SPN Fic: The Wellington Fort (Part 3/3)

Sep 12, 2008 19:39

Hi, been having a lot of trouble posting this and have done a lot of cutting and pasting.  I've read through it, but if u see anything wonky plz let me know!

Title: The Wellington Fort
Category: Gen, pre-series

Rating: PG-13 to R (for subject matter and language)

Characters: Dean, Sam, John
Summary: The way Dean told it that summer was the best of their ( Read more... )

fic wellington fort, supernatural fanfiction

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Comments 22

lori_leaf September 13 2008, 01:29:50 UTC
Aw, of course Dean would destroy the thing he built because he was upset at himself and the world in general. This isn't my personal canon for John, but it is an interesting possibility to explore. Great job writing a really heartbreaking piece through Sam's eyes.


rafikiven September 13 2008, 20:00:21 UTC
Thank you for the feedback. Oh, and I've started a Fox 'verse story. When I'm done, would you mind taking a look at it?


lori_leaf September 13 2008, 21:54:21 UTC
I'd love to! Do you have my email address?


rafikiven September 14 2008, 04:19:06 UTC
Nope, but mine is rafikiven at gmail dot com. I dunno why ppl write email addresses like that anyway, but it must be a good reason so I'll copy them.

Send me an email and I'll send it to u when it's done--really not sure when that'll be yet!


mymuseandi September 13 2008, 07:28:41 UTC
Ok, this must be one of those few fics where i really feel like punching John in the face, and then kick him in the shins, and any other thing i could think of for treating Sam and especially Dean that way!


kokoda2007 September 13 2008, 15:44:44 UTC
Horribly perfect, if that makes sense. Although I feel John loved the boys, they must have had a far from normal/ideal childhood. This makes me want to kick him for being so blind to his sons.

Well done! And as always, thank you for sharing.


rafikiven September 13 2008, 20:10:02 UTC
Thanks. I was quite horrible to everyone in this fic...heehee, sometimes I feel a little evil.


pinkphoenix1985 September 13 2008, 18:35:43 UTC


specialagentldy September 13 2008, 20:04:14 UTC
Oh my. This story just breaks my heart. The part at the end with Dean ripping the fort down. Ouch. You did such a good job of building up the fort being a place for Dean to go to for fun and safty, and comfort. Him ripping it down in the end just hurts.


rafikiven September 13 2008, 20:17:43 UTC
Thank you. This was actually a fic where I wrote the end first. I knew I wanted to write an abusive John fic, but I also had this picture in my mind of Dean destroying something he loved (like with the Impala in 2.2). That then morphed into the scene with Sam looking at the destroyed fort as they drive past and Dean acting like nothing happened.


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