Despite the lack of D/Hr moments, HBP has replaced PoA as my fave book from the HP series! I was simply overwhelmed with emotion after reading it. (mainly because of Dumbledore’s death)
I’ve already accepted a loooooong time ago, the fact that D/Hr ain’t gonna happen in canon (JKR said so herself) so I wasn’t surprised with the R/Hr scenes. I was a lil’ disappointed with Hermione though…
Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed seeing her sort of vindictive side which means she's normal... but to quote Amura's exact words... "What the hell happened to her?!" Smelled too much love potion?"
Oh well, guess we can blame that on hormones...
As for Draco… PITY pretty much describes my feelings for him.*hugs canon!Draco tightly* Confiding with Moaning Myrtle proves how desperate he was… poor baby doesn’t have real friends. It was a relief though when he couldn’t kill Dumbledore; I always knew he’s not really evil. I mean, the old man was practically at his mercy and he could’ve tortured him at least or something and YET, he didn’t. He just wanted to protect his family and that makes me (kind of) proud of him. I personally think that Draco's developed character is a good thing! I don't understand why some shippers got so upset...
Revelations from HBP won’t change the way I feel about D/Hr, nor would it lessen my enthusiasm for the ship. I hope writers feel the same way… just ignore HBP and write what YOU want. That’s why it’s called FANFICTION anyways.
Take for example ~ SLASH. It will never happen in the books but that’s part of the thrill! You can make things happen using your limitless imagination.
“You thought I would not weesh to marry him? Or per’aps, you hoped? Said Fleur, her nostrils flaring. “What do I care how he looks? I am good-looking enough for both of us, I theenk!
Awww! Best line ever!*LMFAO* I used to dislike Fleur, but got quite fond of her on this book. She was so full of herself to the point that it was hilarious! It didn’t bother her that Bill’s face has practically been deformed… she’s not shallow, after all!
Just one day before HBP’s release, this subhuman soon-to-be Inferi spoiled me via lj. I’m not gonna mention his name because that’s what he wants… the ATTENTION and to annoy people, obviously. (
roboc suggested removal of kidney with spoon… rusted, of course)
Anyway, le Inferi commented as Anon but I found out who he is! I was hoping he was only kidding about Snape being the HBP but lo and behold, he wasn’t. He even sent me a scan of the page where Snape Avada-ed Dumbledore. My question is where this asshole jerk obtained his advance copy of the book?