There are no jobs to be had here without a bachelors, which I don't have. I'm working on it. Interestingly enough, the jobs that I'm finding that require one pay so little that you wouldn't be able to pay back your loans. Money is stupid-tight and I'm wondering if I am going to have to tuck my tail betwixt my legs and grovel at my mother's feet for enough cash to make it through the week. Presuming she has it, of course. She's still constantly in and out of the hospital and the doctor's office, as is my step-father.
I smoked two cigarettes. I'm fairly angry at myself, but I was, after all, sloppy-drunk. The sort of drunk where one more pours oneself into a seat than sits. The sort of drunk that leads to making out with a friend because she wants to make the fellow she's interested in jealous. The latter didn't happen any time recently. That was a few years ago; I list it for reference and as a reminder to myself why I do not go to my favorite dive bar anymore, despite still wanting to go in with my camera so I can capture some of the more interesting graffiti. At least, that's my excuse.
Once again, the administration at my campus proves that they could not find the ass of the elephant that sat upon them with neon signs and a map. I am probably going to have to print something out (again) and fill it out (again) and walk in the 100deg weather to the campus (again) to give them the bloody paper (again) that I'm sure they will lose (again). It seems everything at this campus must be submitted in triplicate. Not because it says so, but because the first two copies will inevitably be lost. That place is a black, sucking hole of time and energy.
I wanted to write submissions for Circlet Press's Like a Queen and Like a Thorn anthologies. I discovered me and fairy tales, we do not get along so well unless it is a much more modern and looser retelling. For Like a Queen, I really considered doing the Three Little Pigs as three slightly chubby cousins and the Big Bad Wolf as Mr. Tall, Dark, & Handsome. Rather than blowing their house down... And really, if you can't imagine how that ends, what are you doing reading this journal? But he's the bad wolf because he's after their property to turn it into a parking lot or some other suitably cliched Evil Plot. Then for Like a Thorn, I'd wanted to do Rose Red and Snow White (no relation to that Snow White) as a BDSM story. After all, it's about two girls beating a bear with switches.
mommyfox had the lovely idea to make the bear instead a Beserker in a bearskin. I may someday write these, but in the time I had, I came up with nothing remotely publishable.
That's the bad news. The good news.
I did complete a submission for Circlet's Like Twin Stars anthology. Hopefully I'll hear back very quickly, though not so quickly as
mommyfox (CONGRATULATIONS! <3 ) who heard her incredible story was in almost immediately. The last time I submitted something, it took months to hear back, but you know what? When they say 'Yes,' then I'm FIIIIINE waiting to hear back.
:D :D :D I've wanted to be published since I was a little thing, so this is sort of a big horking deal for me. I keep waiting to hear that something has gone wrong and that somehow, the book won't happen or they have to cut some stories or something. Sure, it's "just" erotica. But I've noticed that the people who roll their eyes at it have no bloody idea how difficult it is to write a sex scene that appeals over a broad spectrum of individuals. Much less to manage to bring a character to life between the licking and the groaning and the Oh-my-Lord!'s. Three thousand words is a long time to maintain sexual tension without there being actual sex. I'm really proud of myself for !twice! getting over five thousand words in before sex.
If all goes according to plan, then I will be in the Like a Mask Removed anthology. <3 As indicated by the anthologies already mentioned, they have quite a large series of "Like a..." books. The one I will be in has as its theme superheroes and villains. I think my short story would be not out of place in one of the raunchier Champions table top games that sometimes ran here.
chronocat , you will probably like the anthology in general, given the subject matter. WHEEEE! Superheroes!
*coughs* Anyway. Like Twin Stars is an exploration of bisexuality if it was the norm in some sort of Sci-Fi/Fan setting. I finally found a place to use Kincaid. I've adored the character since it first popped into my head. Even if this isn't published, at least Kincaid got to be written in all hir glory. Kincaid, for those I haven't already babbled at, is an androgyne from a planet that thought that adding a third sex would create gender equality... somehow. It failed, but now every so often an androgyne crops up in the population. They're rare enough to be a minority, common enough passing one on the street wouldn't raise eyebrows. At least on their home planet. Elsewhere, it depends. Kincaid has a bad case of gender confusion. Note that in the fiction piece, this is not resolved. I've seen entirely too much of the Healing!Cock / Magical!Pussy tropes in romance and other fiction. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than a piece of ass to fix Kincaid's problems. If, indeed, they even need fixing. Anyway, if someone would like a peek, send me a ping here or email me and I'll invite you to the document. It's up on, so all you need is a gmail account. OHHAI!
And Kincaid is the pink haired person in the back. (Link takes you to Y!G but not to a page where you might accidently see pr0ns and the pic itself is perfectly work safe. Unless your boss has a real hate on for space-ships or laser guns, in which case, you are SOL.) Many, many thanks to the ever wondermous
dr4win9f00l for doing the art. THEY ARE SO PRETTY! <3 <3 <3