Title: The Chronicles of Kate A. Lindqvist, Fifth Grade Wonder Girl (Part 3/3)
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Gen. kid!Dean, wee!Sam, and original characters
Summary: Dean had never had a friend before, except for Sammy of course. Third Person POV of a fifth grade Dean.
Warnings/Spoilers: There might be a mild swear word or two
Word Count: 2500 (this
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Comments 18
In this story I picture that cute little Sam in the flashbacks with Dean feeding him cereal. Just want to hug them both.
You know I just loved this :)
Thanks again for your beta'ing and all your support through my writing woes.
Why I read this is a bit of a mystery to me, but I am so glad I did. Divine intervention? A sixth sense for a really good read? I remember loving the title, and immediately wanting to know more about that character, and I do have a very soft spot for well-written original characters when I am lucky enough to find them. There is nothing more intimate to me than seeing the boys through someone else's eyewitness eyes, so the third person POV definitely sparked my interest as well. And I think the summary is intriguing--it promises a bit of heartache perhaps, but also the hope of him having something deeply satisfying, even if it is fleeting.
Your adorable ADD Sammy is a mental image that will forever color my idea of what he really must have been like at that age. It worked so very well as a contrast to your stoic, controlled, old-before-his-time Dean, too. Isn't it fun when a character takes over and "writes" themselves for you? Hee!
Dean said very quietly, “I’m your friend?”
Oh, Dean-- poor kid, afraid to have something else to lose, especially when he knows he'll lose it- and then after everything he said about how it would have to be, he wrote a little book to make HER feel better.
Sammy was sweet and wonderful, but as always, Dean just makes me melt.
and giggle- loved him ragging on Josh, and he made Sammy quit playing with the yeast balloons- was I the only one thinking of Stephen King's beer monster then?
Thanks for sharing!
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