Title: Dreams of Sunlight (1/3) Challenge prompt: 3. "The dark night of the soul" --
20_inkspots (Dark set--full table
here) co-written with
Which came first: Story
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Gotham in 1889, and Bruce Wayne meets a very unusual person.
Continuity: Based on the Batman Elseworld "Gotham by Gaslight," adding a Clark Kent with his powers tweaked a bit.
mithen's story is
here. ^o^
Bruce realized that there was one point of color among the monochrome: his eyes were a brilliant turquoise, as deep and rich as a sunlit summer sky.
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
The roses indeed killed me. :p
The fragment of this bunny had been around me for a long time though it's too patchy to gather up into a story. So it was sleeping and then, suddenly it started growing up.
mithen and I could figured out the shape of bunny. She wrote this beautiful story and I'm really happy I could work with her. :)