Jun 21, 2006 19:14

Okay, here we go with my amazing Brian story, complete with pictures.

Amy arrived at our house around 3 and then we left to go pick up Cait.

It was about a 2 hour drive, and we had signs the whole way - like the town called "Bailey" (like Brian's son Baylee) and the Millennium truck that passed us - and so we knew it was going to be a good day. :-D

We got there and found the ampitheater...

and took more pictures of ourselves...

Then, because of the time that Sandie (who decided not to come today) was being really mean about nachos at a Britney Spears concert, we bought them in her memory. (The story is, she was really excited about getting nachos when we got to the concert, and we kept asking to have one and she was like "No, no these are MY nachos" and then before she even got to eat any of them, she dropped them ALL on the ground. We laughed a lot.


No sooner do I buy the damn nachos than Cait bumps me and a few of them spill on the ground.

THEN we get back to our little spot of lawn and the rest of them spill. LMAO

Anyway, so we're walking around and we decide that we HAVE to know if Brian will be meeting the fans, so we go bug the security guards and they refer us to a big green and white tent on the complete other side of the park, telling us that he'll probably be signing after he sings. So Amy and I go to scope it out and find that they're selling Brian merchandise in there (well, the CDs and these really cool shirts) and we decide that we want the shirts, but we'll wait to buy them. So we report back to Cait and mom, and we're sitting there waiting, but all of us (but especially my mom) had a nagging feeling like we should go buy the shirts now...I thought it would make the most sense since then we wouldn't have to worry about it while we're about to meet him.

So we go back to the tent, and there are already people lined up outside the tent...Cait & I recognized the girls at the end of it (like tenth in line) as Brian fans and we asked them what was going on. She goes "well, we just found out that Brian is actually signing BEFORE the concert- he should be here in like half an hour!" so we stayed put!! We were like 15th in line. It was so we waited...

These were our friends:

Then, HE arrived ;)

That's a really terrible picture from the end of the tent.

Anyway, we're all spazzing out and we finally get close enough to see that Leighanne (his wife) is there too...

And I kind of think they're the most adorable people on the PLANET.

Anyway, so everyone pushes me into the front because we're all panicking, so I go first. I step up and I hand him my CD jacket to sign. It's the picture in the jacket with his Backstreet awards and Baylee's pictures on the wall, cause it's my absolute favorite picture of him. But it's got a black frame around it, and there's little space to be signed. So he goes, "You want me to sign this?" and I'm like "?" and he laughs and goes "I mean, like, inside the picture?" and I'm like yeah, and so he does, and while he's signing it, I started saying what I've been DYING to say to him for pretty much ever. I said "I just want you to know that I'm so happy to be meeting you - we've been fans since elementary school, and your music has meant SO much to me over the years" and while I'm talking, his eyes are still on the booklet cause he's signing it, but he says very kind "thank you"s to me, and Leighanne did too, and then I said "and what you're doing now - you're really an inspiration." and he looked up, looked me square in the eyes and said (SO sincerely), "Thank you SO much." and reached out his hand to shake my hand!!! :-D (he touched me! LMAO)

So then, I took back my booklet and I said "thank you, and it was wonderful to meet you both" and Leighanne said something like "thanks, you too" and was so sweet (and she looked fantastic!). He wasn't doing posed pictures, though, so it was kind of rushed, but here's the picture of "us":

And then Amy got to meet him, and asked him to sign something for her cousin, although the management told us to not ask him for more than one autograph per person. And he looks at her (so seriously) and goes "I'm only supposed to sign one thing per person." and kind of lets it hang out there until he cracks his trademark grin and goes "you're gonna get me in TROUBLE!" and takes it from her. He's SOO goofy.

And then Cait got to meet him, too, but he sat back, sadly...

This is the aftershot of us FREAKING out with joy.

And this is Leighanne coming out to chat with some people...

For those of you who want to skip right ahead to the show...

We were very excited about the whole ordeal - there is Brian's name.

After far too much waiting, he came out! Yay!

And he sang a lot...and here are my random pictures.

A couple of fantastic stories, though?

The first is that he was telling us about his song "Gone Without Goodbye", which, not gonna lie, I really haven't liked much in the past - not as a song, because I think it's beautiful, but because the lyrics confused me beyond the telling of it. Well I finally got an explanation. It's about 9/11. And Brian told us his personal 9/11 story, and it's REALLY amazing and you all have to hear it!!

He was on tour with the BSB, and his wife was with him, and on September 11th, he was going to go from Boston (where they were) with the boys to their next tour location, and Leighanne was flying home to CA. Well the night before, she came to him and said "I think I'm going to stay with you guys instead of going home." and he's like, "why?" and she goes "I don't know, I just have this overwhelming feeling like I need to stay with you tomorrow." and so he was like "okay, of course, stay."

The plane she was SUPPOSED to be on crashed into the WTC the next morning.

I think that's absolutely incredible.

And the OTHER amazing thing was, at one point in the concert, he goes "Okay, let's get this out in the open. How many BSB fans do we have out there tonight?" and of course this comment was met with insane applause. Then he strikes a pose and says in this really dramatic voice, "You will not leave disappointed!" and BURSTS into "I Want it That Way"!!

He did the WHOLE song, and then medley-ed it into "As Long As You Love Me"! AND HE DID THE CHAIR DANCE!!

And yes, I have videos.

Thus ends my extravaganza. We blasted BSB the whole way home. It was a great day, and I heart Brian & Leighanne & Baylee (even though Caitlan thought up until yesterday that Baylee was Brian's DAUGHTER...hahaha). ♥
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