Old Logs (Twist Serve TCG)

Jul 01, 2009 11:51




1st August Traded dearprince10 for voice19 with Ashkahchan16]
Won Puns20 from Data Collecting 17
Traded natural10, naniwa02, serves09/17 for scenario20, gamcentre11, demon17 and bigi10 with Aoi_Honou [20]
Got otouto15, ballon01, dreamlive406, gamecentre18, item03[jyousei] and item04[jyousei] from Update 19.0
Traded otouto15 for moonsault07 with Kaze[21]

2nd August Traded shioin11/19 for scenario12 and childofgod08 with Krastak[22,23]
Won smile05, champions16 and item04[fudoumine] from Freebies 10

3rd August Won adieu04, onepoint20 and muga07 from Find Karupin 18
Traded smile05,item03[jyousei] and item04[jyousei] for scenario10, item04[strudolph] and item04[rikkai] with Kaze[24]
Won voice03, cake17 and item03[jyousei] from Probability 92% 03
Traded king04 for bigi08 with Anneko[1]
Traded item03[jyousei] for item04[yamabuki] with Kaze
Traded hunter06 for voice12 with Flore[2]
Got childofgod14, demon01/15, master04, petenshi17 and kenken02 from Old Rackets
Traded kenken02 for gamecentre13 with Asuka[3]
Traded adieu04 for bigi11 with Kaze[4]
Traded king04, muga19 and seishun08 for id[saz] at Second Hand Shop

4th August Won duounion12 from Synchro 18
Got borp10, serves14, kansai11 and item03[strudolph] from Item Exchange
Got item01 from Scrambled Data 16

5th August Won airport02, glorious09, item02 and item03[hyoutei] from Tenimyucation08

6th August Won dream03 and ecstasy10 from Who Am I? 08
Traded champions16 for petenshi04 KitsuneSama[5]
Traded samurai15 for petenshi08 in The Switch08

7th August Traded ecstacy10 for gamecentre14 with disutansu<[6]

8th August Won cake05, tarundoru13 and item02 from Data collection 18
Traded ballon01 and dream03 for cheers13/19 with Kaze[8]
Traded cake05 for glorious07 with KitsuneSama<[9]
Traded item01, item02 x02, item03[rikkai] and item04[rikkai] for brat18, king05/18/19 at Item Exchange
Got imperial01, karaoke03 and mirror14 from Update 20
Traded karaoke03 for imperial18 with KitsuneSama[10]

9th August Traded tarundoru13 for cheers03 with Asuka[11]
Traded cactus07 for sexy08 with Ashkahchan[12]
Traded airport02 for gamecentre20 with[13]

10th August Won gracious20, return07, myglove02, eventcard, item03[hyoutei], item03[rikkai] and item04[hyoutei] from Probability 92% 04
Claimed voice02, scenario18, kenken01 and jump18 from Old Rackets

12th August Won dojo03, pool11, item03[strudolph] and item03[yamabuki] from Tenimyucation 09
Got tea17, tango15, platinum02 and item04[strudolph] from Game Set
Won look-alike19, minor07, scudserve20 and platinum12 from Pick A School 11
Won animated01 and childofgod15 from Who Am I? 09

13th August Got moonsault04, serious06, mumble06, platinum19 and item04[yamabuki] from Match Set
Traded animated01 for master06 with keselyx [14]

14th August Traded smily03 for petenshi02 with Asuka[15]
Traded mumble06 for pentenshi07 with Anneko[16]

15th August Traded western18 for sexy16 with disutansu[17]
Traded resolve09 and short-term19 for childofgod03 and moonsault05 with Ori[18]
Claimed tempo18, rio14 and mikan20 from Update 21.0
Traded tempo18 for moonsault14 with Ashkah[19]

16th August Traded tea17, minor07 and pillar20 for studentid[saz] at second hand shop
Traded item03and item04[yamabuki] for gamecentre01 at item exchange

