yah, i pretty much rock. only sayiin' that because of the AWESOME feedback i got on my last (two) religion essays.
Once again you have written a very impressive essay, and once again I have found more to write in the way of praise than of suggestions. Your essay draws out some of the rhetorical richness of Augustine's Confessions and does a nice job of examining the conceptual aims of such rhetoric. You capture well some of the tension rampant in the text. Relating themes in ancient or medieval texts to modern concerns can be difficult in the extreme. The essay accomplishes this in a fairly natural way. Your writing skills exceed those of your peers, and you clearly have a mind for this material. I encourage you to take further religion classes if you have the interest. You would no doubt enjoy success but would likely continue to develop as a scholar and writer.
anywho, i thought i'd enjoy this little ego boost right before finals...which i am completely apathetic about.
ENGL: i've got a big paper...already written the draft and i think it kind of sucks. my only hope is that prof will not be too hard on the draft or that i won't have to rewrite significant portions of it...a little afraid of that.
RELG: one more stupid-ass essay due friday and then an exam next week. umm...too bad i have NO idea what to expect for that. we haven't had a test all year!! grrrr. christianity sux my ballz.
CSCI: gotta finish my website and hopefully get it to validate by next week. not too big a deal really...hopefully...
RHET: revise my midterm paper for the final essay...feeling okay about this one.
but yeah, so now that i've laid all that out, i suppose i should get to work on some of the other shit that needs to be done before then...blehhh.
can't wait for break, y'all!