Title: Rapunzel (or, "Damsel" in Distress)
red_rahlRating: slight PG for the text
Fandom: HP
Pairing: HD
Warnings: Some frustration, of various types.
Disclaimer: These boys belong to JKR. I just love to play with them.
Dedicated to: All the fabulous people who leave those kick-ass responses that I never get around to answering! I'm so sorry about that but I'm really glad you guys stop by and let me know what you think about my stuff!
Notes: First in the "Chibi HD Fairytales" series. This has been a picture that I sketched a while back and I've always wanted to do it.
- Rough outline done in pencil. Digitally inked and colored with Photoshop and Opencanvas.
- Apologies to all who might want stuff other than chibis from me. My muses just want to be chibis. *pokes them a bit more* Yup, that's about right.
- The tower took a surprisingly long, yet enjoyable, time to make.
- I included some close-up details because they tickled me so to add. In fact, I kept wanting to add more details to everything but my lazy side stopped me from going too crazy.
- I'm not much of a writer, so the text did give me a bit of bother. Hope it came out okay.
Detail: Draco's Dress has little snakes on the hem and sleeves.
Detail: The emblem on Harry's Cloak was a lot of fun to work on, though I added his sword as an afterthought. (I had a lot of fun looking through my LotR: Weapons and Warfare book for references for it.)
Final note: I've already got a Snow White, Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella sort of planned out but I'm definitely open to suggestions so if you have a fairytale/folktale/myth, please drop a line! :D
ETA: I actually do have a Sleeping Beauty idea too...that one should be good... *sly smirk*