Happy Valentine's Day one and all! I know I havent' updated in ahwile, sorry , I suck. Butthis weekend was fun, I was Hitch and slept over LAJ's it was a typical sleepover (minus the aliens and the surprise parties)here is a special Valentine's day for y'all
******the basics******
1. Name: Margie
2. Birthday: September 11(presents are accepted and encouraged)
3. Location: My room. In New Jersey.
4. Where else have u lived: Westchester
5. School/mascot/colors: Indians- green and white
6. Zodiac sign: virgo.
7. Shoe size: 7-esque
8. Height: 5'3.
9. Weight: 120 i think.
10. Pets: a cat, 2 birds, assorted fish.
11. Siblings: Naomi.
12. Eye color: it changes colors but right now they are hazel.
13. Hair color: brown with natural blond highlights.
14. Hair lenth: preeeeeettty long. But I'm cutting and donating it hopefully within the next 2 weeks.
15. Ever dyed ur hair?: nope.
16. What color?: invisible, becuase i've never died my hair.
17. Grade: soph.
18.Are u good in school?: decent. not amazing but i'm not failing by any standard.
19 hobbies: Skating, music, broadway, saving the world, hanging out with the presidet, starring in indie flicks.
20. Nicknames: Margie, Madge, MG, Glock, Glocky, Glocky-o-mally, Glocky-o-hentry.
21. What languages do you speak? English and un poco espanol.
22. Do you play sports? I skate. Not everyone considers it a sport but it is!
23. Where were you born? White Plains.
24. Are you a night or a morning person? Eh I'm pretty good in either.
25. Are you ticklish? Extremely.
26. Do you have any other screen names?: One.
27. What are they?: I don't use it, so it doesn't even matter really.
28. Do you have braces?: No. I had them and I have a retainer that I wear on on occasion.
29. Do you have glasses/ contacts?: Nope.
!!!!!!getting personal!!!!!!
30. What do you want to be when you grow up? Child Advocay Laywer, Something famous, happy.
31. What was the worst day of your life? August 8th, I guess.
32. What is your most embarrassing story? Don't really get embarassed too easily.
33. What has been the best day of your life? Not sure.
34. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? I guess on the back of my head, just because it makes the most sense right now.
35. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? How to be better person, what I want to wear tomorrow, if I did all my homework.
36. Movie: 101 Dalmatians,Psycho, 6th Sense, Peter Pan, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Tommy Boy.
37. Song: Not sure. I have very ecletic taste, but I've always liked Tainted Love
38. Band/group: Right this very moment...... ugh I don't know, I'm so sick of "favorite" questions.
39. Store: Nordstroms.
40. Relative: All of them. Really.
41. Sport: football, skating, dodgeball (on ESPN 8-- The Ocho), soccer, anything is fun .
42. Vacation spot: Beach!!! Just about any beach!
43. Ice cream flavor: Phish Food is up there, so is half-baked, and Cake batter is in the top of the top.
44. Fruit: Kiwis and all kinds of berries.
45. Candy: Sooo many.
46. Car: The one that I can't drive because i'm 15? yea, that one is definately my favorite.
47. Class: History, Bio is an "interesting" class.
48. Holiday: Thanksgiving, Passover, Ides of March (lol LAJ).
49. Day of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday...each day has its little perks
50. Color: Anything.
51. Magazine: People, Nickelodean Magazine lol.
52. Name for a girl: Talia, Jordan, Taylor
53. Name for a boy: Noah, Shaun, Seb <333
54.Sports team: not sure.
55. month: summer months, i also like April. I don't really knwo why.
56. Man athlete: Scott Hamilton.
57. Female athlete: Michelle Kwan.
58.Actress: Idina, Kristen, .
59. Actor: Seb, Apasc, Taye, Johnny Depp.
60. Tv show: Will and Grace, My Super Sweet 16, Rich Girls (RIP Rich Girls-- I cried when you went off the air).
61. Web site: Disneychannel.com.
62.Animal: not sure.
63. Word: Bruhaha... hahahahahaha.
64. Brand of shoes: Birkenstocks, I also like my adidas sandals, and my roos.
65. Radio station: 95.5 .
66. Room in your house: Mine and the basement.
67. Concert you have been to: Never been to a concert *Gasp!*.
68. Cd: That's impossible to say.
69. Pizza topping: Cheese and mushrooms.
70.State: California.
