woo, how did I manage that. posting at precisely midnight, go me.
this is the exact moment I should really go to bed.
the main point here is that tomorrow will b a fairly intense day. when I say that, you should also know that I had uni 9-5 today, with a two-hour exam to kick it off and a one-hour break in the middle -but tomorrow I only hav a one hour tute in my timetable. so full on you say?
up at 9, load of washing, walk in for psych [need exercise], call Kieran bout Fathers' Day on the way, psych @ 11, find a birthday present for Noni, a compulsory food handling thing 1-3, buy tickets to Cog and The Whitlams with Lou, search for/buy a hot top to go with my fab new skirt [half price winter sale at an opp shop, twas down to $2.50], meet Margie in town to buy the present, clean my room, give Noni her present, pack my bags, vacuum my room and pack the car. all before 9pm [jst cos I say so, according to the thing I drew up it should all fit].
woo. okay so that would'v been immensely boring but I had to type it up cos it seemd like so much stuff.
in other news, I'm still in love with words.
I'v jst startd a new list of words that's stuck on the edge of my monitor. on it are:
pertinacious, recumbent, taxonomy, insidious, polemic, satiate, perspicacious, expostulate, refulgent, indubitable and exegesis.
shit, jst rmmbrd that I spoke to Zoe this morning and we agreed it'd b lovely to catch up before Renee+I leave on Thurs. so I also hav to fit in a couple of hours at Renee's place from about 7:30. should all work, I'll jst b done by 11ish instead of 9ish.