17th August Got roses18 and dream07 from Insight19
Got airport07, avenge12, tweezers17, item01 and item03[strudolph] from Scrambled Data19
Traded id[saz] for id[ashkah][20]
Traded roses18 for demon17 with keselyx[21]
Traded mug07 and gracious20 for petenshi01/16 with Ori[23]

18th August Claimed master19, j-mini19, pillar02, perfect06, hunter12 and kenken16 from Old Rackets
Traded j-mini19 for bigi06 with KitsuneSama[24]
Got borp21, j-min08,voice07, master17 and item03[strudolph] from Item Exhchange
Traded cactus20 for fuun20 with Ashkah[1]

20th August Won ballon05, memories14, item03[st rudolph] and item04[rokkaku] from Who Am I? 10

21st August Traded avenge12 for scenario13 with himilika[2]
Traded scudserve20 for moonsault19 with nnoilalala[3]

22nd AugustTraded pillar02, hunter12, duounion10/12, voice03, cake17, perfect06, platinum12 and music06 for platinum 04/06/11 at Second Hand Shop

23rd August Got bigi13, puns17 and item04[rokkaku] from Freebies 11
Traded pool11 for master12 with Kaze[4]
Got hawaii14, raccoon08, flippy07, pool05, crime07 and glorious05 from Update 22.0
Traded raccoon08 for demon18 with KitsuneSama[5]
Traded pool05 for flippy15 with Kaze[6]

24th August Traded dream07 and item04[hyoutei] x02 for kagayake05 and item04[rikkai] x02 with Kaze[7]
Won treasure13, strict11, habu16, mirror05, prowess08, childofgod01 and item04 [rokkaku] from Find Karupin 19
Claimed childofgod04, serves06, muga11, sexy05/09, glorious03, gracious11, petenshi18,19 and fuun01 from Old Rackets
Traded mikan20 for petenshi06 with Anneko[7]

25th August Traded brat18 for cavemen05 with Guia[8]
Got rainbow07, feint04, gekokujou10 and item04[rikkai] from Game Set
Traded bigi13 and puns20 for roses09 and demon09 with histoirede [10]
Won raccoon09, brat01 and item03[rikkai] from Insight 20
Traded rainbow07 and rio14 for childofgod02/05 with Kaze[12]
Traded roses09 for cheers01 with keselyx[13]
Traded raccoon09 for glorious04 with KitsuneSama[14]

26th August Traded cavemen05 for devil19 with KitsuneSama[15]

28th August Traded cactus15, prowess08 and moonsault04 for id[saz] at Second Hand Shop
Traded puns17, tango15 and id[saz] for dance19, petenshi09 and id[michelle] with Michelle[18]
Won look-alike19, minor07, scudserve20 and platinum12 from Pick A School 11

29th August Claimed ssas15, garasu05, longma12, technique13, technique17, rhythm06 and viking02 from Update 23.0
Won hawaii01, mamushi14 item03[hyoutei] and item03[rikkai] from Tenimyucation 11
Traded look-alike19 and hawaii01 for technique09 and depend04 with KitsuneSama[20]

30th August Traded longma12 for illusion02 with Anneko[21]
Traded garasu05 for habu09 with KitsuneSama[22]
Traded habu09 for master10 with Asuka[23]
Traded ssas15 for cheers04 with Schaly[24]
Got borp31, scenario16, cursed14, master01/08/15, gekokujou12/18, voice17 and item04[strudolph] from Item Exchange
Won yakiniku02, muga14, resolve13 item03[rikkai] from Catchphrase 20
Won illusion17, look-alike08 and date18 from Odd One Out 09
Traded technique17, illusion17, depend04 and item04[rokkaku] for devil04, stage02/14 and item04[yamabuki] with Kaze[3]
Traded muga14 and rhythm06/18 for cheers09/18/20 with keselyx[6]
31st August Won western16, usu05 and younger10 from Find Karupin 20
Traded item03[yamabuki] and item04[yamabuki] for gamecentre05/06 at Item Exchange


