cheer up, hun. Will wanted to start a lawn bowling team since he got a sweater from his mom that says #22 on the back of it. oh, yeah, he has to be #22. but you can be another number.
everyone disrespects the ones they love, that why they love them cuz they know they'll be forgiven. come get donuts with me!
Comments 4
everyone disrespects the ones they love, that why they love them cuz they know they'll be forgiven. come get donuts with me!
I should have just taken the day off today when my boss told me to take the day off instead of playin hooky yesterday.
i want you to tell yourself 10 good things for every bad things you just said.
ps all of those negatives could have been summed up by one "i disrespect myself" thats the root of the problem. you've found it, now you can fix it.
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