First order of business: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I have a feeling it's gonna be a good one so set your sights high. You never know what you can achieve unless you give it a go. Amirite?!
To help get everyone into the go-get-'em spirit I wanted to share a list of resources that I find very helpful in my creative endeavors. C:
Artsy PosesGreat inspiration and pose references for character designs.
PosemaniacsPose reference from computer generated/flayed models. It's a great way to see and understand the relationship between all the muscles of the body without having to attend medical school. :P
Figure & Gesture Drawing ToolExcellent life drawing resource for those who don't have life drawing classes in their area. You decide if you want to draw people or animals, nudes or clothed, 30 second poses or a 6 hour class. It's ALL good! <3
How To Draw The Head From Any AngleJust what the title says. :)
3 Point Perspective TutorialAn easy to follow tutorial on that tricky 3 point perspective. Very handy stuff to know for creating a dramatic background in a painting, comic panel, etc.
Percy Principles Of Art and CompositionQuite possibly the most useful tips about art I've ever come across in my internet wanderings.
Andrew Loomis Art Instruction booksOldies but goodies and the books are quite large. They range from 130-230 pages. Who can resist free books full of pretty pictures?
FZDSCHOOL's YouTube ChannelExcellent tips and instruction on creating professional concept art.
Paneling, Pacing & Layout in Comics and MangaA must read for anyone who is thinking about making comics but doesn't know where to get started. <3
How to convert Photoshop brushes for use in other softwareOr in my particular case, how to convert Photoshop brushes for use in ancient versions of Photoshop. :D
How to make custom brushes in PhotoshopJust what the title says.
marcobucci's YouTube ChannelMore excellent concept art and painting tips. *u*
ctrl+paint: Digital Painting SimplifiedLots of quick informative videos on how to get the most out of your digital painting programs.
102 Resources for Fiction WritingEVERYTHING about writing!!!
Well, that's it for now. I have tons of tutorial links that I still need to sort through. I will post more good ones when I find them. Until then, happy learning!