1st September
Won demon02, moonsault07, cursed20, itemo3[shitemhouji] and item04[rikkai] from Probability 92% Round 07
Traded mirror`4, balloon05 and look-alike08 for katsu04, childofgod06 and petenshi20 with Kaze[9]
Got photograph10, rio14, master14, pool08, otouto, gekokujou11, item03[shitenhouji] and item04[shitenhouji] from GameSet

2nd September
Claimed glorious17, gracious16, katsu06/16/17/18/20 and rhythm09 from Free Rackets
Traded mirror05, western16 and date18 for moonsault11/20 and bigi15 with Indigo[12]
Won ssas12 and kindan18 from Spot The Difference 23
Won fas08 and cavemen09 from Insight 21
Got longma05, endurance15, dream05 and item03[jyousei] from Seiyuu Guess 21
Traded yakuniku02 for rhythm19 with KitsuneSama[13]
Traded rhythm19 for moonsault12 with Keselyx[14]

3rd SeptemberTraded strict11, smile06, rhythm09, feint04, moonsault07, platinum12, tea17,kansai11 and fujouri18 for id[saz] at Second Hand Shop
Traded cavemen09 for sexy14 with KitsuneSama[15]
Won dance06 from Synchro 21
Traded id[saz] and cursed14 for id[indigo] and ecstasy19 with Indigo[17]
Won demon19, avenge20, item03[st rudolph] and item04[higa] from Tenimyucation 12
Traded ecstasy19 for fuun18 with Keselyx[18]

4th September Traded fas08 for look-alike13 with KitsuneSama[19]
Traded avenge20 for glorious14 in The Switch 10
Traded id[saz] with id[nnoilalala] with Nnoilalala[20]

5th September Got charamate04, dreambeliever11, zhouyu14, kick13 and cherry05 from Update 24.0
Traded longma05, zhouyu14, and dreambeliever11 for kagayake01/09 and 19 with Himilika[23]
Won dance18 and gekokujou08 from Pick A School 12
Traded otouto14 and dream05 for sexy09 and katsu15 with Kaze[24][1]
Traded cherry05 and item04[shitenhouji] for charamate08 and item04[hyoutei] with KitsuneSama[2]
Traded sexy09 for gekokujou16 with Asuka[3]
Traded kick13 for sexy02 with Vanilla[4]

September 6th Traded cursed20 for voice08 with Indigo[5]
Got bosp02, golf05, perfect01, scenario04/05/09, gekokujou15, childofgod07 and item03[seigaku] from Item Exchange
Won charamate01, raccoon19 and item02 from Who Am I? 11

7th September Traded raccoon19 for fuun13 with KitsuneSama[6]
Traded golf05 for moonsault06 with Ashkah[7]
Won imperial14, zhouyu20 and pretender08 from Find Karupin 21
Traded perfect01 for reflection09 with KitsuneSama[8]
Traded sexy02 for dance15 with Kaze[9]
Got tarundoru11, return17, voice18 and item01 from Game Set

8th September Traded reflections09 for bigi15 with Asuka[10]
Claimed bigi12, dance16, petenshi12, katsu08/19, roses07, rivals08/15, devil05/15, return12 and glorious08 from Old Rackets
Traded rivals08/15 for funn11 and moonsault03 with Keselyx[12]
Traded rio14 and zhouyu20 for katsu09 and kagayake06 with Anneko[14]

10th September Traded ssas12 for katsu12 with Kaze[15]
Traded id[saz] for id[ori] with Ori[16]
Traded resolve13 for voice13 with Chinami[17]

11th September Won dojo12, kagayake18 and item03[yamabuki] from Tenimyucation 13
Won pillar10 and taka-san15 from Insight 22
Won megane08, roses19 and answer06 from Scrambled Data 20
Traded dance 06/18, answer06, gekokujou08, older13 and younger10 for voice09/15 from Second Hand Shop
Traded brat20 for illusion08 with Guia[18]

