Another short something that popped into my head. Hope it's enjoyable.
Author: UncagedMuse a.k.a. raemcn
Title: Always His Girl
Pairing: Gen fic S/B implied
Rating: PG
Summary: What grief can do. Yeah, it’s more angst, so be warned. Set Post NFA.
Disclaimer: I own nothing! It belongs to ME and Joss Whedon.
A/N Thank you to
kargrif for being so kind as to do an amazing beta for me on the fly. This also goes out to
spikeslovebite, who’s RL has been extremely stressful the last few months, for beta’ing it as well, just ‘cause she lurves me. *hugs both tightly*
Always His Girl
Willow watched her best friend as she swept more of the papers cluttering the small desk to the floor in her haste to find a clean sheet. When one wasn’t forthcoming and tears started to stream down Buffy’s cheeks, the red-haired witch quickly grabbed a new ream from the bookshelf next to her and handed it to the desperate woman.
“Here, Buffy. No need to cry, okay?” Willow brushed the long, tangled blonde hair out of the Slayers face, hoping to stave off one of her more violent fits. She really wished Xander and Dawn hadn’t picked today to go into town, leaving her alone with Buffy.
Nothing could have prepared the Scooby’s for what their new job turned out to be. They should have seen it sooner, should have known something was going terribly wrong with their friend. Instead, each of them went on with their lives much the same as before. Before Sunnydale was swallowed whole. They ignored each other’s pain, especially the visible heartache in Buffy’s eyes if His name was mentioned in passing. They were still uncomfortable with the sacrifice he’d made for those who never acknowledged his ability to love or the changes that he fought his very nature to make.
That was until Giles’ deathbed confession. After being attacked by some random demon, he told them of Spike’s resurrection and third death fighting the Senior Partners alongside Angel. The anger their mentor still harbored for the vampire shocked them all, but broke the young woman he claimed to have been protecting.
“You don’t understand; I have to show him! Have to prove how much I love him when he comes back! They’ll bring him back, right Willow?” Buffy’s voice grew in intensity as the new sheaf of paper gave under the strain of her twisting hands, ripping it in half.
“No!” she screamed as pieces went flying through the air.
Before the situation could deteriorate further, Willow quickly reached out and touched the Slayer’s forehead. “Sleep,” she muttered.
Buffy slid unconscious to the floor. She laid there amongst the scattered pages, her tears painting salty paths down her cheeks.
Willow knelt down, her own eyes filling as the words leapt from the stark white scraps lying on the floor, proving what should have been obvious to them all long ago.
Spike’s girl. Always Spike’s girl. His. His. His girl.
The End