Title: Fort Wen Tee
a_life_defiant Paring: TaeKey, ninja!JongHo
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Drabble, humor
Warnings: implied drug use
Summary: Key is somewhere floating in the universe, Taemin is hungry, Jonghyun and Jinki can't stop laughing, and Minho is suddenly the dictionary.
A/N: yesterday was 4/20. I don't even remember writing this, but it was magically on my phone this morning - so I figured I'd share.
Kibum's heart was pumping erratically in his chest. The noise was deafening in his ears; the sheer force of it pulsing violently in his throat. But none of the other boys seemed to notice. In fact, Jonghyun and Jinki were in stitches over something Minho had just said. Key had missed the joke but, after a minute of listening to their breathless chatter, he determined it was something about some girl group looking like Asian-hooker-Bratz dolls. Key let out a half amused snort and then scanned the room for Taemin, who had suddenly disappeared. When, after five minutes, he still couldn't see the maknae, he decided to get up and look for him physically.
He didn't have to travel far. A clattering of dishes in the kitchen was a dead giveaway. His feet felt like they were walking on the moon, while his head was somewhere in the ocean, but he managed to stumble into the kitchen nonetheless. The dancer was rummaging through the cabinets with clumsy hands, likely in search of food. After a minute he leaned back with a triumphant grin on his face; a pack of Ramen clutched in his hand, the other gripping onto the cabinet's handle for support. Taemin swung back and forth as he turned to Key.
"Lookie what I found." The younger boy announced with a maddening giggle.
Taemin quickly let go of the cabinet and plopped down on the linoleum, legs crossed. He struggled briefly with the package before the plastic noodle-entrapment gave in. He tore the seasoning packet open with his teeth, earning a loud 'tsk' from the older boy, and then dumped it's contents back into the plastic along with the noodles. He gripped a slender hand around the top, sealing it off, and then began to shake it furiously. Key blushed at the gesture. Between the innocent, jubilant look on Taemin's face and the actual motion he was creating - it just seemed so obscene
"What the fuck are you doing???" Key blustered.
"Uh....isn't it obvious?" Taemin questioned naively as he dug a hand into the plastic wrapper, pulling out a chunk of the raw noodles.
He popped it into his mouth, smirking as he chewed happily. Key knelt down in front of the dancer and outstretched his palm. The maknae quickly snatched the bag away, frowning darkly.
"Shiro. You go hunt for yourself."
"Why you little BITCH!" Key exclaimed.
"Who cooks for you all the time? Share with your umma, damn it!" The diva exclaimed as he lunged for the packet.
Taemin leaned back and moved his arm away further as his hyung tried to climb over him. They wrestled back and forth until they were nose to nose; sharing air and looking at each other cross-eyed. Without even really meaning to, their lips clashed together. Both boys suddenly pulled back in shock, looking at one another in astonishment. Key was about to try to make a joke out of it when Taemin lunged forward and brought the diva into another kiss; this time fully intentional. The dancer's hands clung to the sides of Key's head. The left hand still held the Ramen and it made noisy crinkling sounds in the older boy's ear.
Key nibbled at Taemin's lower lip, coaxing his mouth open. He slipped his tongue in past the pink plushness and lapped hungrily. Taemin tasted rich and salty from the seasoning, and Key found it addictive. The dancer wrapped his left arm around Key's back as the kiss became more intense; a fight for dominance.
Jinki fumbled over himself as he entered the kitchen. His eyes went wide at the sight before him. His dongsaengs were panting as they raped each other's mouths; crotches rubbing sinfully against each other.
"Oh shit...."Jinki stuttered but then got distracted.
He spotted the Ramen that was clutched loosely in the maknae's hand and swooped down to snatch it.
"Daebak!" He cheered as he trotted back to the living room.
Neither boy on the floor even registered their leader's presence or thievery; too caught up in their make-out session.
Jinki stretched out on the couch languidly and began to eat. Jonghyun arched a curious brow.
"Where did you get that from?" The singer inquired.
"I just stole it from Taeminnie." He answered with a winning nod.
Minho scoffed. "How in the hell did you manage that? He seldom relinquishes sustenance when he's high."
"Well...he was distracted."
Minho scoffed again and was going to interrogate further, but Jonghyun's snorting laughter interrupted him.
Jinki and Minho stared at the singer like he was crazy.
"What?" Minho bristled, trying to sound offended.
"You.....hahhahahahahaa.....I mean really? Ahahaahaa."
When he gave no further explanation Minho asked again.
"It's just......'seldom relinquishes sustenance'? Really? Why does your vocabulary suddenly triple anytime you toke?" Jonghyun teased while trying not to dissolve into another fit of giggles.
"Fuck you." Minho growled as he shoved the older boy over with a pout.
"If he goes into the kitchen it just might happen." Jinki mumbled, but was drowned out by the dinosaur cracking up on the floor; his limbs twitching with spasmadic laughter.