12th September Traded bigi15 for illiusion07 with KitsuneSama[19]
Claimed legs07, bandana01, zhenzhi19, moonsault09, east06 and gay01 from Update 25.0
Traded zhenzhi19 and item02[seigaku]x02 for return10 and item04[st rudolph]x02 with disutansu[20]
Traded bandanna01 and taka-san15 for katsu02 and moonsault13 with [22]

13th September Traded item03[strudolph] and item04[strudolph] x02 for scenario14/19 from Item Exchange
Won charamate06 and pefect12 from Insight 23
Traded pretender08 for demon05 with Ashka[23]
Traded gay01 and perfect12 for flippy19 and moonsault10 with KitsuneSama[24,1]
Got borp32, dance18, pool06, speedstar16 and item04[fudomine]
Got samurai10, east12 and item03[hyoutei] from Freebies12
Got karaoke07 from Synchro 22
Got spiral16, dearprince15 and item04[rikkai] from Pick A School 13
Got katsu05, return13, muga04, onepoint02/04/06/09, viking14, kindan14 and western01 from Old Rackets
Got voicemaster, scenario17, gay07, data10, scenariomaster, south16, gift13 childofgod11, moonsaultmaster, tea10, pillar10, childofgod13 item03[shitenhouji], item04[jyousei] and item04[higa] from Game Set
Got milestone[10 decks] from Update 25.0

14th September Traded pillar10 for katsu03 witth Keselyx[2]
Won demon03, smash12 and presence14 from Find Karupin 22

15th September Traded legs07 for imperial07 with Asuka[3]
Traded karaoke07 for j-mini19 with KitsuneSama[4]

17th September Traded megane08 and crime01/07 for petenshi10 and glorious11/18 with KitsuneSama[7]
Traded spiral16, serious06, smash12 and presence14 for gay02/13/15/18 with Kaze[11]
Traded dearprince15 for fuun04 with Ashka[12]

18th September Won illusion01, stage19, item01 and item03[rikkai] from Tenimyucation 14
Got master08, answer18 and item03[hyoutei] from Member Contribution 06

19th September Claimed diving03, meng07, train16, role01 and role13 from Update 26.0
Traded role13 for train02 with Kaze[13]
Won return11 and kindan15 from Who Am I? 13

Traded item01 ,item03[rikkai] and item04[rikkai] for j-mini12 and childofgod18 at Item Exchange
Traded dance18, cherry03 and pillar10 for childofgod19 at Second Hand Shop

20th September Traded dearprince03 for devil12 with Serenti[14]
Traded gay02/07 for train11 and meng06 with KitsuneSama[15]
Claimed demon04/12/13/14/15, kindan03/09, cheers12, onepoint13 and dearprince13 from Old Rackets
Traded demon14/15 for sexy04 and glorious19 with Schaly[17]

21st September Traded answer18 and diving03 for gracious10 and onepoint10 with Disutansu[19]
Got avenge18, rio18 and yakuniku13 from Find Karupin 23
Got chunglong, snowman13 and item04[higa] from Member Contribution 07
Traded chunglong for gracious19 with Asuka[20]
Got childofgodmaster, petenshi03, charamate19, zhouzhu06 and item03[seigaku] from Game Set

22nd September Traded zhouzhu06 for dojo01with Asuka[21]

23rd September Won charamate18 and ballon18 from Spot The Difference 26
Got lookalike14, tango09, diving17, bowling05, petenshi11 and item04[strudolph] from Match Set
Got illusion15, rio02 and item04[rikkai] from Synchro 23
Traded role01, rio02/18, avenge18, j-mini12, illusion15 and item03[seigaku] for gracious07, dojo13/14, stage06/16, kindan04 and item03[rikkai] with Kaze[24,3]
Got raffle ticket from Lucky Raffle

24th September Got borp03, sexy07, onepoint06, petenshi15 and item04[rokkaku] from Item Exchange
Traded diving17 for demon07 with Ashkah[4]

