Title: Subway Station (I can't come up with any good title for this.)
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Male kissing.
Disclaimer: Each character belongs to DC or their respective owners (when they are in costume, I think).
Notes: A surprise kiss. I have a thing for it, I think.
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Comments 31
Absolutely gorgeous, hon. :D
*applauds, loves*
Love the poses, and the clothes (Bruce's outfit, omg), and especially the expressions on their faces, Bruce all possessive and Clark's face a shocked and surprised, "Bwuh?" Would love to see the next few moments, when he relaxes into it... I can imagine Bruce going smug and smirky. And then of course they'd both forget where they were entirely and there would be nothing but intense passion. :DD
I like the blur effect! I think it looks good, it's effective at conveying motion, and it gives you the feeling that Clark and Bruce are standing still, frozen in time with just each other while the rest of the world swirls around them, inconsequential.
...Apparently I have a lot of feels about this. I'LL JUST BE HERE STARING AT THE ART FOR A WHILE. Mostly Bruce. And his suit. And his eyes. And the dip of his throat a;alskhdglsafjafsk.
I'd rather like to read a story around this uh, situation. hehe.
I'm also glad that the blur effect worked well for you. It took long and I was not so sure if it would work. I wanted to make the image just as you said, so I'm happy you saw the pic as I imagined. :)
Glad you enjoyed this. Thank you very much for commenting. :)
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