Title: The Crazy 88
Rating: PG
Characters: Derek Reese and Kyle Reese
Summary: A couple of years after Judgment Day, Derek shares memories of before with Kyle.
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 400
Disclaimer: Terminator and its characters are not mine in any way. L I’m just borrowing the characters for this story.
Author’s Note: My first T:SCC fic! This is just a little ficlet that wanted to be written. Thank you to
sabaceanbabe for the beta!
It was the little things he missed the most. Sure, you might say that he had a whole lot more to miss than Oreos and baseball games, but it was best not to think about the rest.
“Tell me again.”
Derek sighed and squinted at his brother in the near darkness. “Tell you again about what?”
Kyle pulled his knees to his chest and rocked forward on the balls of his feet. “I wanna hear about that movie again-the part with the Crazy 88.”
Derek grinned. His brother was nothing if not consistent. “So the Bride is in the hall, surrounded by the Crazy 88, armed only with her sword--”
“The best sword fight ever, right, Derek?”
“The best. So the music in this part is rockin’, right? And the Bride is in the center, yellow jumpsuit, see-through floor beneath her feet, a bunch of guys wearing black masks creeping towards her. Then…the music stops.”
“And they attack!” There was a pause while Kyle thought about the movie. “Lots of blood, right, Derek?” He rocked back and forth with excitement.
“Tons.” There was a part of him that felt guilty about sharing all these violent old movies with his kid brother, but Kyle loved hearing about them almost as much as Derek loved remembering them.
“And the Crazy 88, they just kept coming, didn’t they?”
Derek nodded.
“And the Bride, she fought every single one of them off, didn’t she?”
“Every last one.”
“Other people might have given up.”
“But she didn’t.”
“And you watched it with Dad, right?”
Derek didn’t say anything and Kyle changed the subject. “And what kind of junk food did you eat? Did you have popcorn?”
“Yep, popcorn and Junior Mints. Nothing better than popcorn and Junior Mints.”
Kyle closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the tunnel wall. “That sounds so good right now.” He swallowed and that familiar feeling crept into Derek’s gut as he thought about how sunken his brother’s face looked, how unhealthy.
Kyle shook his head, but Derek screwed off the lid to the Thermos anyway and held it to the boy’s lips. Kyle drank slowly and finally opened his eyes. “I was too young to watch that movie, wasn’t I?”
“Yeah Kyle, you were too young.”