1. Name: Sarah
2. birthday: Aug 23, 1986
3. sign: Leo/Virgo
4. age: 17, 18 in two months exactly =)
5. sex: female
6. location: Exeter
7. school: Graduated Exeter High, entering Cornell U
8. glasses/contacts: contacts, with glasses on the side
9. braces: not no more. since soph year!
10. fat/skinny: gross. =(
11. tall/short: short
12. do you like ketchup: yes
13. do you like mustard: sure
14. do you like mayonnaise: not since Rumney with Bridget
15. do you like pickles: mostly, yet
16. do you like boys or girls: boys please
17. do you like pickle relish (yuck): yuck (as previously stated, so bluntly)
18. do you like chicken: yes please
19. do you like spinach: in salad, sure
20. do you have any sibling: one brother
21. what are their names: Brian
22. how old are they: 20
23. do you have any pets: Yes
24. what are their names: Cody Puppy (well the puppy is just me)
25. what kind of pets are they: um, a dog?
26. do you like school: it's okay.
27. if you could choose anyone to rule the world who would you choose: me, of course.
28. do you like pokemon: never got into it
29. do you talk to voices in your head: haha. no, but I do talk to myself plenty.
30. do they tell you to do stuff: it's called your gut
31. do you listen: sometimes
32. have you ever had wet dreams about someone: um, not really
33. how often do you talk on the phone: on the cell more than I used to definately
34. how often do you surf the web: LJ and email mostly
35. how often do you hang out with friends: pretty often. esp now that we're realizing it's our last summer.
36. do you have a bf/gf: honestly not sure.
37. do you love them: probably not...
38. have you ever loved anyone: no
39. have you ever made-out with someone: yes
40. are you loopy: um. I'm Sarah. 'nuff said.
41. have you ever broke any bones: nope actually
42. if so, which ones: n/a
43. how often do you shower: every or every other day
44. which group do you hang out with at school: my crew
45. do you get good grades: decent enough.
46. do you always get in trouble: not really
47. do you get along with your parents: on and off
48. are you gonna go to college: this fall! scary
49. who is your best girl friend: Alie, I guess. Bridget and Kim too really.
50. who is your best guy friend: umm...
51. who do you talk to the most on the phone: Bridget and Chris
52. who do you talk to the most on the net: um, probably Nick. He IMs me most.
53. do you like email or snail mail better: e-mail
54. do you like gold or silver jewelry: Silver
55. have you ever prank called a 1-800 number: LOL REMEMBER THE BSB SEX LINE?
56. have you ever tried to impress your crush and ended up embarrassing yourself: um, clogs anyone?
57. what are you most afraid of: ticks. death.
58. are you weird: wasn't this already asked?
59. how long does it take you to get ready for school: 15-30mins
60. do you have a crush: I guess I do =)
61. what are their names: Chris
62. do they like you: last I checked...
63. do you like coffee: if I need it. Mocha preferably
64. if not, how come: sr prom last year. nuff said
65. what is the longest you have went out with someone: um... dating? what's that?
66. do you regret it:
67. how do you know the person who sent this to you: um, from the latest posts on LJ? so no. her name was melissa though...
68. do you want to live? London
69. is the most fun place to go? anywhere with my friends.
70. do you want to meet your husband/wife? college or work. Somewhere?
71. do you want to go heaven or hell? heaven
72. do you want to get married? Church
73. Do you like to do? be with the people i love, as corny as it is =)
74. was the most fun retreat/trip you ever went on? retreat? the palo alto mission trip.
75. friend is always there? bridget
76. relative sends you the most money for Christmas? I don't. 25 bucks max.
77. do you like about your church or school click? they're all one in the same. and they're amazing.
78. do you want to be when you grow up? in charge
79. do you want your husband/wife name to be? whatever fits him.
80. is your favorite sport? watching college hockey =)
81. is your favorite piece of clothing? right now it's my new theatre sweatshirt. bc it's cozy and warm
have you, in the last 24 hrs...
82. Cried? only bc of my contacts...
83. gotten in major trouble? not caught ;-)
84. cut your hair? nope
85. ate a meal? yeah
86. hugged someone? i don't think so
87. kissed someone? nope
88. made a new friend? no
89. lost something? i don't think so
have you ever...
90. Been so drunk you passed out? nope
91. gone out in public in your pajamas? yes =)
92. had an imaginary friend? nope
93. cried during a chick flick? hahaha yes. of course =)
94. owned a new kids on the block cd? nope
95. gotten in a car accident? yup! exit 2 on 101. well just me sliding off the road. still really scary.
96. liked someone so much you cried? sixth grade count?
97. cussed when your parents were around? Yeah
98. told your sister/brother he/she was a bitch? i don't think so, but I may have...
99. sung in front of the mirror? yes!
100. made faces in the mirror? not really
101. spent more than one hour on your hair? washing and drying and stuff yes
102. sleep- walked talked in your sleep? no
103. watched a scary movie and couldn’t sleep all night? nope
104. gone caroling? yes!
105. what is the funniest movie you ever saw? I'm not good on movies... I forget... =)
106. what is the stupidest movie?
107. which movie could you watch over and over?
108. what was the last movie you saw? harry potter? no, mean girls.
