Title: Attract Fandom: Magic Knight Rayearth Prompt: 040 Sight Characters: Hikaru, Lantis, mention of Umi Word Count: 100 Rating: G Author's Notes: This one's not that well written.
Okay, now I have to bug you to put more "White" companion drabbles up (see, to can play at the game!)
Both are gorgeous, I especially like the F/F one with the juxtapositions of the internal thoughts and the actual actions. The repetitions are also very effective. And...not Clemi! :0
Okay, now I have to bug you to put more "White" companion drabbles up (see, to can play at the game!)
Haha, you think that I'd mind? When people bug me to write more it give me warm fuzzies and makes me feel like people actually LIKE my writing. -_-;; I have several ideas for more companion!fics!...
Comments 11
<3 <3 <3
OMG Suzunami actually liked my drabble! OMG.
And the F/F one is so lovely. And your comment about it being a prequel to "White" worries me.
*snickers evily* You'll be seeing more 'White' companion fics/drabble in the future.
Both are gorgeous, I especially like the F/F one with the juxtapositions of the internal thoughts and the actual actions. The repetitions are also very effective. And...not Clemi! :0
Lovely ^_^
Haha, you think that I'd mind? When people bug me to write more it give me warm fuzzies and makes me feel like people actually LIKE my writing. -_-;;
I have several ideas for more companion!fics!...
And...not Clemi! :0
The world is coming to an end!
I'm writing a drabble about Clef... does that count? *whimpers*
They were both so beautiful, Rae-chan! Great Job, Lil Sisseh! ♥
Oh yuh. I'm totally on my roleplay LJ, because I absolutely reserve the right to be. x3
-blushes- I'm glad you like them! <3
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