In Which Our Heroine Is Alone

Apr 03, 2010 16:23

I'm stuck on campus for the long weekend.

It wasn't going to be so bad; lots of my guy friends were going to be on campus. We were going to hang out.

But now most of my guy friends are at MiniCon (fantasy and sci fi and literature. *whimpers*) and I couldn't go due to
1) money
2) homework, and
3) the fact I'd be a girl sharing a room with several guys, and the idea makes me a bit uncomfortable even if they are great guys and my friends.
But I'm mad jealous (BRIAN SANDERSEN and Doctor Who and gaming and all sorts of fun stuff...) and stuck here mostly alone until Monday night when everyone returns.

Also, the caf isn't open today or tomorrow, so no food for Emily unless she makes it her own self.

However, I love my meager group of guy friends who are actually HERE. We're making pizza and watching Monty Python tonight.

But I've got a project to do and a story to write, so I'm going to be involved in only a limited way.

Also, in mostly unrelated news, I am a stupid girl who gets upset too easily. I blame hormones and my goring lady parts for that, though.
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