Title: Pink Ribbons
Challenge prompt: "13. half accidental, half painful instrumental" --
20_inkspots--Dark Set.
Which came first: Art
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Warning: none.
Notes: This is the work with
mithen for our challenges. :)
Our all challenges are found in
Why are the ribbons glowing in pink? ---
Go and read mithen's story!! Yay!
The rush of fresh air made the flames leap higher hungrily, and Batman reached down to scoop the bound Kryptonian up in his arms as the roof started to come down.
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
I've had the image "Batman snatching Supreman out" for a long time. First, it was the lasso binging him in my mind, then I found this prompt and it changed into ribbons. :) And I couldn't help but think it's magical and can't be untied unless the particular one (um, I don't say it here) try to do while I was drawing this pic.