Thursday am

Sep 15, 2011 08:48

... ... ...

So I slept well.

Yeah, that's about all I got this morning.

Took puppy for a nice walk.  Had slightly stronger contractions while walking, but they stll stop as soon as I do.  And last night I wrenched my hip something good when I tried to pull Luna away from an apparently awesome smelling peice of grass while balanced on my at-some-point-in-this-pregnancy-previously-injured right hip.  So now I'm waddling because everything feels so low and I'm limping slightly because my hip hurts.  Very comical for the highschool students waiting at bus stops, let me tell you.

Had a really nice day yesterday with Katie - its great to have someone else whose not only pregnant with their first but in the same position as I am of knowing too much about it.  As she said, wouldn't it be great to be 17 and clueless?  Instead we are full term and anxious.  Ghah.

Today we woke to frost on the rooftops and Mom and I both thought baking something might clear us up.  So she's going to come over and we're planning to make struddel.  Mmmmm.  Grandma's recipe, and always a key note of autumn.  I'm also going to get the ingredients for pumpkin bread, which I made last year and loved.

That being said I'm still holding out hope of going into labour soon.  I gave my belly and stern talking to yesterday, as my cousin suggested, but it simply rolled around and punched me a bit.  Must be the Olson genes ;)  That kind of stubborness couldn't have come from my side.


Will keep walking today and doing what I can.  I'm trying to tell myself that I'm only over my due date by three days.  Three days!  That's nothing!  And it's only been two days since I saw the midwife.  So I've lots of time, oodles of time.  Of course that means I only have four days until I see her again.

But if I have to go to induction, its not a big deal.  I will be more than ready.

But still, any day now would be good.  *pokes belly*  Right?

pregnant belly

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