109. who do you go to the movies with? my girls, mostly. recently Chris adn Nick too
110. what movie mad you cry the most? I forget
111. did you like titanic? haha, I saw it 5 times in the theatre with Bridget
if you were stranded on an island…
112. who would you take? orlando bloom? actually no.
113. who would you take if you only had two people you could bring? seriously, i have no idea...
114. what three things would you bring? my cell bc I'm addicted, water, and.... a comforter?
115. what island would you want to be stranded on? manhattan
116. what animal would you kill for food? me
117. would you write on the sand “help!”? no
118. would you panic or relax? panic, then relax
would you ever...
19. Jump out of a plane? hell yes! I really want to sky dive =)
120. kiss your best guy friend (or if you’re a guy girl friend)? yes, if the moment was right
121. go bungee jumping? yes
122. stay in your room for a whole day? maybe
123. go in the snow without clothes? I get cold early...
124. skinny dip? sure ;-)
125. drink salt water? I swished it the other per Melissa
126. touch road kill? omg no.
127. take a job even if it meant you’d be away from your guy (or girl)? probably yes.
128. smile at your worst enemy? yes
129. play 8,000 bowling games in one night? that's a lot. I suck at bowling, but it's amazing fun!
130. go to Reno to get married? nope
131. gamble? bring shorts to Minnesota? gamble:::probably :bring shorts to minnesota:::wtf
132. have a make-out party? haha
133. throw a party without your parents? yes
134. go to a foreign country? in a heart beat
135. fly a plane? sure
136. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? my brother
137. if you had to go live in Borneo for the rest of your life and you could take one person ? where is borneo?
138. on this earth, who would you take? there's something missing here I think....
139. who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? um, a lot of people actually. 24 hrs isn't that long...
140. if you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call? um. I'd scream.
141. let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick? this section sucks ass
142. what if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be? kiera knightly. she's gorgeous...
143. What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex? (hahah i'd pee...see what it's like gettin to stand up) LOL this is what the other chick had. I'd never think of this, but yeah. I'm amazed.
144. if all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be? anything. I'd love to be excellent at anything
145. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change(personality and looks)? everything other than my face physically. personality, less stubborn,
146. what is your dream career? major management
147. what is the one thing you just have to do before you die? live.
148. if you could be a member of any band that has ever exsisted, what band would that be?
149. what is the thing you care about most in your life? friends =)
which one......
150. Winter or summer? fall and spring
151. The beach or the mountains? mountains
152. pop or punk? pop rockish
153. rock or rap? rock
154. new york or l.A.? new york
155. milk chocolate or dark chocolate? milk
156. dogs or cats? dogs
157. britney or christina? Britney
158. leno or letterman? don't watch either
159. mtv or vh1? mtv
160. country or classical? classical
161. day or night? night
162. lake or ocean? Ocean
163. waffles or pancakes? waffles
164. soccer or football? soccer
165. baseball or swimming? baseball
166. chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
167. sugar or spice? sugar
168. grisham or canyon vista? canyon vista
169. eminem-please stand up or please shut up? I like Eminem actually
170. If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be? anything musical
171. if you could design your perfect mate what would he/she look like and be like? too personal, i'm sorry. not something to be written in script in a lj
172. if you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? pay off student loans. buy a car. shop =) buy clothes
173. what is the single most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? haha. I am an embarrassment =)
have you ever.....
174. Fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking? been there done that.
175. run into a wall? probably =)
176. sleep walked? nope!
177. gone skinny-dipping? yup! 'do you want me to turn the light on girls?' NOOOOOO!
178. kissed someone of the same sex? no
179. snuck out of the house at night? nope. I'm a 'good girl'
180. gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver? not a wreck
181. laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose? lol obviously. once with milk in 6th grade in front of joe meallo when i had a crush on him =)
182. started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow? did we not already cover that I'm an idiot?
83. swallow a bug? haha probably at camp... =)
184. have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution? I've never made one...
185. if so what was it?
186. say a few things about the person who sent this too you. don't know you!
~*~*would you ever*~*~
187. eat bugs purposely? if i got paid
188. commit a crime? if it's minor
189. change your religion? not outside christianity probably
190. lie to your parents? Who hasn't??
191. jump over a waterfall? please
192. change clothes in front of an open window? maybe?
193. dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? dude, guys dress so much more comfortably....
194. go out at night dressed in something like a black trench coat and sunglasses? prolly not...
195. sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers? maybe if my duet partner is amazing?
196. tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? how much older?
~*~*have you ever*~*~
197. lied to your parents about something really important? probably
198. have your life threatened? i don't think so
199. stumbled across fbi secrets online? nope
200. stayed up until the morning light talking online? yes =) it's 4.43am
201. made people give you really weird glances? haha, yes
202. if yes, how? lol
203. read a Shakespeare play? english class m'dearie
204. talked in your sleep? once kate told me i did when we were up at Loon
205. what did you say? we have to wait for them! they waited for us! =)
206. sung at a karaoke bar? i want to!
207. who do you have a crush on: we already covered this ma'am
208. who do u like: have you ever gone out with them: we've been over this m'dear
209. have you ever kissed them: yes
210. do you wanna kiss them: yes
211. what is the farthest you have gone with a guy/girl: not public information
212. do you sleep with one pillow or two: 2 feather, 1 fun, 2 bed fluff pillows
and. the sun is rising. sex and the city is on. and I'm ready for bed. =)