isn't that strange? the govt. has just recently started making this mandatory on statistical information. when we get a new intake at my internship, we have to ask them if they are hispanic, hispanic and white, hispanic and black, etc., or have NO hispanic what so ever. then we give the info to the government for stats.
Hispanics are going to become the most powerful voting demographic in the U.S. over the next decade. The politicians want to know who to woo. That's why you hear Bush talking about a "Guest Worker Program." He wants to win the Hispanic vote over to the Republican party.
You have a much more interesting family history than me. No one died from snake bites. Although my grandpa's brother once had a hay seed stuck in his ear and it started to sprout.
Comments 3
You have a much more interesting family history than me. No one died from snake bites. Although my grandpa's brother once had a hay seed stuck in his ear and it started to sprout.
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