Title: Maybe, One Day
a_life_defiant Rating: G
Genre: Drabble, fluff, oneshot
Pairing: 2Min
Summary: Minho reflects on some things during nap-time on "Hello Baby"
A/N: So I was inspired to write this a little bit ago while trying to get my niece to go to sleep. Little toes poking into your ribs have got to be one of the best muses - it got me to write fluff, didn't it? I almost NEVER write fluff. Oh and something below an R rating??? This is unheard of.....I hope it doesn't suck.
As Minho lay on the floor he mused about life. Fame? It was good. People knew your name - adored you even. Money was no object and he got to do something he loved. Yeah practice was hard, but he was never one for easy. Expectations were high, though not as high as his personal expectations of himself.
Yes it was good, however nothing could possibly beat the current state of things. As he listened to the steady cadence of their lungs, he had to admit he owed it all to his status. The position he was in was by no means comfortable. A sweaty little body was lodged up under his ribcage, as children tend to do when you sleep with them; his arm numb from Taemin laying on it. He watched the delicate intake of air through the dancer's half-parted lips. Yoogeun's hand lay draped across Taemin's neck, his chubby little fingers digging into the skin slightly.
The child stirred in his sleep, shifting his body slightly. His knee was now nudged up against Minho's sternum; his hand stretched further over Taemin's neck, fingertips brushing against Minho's on the other side. The movement caused Taemin to roll inward subconsciously; sandwiching Yoogeun snugly between them. A warm smile enveloped the rapper's face as he took in Taemin and Yoogeun's peaceful expression. He wished he could stop time- preserve the moment forever somehow. He knew it would be devastating when their time was over with the boy, but he willed himself to enjoy it while he could.
Eventually fame would fade; contracts would be up and someone would inevitably tire of it all. But for now everything was solid. He nuzzled against the top of Yoogeun's head, taking in his innocent smell. It was like baby powder, fresh laundry, and some other unexplainable thing....it was just....life.
He ran a free hand down the curve if Taemin's jaw, reveling in the softness of his skin. Too soon they'd be back to jam-packed schedules - there would be little time to relax like now. But maybe one day, when it was all over - when they were grown up- maybe then he and Taemin could have this again. Not too much, just something simple. Something for them alone.