25th September Traded item03[rokkaku] and item04[rokkaku] for item04[shitenhouji] x02 with Keselyx

26th September Won balloon20, dream05, bigi01 and item03[shitenhouji] from Tenimyucation 15
Traded dream05 for cheers08 with Ashkah[5]
Traded balloon20 for onepoint08 with Hibimaosuki[6]
Got petenshimaster, adieu13, ecstasy12, bigi02 and item03[seigaku] from Game Set
Got sakura13, combination01, nature16, demon11 and strict15 from Update 27
Traded sakura13 for demon08 with Ashkah[7]
Traded nature16 and meng06 for demon10 and gracious15 with Kaze[9]
Got train17, kagayake16 and item04[st rudolph] from Group Collect 13
Won fas10 and younger02 from Who Am I? 14
Got raffle ticket from Lucky Raffle
Traded fas10 for devil01 with Butterskotch[10]

27th September Got raccoon11 and shioin11 from Layout Contest Vote
Got fanta13, yukata15 and item04[fudomine] from Freebies 13
Won myglove17, garasu08, pillar08 and item03[higa] from Seiyuu Corner 23
Traded viking02 and tarundoru11 for nature11 and devil08 with Guia[12]
Won cherry01, look-alike09 and gift16 from Catchphrase 23
Won sexy15, animated04, monks19 and item04[shintenhouji] from Odd One Out 11
Claimed kindan10/17 and smily01/02/05/06/07/08 from Old Rackets 09
Traded raccoon11 for gracious08 with Ashkah[13]
Traded kenken01 for onepoint11 with Guia[14]
Traded garasu08 and nature11 for dojo15 and stage17 with Kaze[16]

28th September Traded mamushi14 for glorious20 with Indigo[17]
Traded adieu13 and master08 for dance09 and kagayake08 with Mari [19]
Traded western01 for cheers06 with KitsuneSama[20]
Won wonderfuldays09, cafe05 and zhouyu17 from Find Karupin 24
Traded ecstasy12 for return18 with Serenti[21]

29th September Traded combination01 for kagayake17 with Asuka[22]
Won speedstar09 and date05 from Insight 24

30th September Traded cherry01, younger02 and gay13 and 15 for cheers16, meng08, devil10 and return08 with KitsuneSama[24,2]
Traded id[saz] for id[drkparadise] with DrkParadise[3]
Got demonmaster, mikan01, look-alike14 bigi19 and item04[hyoutei] from Game Set
Traded item03[seigaku] and item03[higa] for item03[shitenhouji] with Kaze
Traded strict15 for devil11 with Vainilla[4]
Traded mikan01 for katsu13 with Keselyx[5]


1st OctoberTraded scoresheet12 , item03[hyoutei] and item04[hyoutei] for bosp06, tarundoru03, date15, bigi18 and item03[rikkai]

3rd October Claimed hakase07, mystic19, retsuden18, amiable01/02, combination06, and kick01 from Update 28.0
Got studentid[saz] x03 and bigi17 from Second Hand Shop
Traded east06 for devil18 with Aaya[6]
Traded id[saz] for id[lucathia] with lucathia[7]
Won zhengnan05, cactus05 and item03[st rudoplh]x02 from Tenimyucation 16
Traded id[saz] for id[asuka] with Asuka[8]
Traded amiable01/02 and muga04 for cheers17, kagayake04 and charamate20 with Keselyx[11]

4th October Traded combination06 for return09 with Indigo[12]
Traded dearprince13 for mikan03 in The Switch 12
Traded serves12 and yukata15 for depend17 and smily03 with Guia[14]
Claimed kindan12, smily13/14/16, diving06, volleyball10 and animated05 from Old Rackets
Traded mikan03 for smily 12 with Keselyx[15]
Traded diving06 for gracious12 with Ashkah[16]
Traded kakase07, zhengnan05, item03[strudolph] x02 and item04[strudolph] x02 for glorious12, imperial19, item03[rikkai], item04[rikkai] and item04[hyoutei] x02 with disutansu[18]