71. City: NYC.
72. Sound: So many.
73. Taste: I don't know.
74. Feeling: Love. And the way you get when you're with a group of your best friends.
75. College: don't know.
76. Number: 7, 9, not sure what else.
77. Book: Harry Potter, Lovely Bones, Gossip Girl series, Georgia Nicholson Series, To Kill a Mockinbird.
^^^^^^in the past 24 hours have you^^^^^^
78. Had a serious talk? I think.
79. Hugged someone? Yes.
80. Fought with a friend? Don't think so.
81. Cried? Nope.
82. Laughed? Yes.
83. Made someone laugh? Yes.
84. Bought something?Nope.
85. Cut your hair? No.
86. Felt stupid? No.
??????have you ever??????
87. Done drugs? nope.
88. Eaten an entire box of oreos? Nope.
89. Hiked a mountain? Yes.
90. Seen the white house? yep.
91. Seen the eiffel tower? not in person.
92. Tried smoking? nope.
93. Drank alcohol? a little, but not like getting drunk alcohol.
94. Smoked marijuana? nope.
95. Played monopoly? Yes.
96. Seen titanic? Yupp (well the movie).
97. Kissed someone? Yes.
98. Jumped on a trampoline? Yes.
99. Had a bubble bath? Yes.
100. Been on a plane? Yes.
101. Been on a boat? Yes.
102. Been on a train? Yes.
103. Been in a car accident? Nope, thank fully.
104. Ridden an elephant? Acutally, yes.
105. Made a web page? nope.
106. Played with barbies? I have but i was never a big fan of dolls.
107. Stayed up all night? Yes.
108. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? I have no "under your bed" becaue there are drawers attached to the bed. So I had to be a good girl and put everything away all the time.
109. Broken a bone? nope.
110. Been afraid of the dark? I still get freaked out if I'm somewhere I'm not sure of in the dark.
111. Had stitches? Yupp, In my head and in my mouth
~~~~~~do you~~~~~~
112. Like to give hugs? Yes.
113. Like to walk in the rain? Yupp/.
114. Prefer black or blue pens? It changes.
115. Like to travel? Yes.
116. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? Side.
117. Have a goldfish? Nope.
118. Ever have the falling dream? Sure.
119. Have stuffed animals? Yes.
120. Do you belive in the horoscopes: No, but they're freaky when they are accurate.
121. Do you like your handwriting: Yes.
122.Do you have any piercings: 4 in my ears.
123. Any tattoos: Nope.
124. If so where: ----
125. Do you own a miniskirt: No. I own short-ish skirts. Not slutty short, not not Amish-long.
126. Ever worn black nail polish: maybe.
127. Do you like little kids: Yupp.
128. Ever seen a ghost: No.
129. How about an alien: No.
130. Do you beleive in either of them: Don't know.
what do you think when you hear this name:
132. Jennifer: Lopez?.
133. Leah: This girl who was in my first grade class. Random, yes.
134. Megan: Dana's friend.
135. Brandon: One of my students at preschool, and Cara's "valentine".
136. Christina: uhh...
137. Angela: Angelica.
138. Courtney: from school.
139. Jeff: uh....
140. Mike: my cousin and like the million of other people i know named mike.
*~*~which way would you spell it~*~*
141. Megan or meghan: Megan, becuase its less confusing.
142. Lacey or lacy: Lacey.
143. Steven or stephen: Steven.
144. Kurt or curt: Kurt.
145. Caryn or karen: Caryn, because I heart Nearny!.
146. Mark or marc: Mark.
147. Brandi or brandy: Brandy.
148. Eric or erik: Eric.
149. Corrine or carine: Corrine.
150. Kari or carrie: Carrie.
151. Jackie or jackqui: Jackie.
152. Deseray or desirae: How about Desiree.
153. Jayde or jade: Jade.
154. Amy or aimee: Amy.
155. Bradi or brady: Brady.
156. Chelsea or chelsey: Chelsea.
157. Katelyn or kaitlyn: Katelin?
158. Ashley or ashleigh: Ashley
159. Geoffrey or jeffrey: Geoffrey, beucase its liek the Toys R US giraffe.
&&&&this or that&&&&
160. Pierced nose or tongue? Nose.
161. Be serious or funny? Both.
162. Sugar or salt? Sugar.
163. Silver or gold? Silver.
164. Tongue or belly button ring? neither.
165. Chocolate or flowers? Chocolate.
166. Rap or rock? Rock.
167. Diamond or ruby? Not sure.
168. Vanilla or chocolate? Again.. not sure.
169. Kids or not? Kids.
170. Cat or dog? Kitty.
171. Half empty or half full? Depends.
172. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
173. Candy or soda? Candy.
174. Pepsi or coke? Don't drink Soda
175. Nike or adidas? Nike has salve labor, although swoosh is fun to say.