idiavalo's supposed to watch irreversible tonight with some of the css people but they just found out that the tickets are sold out. i'd say it was a pity if it was a show that didn't have a 12-minute rape scene. i'm not being prudish really. it's just that i have an extremely visual memory and i'm not sure if a show like that is going to stick around my
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Comments 3
i'm happy to be here with you, raggedee_ann.. times like this provide such wonder and joy to me... anyways i think that it's sound advice, the bit where we hold on to the wheel but let God drive the boat (i'd much rather Him drive a Carrera GT anyday). i've also learnt that we can't control for everything. we've gotta let God take control, and let's face it, He does a much better job than we do. so for whoever it is, raggedee_ann or pinkgelatin, continue to let God guide you in all that you do. =)
Since everyone's in the good mood today...juz thot I'd add to the festivities! I'm feeling better!!!!!! =) =) =)
Not breathless anymore so the aunty will be back soon to disturb everybody!! (shows how deprived I've been right? kekeke)
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