Its hard to believe I started out this week going "4 hours a day? I could do more than that!"
Another brilliant example of Be Careful What You Wish For, You Might Just Get It.
One of our (awesome) locum's finished this week, only apparently the schedule didn't realize she was leaving on Wednesday, not Friday. So Thursday and Friday we are short 8 hours. Monday was busy because Monday's are always busy, and then Tuesday I actually worked 4 hours and left at a normal time. Wednesday was her last day and we were tight so I picked up the emerg consult and that took me an extra hour, then yesterday I increased my hours from 4 to 8 to pick up 4 of the leftover hours.
Working till 5pm was hard. I know it's a normal day but whew. Plus I had to go from the north tower to the south tower and up and down and all around the hospital several times. I gave into the siren call of the elevator around noon and never got up the energy to regret it. And of course every crisis seems to come when your most stressed for time. Classic.
Today I've got to do my handover notes, since its my LAST DAY FOR FOUR MONTHS WHEEEE! and make sure all my charts are uptodate and readable. Plus I've got two people likely going home and a whole bunch of phone calls to make down south to arrange a transfer. All in all it should be a busy day.
It helps to tell myself I'm getting paid for this. I used to pull heavy days as a resident all the time for a discount, and as a medical student every day for free. It's nice to know I'm now counted as worth my work. ;) That being said, I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing sometimes, and I guess that's to be expected.
Spent yesterday morning reading up on dry diaper pails and now know what to look for at walmart next week. Also have to put that last coat of paint on the side-table for the baby's room then varnish it, plus convince my husband to put up the curtain rod. After that I'm pretty much done - some clothes to fold, the rug to vacuum, the rest of the house to clean. I need to price out furnaces and cleaning services, but that can all be done next week.
I'd like to get some more writing done, Dresden is still knocking around wondering when I'm going to get back to him, and I'm hoping I can do some of that too. Plus the car is to be cleaned on Tuesday and then the car seat has to go in. Midwives on Tuesday also.
... and then mostly waiting. Lol. I think that as much as I complain about work, waiting will be the harder part.
Today is going to be hot and humid and muggy, but luckily Nick's already arrived safe in town. We can bunker down with A&S and have a nice weekend. My evil plan is to get everyone to play Ticket to Ride about a bazillion times. *g*