It did not. Even if I weren't a Firefly fan, the "Katya, am I finally dead?" scene was a masterstroke, in my opinion. Still, he's most definitely been driving it home ever since Scott woke up with his eyes open. I've constructed entire happy AU X-Verse's around Scott's not getting hit in the head when he was 9, and Whedon totally sees the same point.
One thing that's always frustrated me about both Scott and Rogue is that Professor X was supposed to be helping both of them gain control of their powers, and he's done pretty much nothing in that direction, in Scott's case, for almost 45 years.
Well,when you get right down to it, Kitty was right. Professor Xavier is a jerk. And Marvel does not pay attention to what it has already written, of course, a fact that has gotten so much worse in recent years.
Hear hear. But we had to endure 23 ISSUES of Emma being so irritating that I wanted to swat her off the page and Hank getting underused to GET THERE.
That last six pages in AXM #23 were, in a word, astonishing. Scott wrecking someone's face and DECAPITATING him? Now THAT's the Scott I want to see more of. I jumped up and shouted in glee when I got to the double page spread.
Maybe with Ellis, Hank will get used more. And sound like himself.
My hatred for any attempt to make Emma Frost a heroine is so boundless that I just have to turn the natural reactions to her off. Although that time she asked someone to kill her? That was nice. Just needed a bit more followthrough. With actual Emma-killing.
Comments 16
He's certainly done what no other X-writer before him could - made Scott interesting.
That last six pages in AXM #23 were, in a word, astonishing. Scott wrecking someone's face and DECAPITATING him? Now THAT's the Scott I want to see more of. I jumped up and shouted in glee when I got to the double page spread.
Maybe with Ellis, Hank will get used more. And sound like himself.
And the last line? Scott owned that line.
More and proper Hank would be good.
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