5th OctoberTraded monks19 for return15 with Indigo[19]

6th OctoberTraded animated05 for onepoint07 with Anneko[20]

7th October Traded id[saz] for id[keselyx] with Keselyx[21]
Got cactus03, mikan07, cheers02, bigimaster and item03[rokakku] from Game Set

9th October Traded j-mini19 for dance02 with Kaze[22]

10th October Won mother17 and habu11 from Spot The Difference 28
Traded usu05 for flippy16 with Asuka[23]
Traded mother17 for onepoint12 with Ashkah[24]
Claimed secret01, higamyu04, zansaber14, sexy06 and gracious06 from Update 29.0

11th October Got borp08, dearprince07, bandanna08 and item04[seigaku] from Item Exchange
Traded cactus05 for onepoint01 with Mari[1]
Traded kick01 for dance11 with Michelle[2]
Traded devil04/10/12 for glorious02/13 and katsu14 with Featherwolf[5]
Claimed atonement03/14, smily09, date03, ecstasy16 and rainbow11 from Old Rackets
Got dreambeliever10, fujouri10, smile09, rainbow08, item04[fudomine] and item04[hyoutei] from Group Collect 14
Traded dreambeliever10 for train12 with Keselyx[6]

12th October Traded fujouri10 for dance17 with Asuka[7]
Got tempo04, hawaii13 and item03[hyoutei] from Freebies 14
Got nabs20 from Synchro 24
Traded dearprince07 for smily20 with Indigo[8]
Traded higamyu04 for sexy02 with Kaze[9]

14th OctoberWon cursed09, taihang19 and pretender01 from Find Karupin 25

15th OctoberTraded dreamlive406 for katsu10 with Juu[10]
Won older04, voice07, prowess16 and item03[higa] from Spot The Difference 30
Traded zansaber14, item03[yamabuki] and item03[higa] for kindan08 and item03[fudomine] x02 with Kaze[11]

16th October Traded voice07 for stage10 with Hana[12]
Traded photograph10 for sexy13 with Vainilla[13]

17th October Claimed crucufix01, dirty10, dashi09 and charamate05 from Update 30.0
Traded daishi09 for stage15 with Mari[14]

18th October Traded smile09 for gracious09 with Asuka[15]
Claimed pretender02/06/19, adieu01 and cocktail18 from Old Rackets
Traded samurai10 for kindan05 with Maryan[16]

19th OctoberTraded cursed09 for stage05 wtih Keselyx[17]

20th October Got event12 from Trick or Treat
Gave halloween01 to Guia[18]
Won dojo06, train05, duounion05 and kyuushuu16 from Insight 26&27
Gave halloween01 to Flore[19]
Got halloween03 from Juu
Got halloween02 from Featherwolf
Gave halloween01 to Featherwolf[20]
Got halloween02 from Kaze
Got animated12, illusion10, gracious15, viking14, atonement10, naniwa19, item04[rokkaku] and item02 from Pass The Baton Reley 01
Gave halloween 01 and traded dirty10, crucifix01, illusion10 and bandanna08 for flippy04, depend16, onepoint03 and dojo17 with Kaze[24,1]
Got borp05, sexy01, golf02 and item04[fudomine] from Item Exchange
Gave halloween01 to disutansu[2]
Got halloween01 from Morgan
Got halloween03 from disutansu
Got halloween02 from Keselyx

