(no subject)

Sep 21, 2008 11:29

Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Peter. He has no fear and he probably would do it to see if he can fly.
Get drunk and pass out?: Hmmmm...actually probably Lizzy, partially because she'd totally try and drink someone under the table, but also because no one else really would...
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Rae. No contest.
Be far too hyper for their own good?: PETER. Again, no contest.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Etienne. He's a man and knows where he's going, and he totally would be in control and not ask.
Get lung cancer?: HAHA, I feel kinda lame doing this, but it would be my new char Jules. But just from second hand smoke, since she loves the smell.
Star in a horror movie?: Lizzy. She'd love to scream her head off and act really badly for fun.
Star in a whore movie?: ...is it bad that I could totally see Peter doing this? O.o
Make the world a better place?: Margie, she wants everyone to be happy!
Have a torrid gay love affair?: Uhhh...again new character Jules. Her or Lizzy might do it...

Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love: Lizzy (she loves EVERYONE)
Hate: Rae
Money: Etienne
Seduction: Rae
Lies: Rae (...hmm all of these are saying something aren't they? hahaha)
Tragedy: Margie. (it sounds weird, but she just seems to flounder and go crazy. for some reason that just screams tragedy to me...)
Manipulation: Rae (yeah)
Violence: Rae
Politics: Etienne
Fire: Peter (...mostly because he would totally be a pyro)
Ice: Margie (I don't know why, but yeah...)

ooc, meme

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