i am crafty.

Aug 04, 2004 01:50

ok, so team dresch officially rawks my socks. *nods* plus they are hott. *nods*

plus, a survey i gacked from jon.

Current Location // nederland, tx
Eye Color // blue-grey with hazel-green around the pupil
Hair Color // dirty-straw blonde that turns auburn and strawberry when it gets sun
Righty or Lefty // righty, though i'm working on becoming ambidextrous
Zodiac Sign // solar gemini I, lunar libra

Your heritage // german with bits of some native american tribe or another...it shows up most in my grandma *shrug* she's from louisiana and ergo knows nothing beyond her own parents. @_@;
Shoes you wore today // NONE! haha, no, i wore my flip-flops
Your weakness // a spontaneous lack of self-control in personal matters
Your fears // not being loved or liked by those i admire
Your perfect pizza // flavour of the moment is hawaiian, but i love hamburger, onion, and black olive w/extra cheese
Goal you'd like to achieve // the big move!

Your most overused phrase on AIM // lol or <3
Your thoughts first waking up // stfu, alarm clock! i was sleeping!
Your best physical feature // my eyes? *shrugs*
Your bedtime // typically around 2am
Your most missed memory // driving around pointlessly and wasting time at the red door junior and senior year. we were curious and confused and the world was frightening and beautiful in its ugliness. cara climbed out of windows onto rooftops, kt flashed just one side in public, terr took photographic record of it all, and i, as i had always done, went along for the ride. *grin* yes, i'm a dork, i know.

Pepsi or Coke // orange soda =p
McDonald's or Burger King // teh burger king
Single or group dates // single
Adidas or Nike // flip-flops.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea // lipton
Chocolate or vanilla // chocolate. *evil grin*
Cappuccino or coffee // FRAPpuccino. coconut. yum.

Smoke // nope
Cuss // shit yes.
Single // do i single? i don't know what that means, but i am not, lol.
Take a shower everyday // sometimes twice
Have a crush(es) // always, lol
Think you've been in love // i know i have.
Like(d) high school // yes and no. i wouldn't do it again, but i'd do it differently if i had to do it again.
Want to get married // eventually
Believe in yourself // only when i'm lying
Get motion sickness // nope
Think you're attractive // i'd be moreso if i were a bit smaller, lol
Think you're a health freak // god, no
Get along with your parents // get along and only get along.
Like thunderstorms // only like i like breathing.
Play an instrument // used to play piano, am now really rusty on clarinet, can figure out and do ok on most woodwinds. i REALLY wanna learn the cello. *frown* too expensive though.

Drank alcohol // yes
Done a drug // no
Gone on a date // yep
Gone to the mall // yep
Been on stage // nope
Eaten an entire box of Oreos // nope
Eaten sushi // yes
Been dumped // nope
Gone skating // no
Gone skinny dipping // no
Dyed your hair // thought about it, then got threatened with physical violence from the gf, lol
Stolen anything // nope

Played a game that required removal of clothing // yep
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated // nope
Been caught "doing something" // nope
Been called a tease // by just about everyone, lol. dating hopefuls, beware! rofl..
Gotten beaten up // nope
Changed who you were to fit in // all the time, but i'm still learning and adapting, so it's not bad right now.

Age you hope to be married // i don't
Numbers of Children // two, if i ever have them
Describe your dream wedding // it would depend on my partner. something small, tho.
How do you want to die // painlessly, lol
What do you want to be when you grow up // happy.
What country would you most like to visit // Canada! <3

Number of people I could trust with my life // 4? 5? dunno, really.
Number of CD's I own // around 30, i think. i keep buying new ones now i have a PAYCHECK, lol
Number of piercings // just one, though i want a few more and at one time wanted something like 14
Number of tattoos // none, but i've thought about it. even drawn my own.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper // does the honour roll count? cos if so, i'm famous, lol
Number of scars on my body // just a few random small ones and some marks leftover from when i had chickenpox
Number of things in my past that I regret // about two. i reason the rest away.

that said, i managed to be rather lazy today. but not really. i slept until 2, fiddled around the house until nearly five, then scampered off before the return of the fajah.

i was also wickedly crafty today; i engineered some sunshine for my gf. admittedly, the fact that she's a hopeless romantic and cries during any movie ever made it shamefully easy for me, but we won't focus on that. ^_^; point being, i picked up some supplies for her fridge and pantry, a card, and a rose and broke in (used the key she gave me) to her apt. i put everything up for her to find later, wrote a love-ish letter in the card, and placed this and the rose on her bed upstairs with my favourite big teddy bear (whom i had dressed in the tshirt i went home wearing from the last time i spent the night, hehe). before i left, i sent an email to her from her computer to look upstairs when she got home.

she told me online that she found the freezer stuffs first, thought i may be still there and called out, but didn't go upstairs cos it didn't look like i was up there. she wrote an email to me about the freezer stuffs and was home almost an hour before she read the email i sent. lol, poor thing. she thought then that i might have been just sleeping the whole time, and scampered upstairs to find.....the bear and stuff! awe, she read the letter and saw the rose (she'd never been given one before!) and cried! *luff* she said she missed me and loved me so much that she just huggled my bear and cried. *awwwwees* i didn't want to make her cry, but my mission was SO accomplished.

then, when we were chatting online, she found the stuffs i put in the pantry. LMAO, she started typing in caps about how cool it was. <3 i laughed at her cos it took her so long to find it and the upstairs suprise. she really is oblivious sometimes. it's quite endearing, lol.

it feels good making her happy. i like being loved and loving back. it hurts that i can't share it openly with everyone, but it's easy to forget when i'm wrapped in her arms three stories above the ground how stupid the general population is. but enough for today. one icon, maybe, and then i'm off to bed. moo.
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