNING.

So, that's all we can do for now - but it is enough - it is a challenge to do as much as you can! Urge people you know to get out and vote. Write a letter to the Editor. Convince TeaBagger sympathizers. Talk to your friends. Get decals and stickers and throw them into Halloween bags! Believe it or not, there are conservatives who don't want TeaBaggers or other Republican jerks to win. They don't like what they see happening. Some of them fear what it will do to the economy - even to their own personal profits. Don't let the ambiguators convince you that you don't have the the RIGHT, or the MORALITY, or the POWER to win, because you do.

This post was my all for you.

G'day, Yanks...
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