Title: The Ghost in Your Heart (Plot by rai_daydreamer, written by
Challenge prompt: 8. "the ghost haunting through your heart" --
20_inkspots (Dark set--full table
here) with
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Each character belongs to DC or their respective owners.
Summary: When Superman is badly hurt in a fight with Brainiac, he awakes with no memories of being Clark Kent.
Mithen's story is
here. ^o^
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I really wanted to draw "birds-like-tilting." But I failed. orz
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Bonus. A rough sketch of Clark and Bruce in his dream of SmalleVille home.
The angle of Clark's face is hard to draw for me, and I'm still not satisfied with the result...
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A sketch of Kal in Kryptonian robe.
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
Kal looks more remote in this rough sketch to me. Some things are lost while I clean the lines up... x_x
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