21st OctoberGave halloween01 to Keselyx[3]
Got halloween03 from Lucathia
Gave halloween01 and traded kyuushuu16 for return01 with Lucathia[5]
Got halloween01 and traded airport07, golf02 and haitang19 for smily15, return01 and onepoint07 with Ori[8]
Gave halloween01 and traded mikan07 for depend15 with Anneko[10]
Gave halloween01 to Ori[11]
Gave halloween01 to Sabriel[12]
Won jan19, retsuden06 and item04[seigaku] from Motion Vision 03
Won atonement06, spiral03 and longway05 from Find Karupin 26
Got halloween03 and traded naniwa19 for onepoint07 with Guia[13]
Gave halloween01 to butterskotch[14]
Gave halloween01 to Morgan[15]
Got labcoat06, capoeira05 and item02 from Group Collect 14
Got halloween04 from Aaya
Gave halloween01 to Ashkah[16]
Got halloween04 from Asuka
Gave halloween01 to hibimaosuki[17]
Traded animated12 for smily17, and got halloween04 from Sabriel[18]
Traded rainbow08/11 for onepoint16 and kindan13 with/got halloween03 from Serenti[20]
Gave halloween01 to/traded jan19 for dance03 with Serenti[22]

22nd October Gave halloween01to Kaori[23]
Gave halloween01 to/traded gracious15 for return06 with Vainilla[24,1]
Got borp17, kouhou19, longhair12, onepoint05/10/15/18 and item04[jyousei] from Item Exchange
Got halloween02 from Butterskotch
Got halloween04 from Anneko
Got halloween04 from Ashkah
Got halloween01 from Vainilla
Got halloween03 from Kaori

23rd October Got halloween02 from/traded volleyball10 for pretender09 with Indigo[2]
Traded shioin11 and onepoint06/07 for katsu11 at Second Hand Shop
Got halloween01 from Himilika

24th October Got glorious 06/10/15/16 from Item Exchange
Got balloon15, brat13, king11, katsu01, item04[rudolph], id[saz], onepointmaster, devil08, shioin20, katsu08, tem04[rikkai], gloriousmaster, smily01, fas10, dance04 and item03[rokkaku] from Game Set

25th October Got cd01master from Master Badge Shop
Gave halloween01 to Asuka[3]
Gave halloween01 to Indigo[4]
Got hyakuren17, contest13, halloween13/16/20 and viking06 from Update 31.0

26th October Gave halloween01 to Mayumi[5]
Traded prowess16 for dojo18 with Indigo[6]
Claimed devil16 and duounion10/11/12 from Old Rackets
Traded gift13 for dojo07 with Ori[7]

27th October Traded capoeira05 for pretender04 with Anneko[8]
Gave halloween01 to Izumi[9]
Won mamushi06, jump11 and wonderfuldays 04 from Find Karupin 27

28th October Traded brat13 for flippy20 with Guia[10]
Gave halloween01 to Himilika[11]

29th October Got kindan07, balloon01 and item04[jyousei] from Member Contribution 08
Gave halloween01 to Schaly[12]
Got rio05, linying05, dance13, katsumaster and item04[higa] from GameSet

30th October Traded longway05 for duouinion09 with Disutansu[13]
Traded balloon01 for technique06 in The Switch 14
Traded fas10 for flippy18 with/ got halloween01 from Hana[14]

31st October Claimed tiebreak06, torso03/12, lasers01, gontakure09, hairclips01/08, timing19 and crime13 from Update 31.0
Traded gontakure09 for kagayake10 with Azul[15]
Traded technique06 and hairclips01/08 for illusion05, imperial15 and smily11 with Ashkah[18]
Traded item04[rokkaku] for item03[fudomine] with Keselyx
Gave halloween01 to Kitsune-Sama[19]
Traded sexy01 for dance20 with Himilka[20]
Won combination13, tornado09, monks01, hyakuren10 and item02 from Guess the Song 12
Traded hawaii13 for pretender16 with Indigo[21]
Traded rio05, balloon18 and lasers01 for kagayake14, tiebreak05 and imperial08 with Kaze[24]


1st NovemberTraded item03[fudoumine] x04, item04 fudoumine] and scoresheet16 for smily04/10/18/19, single53, golf04, coolprinces08 and item04[hyoutei] at Item Exchange
Traded jump11 for kinda02 with Ori[1]
Traded timing19 and contest13 for pretender12 and duounion08 with Asuka[3]
Claimed duounion14/16, bigi12, sakura16 and kenken07 from Old Rackets
Traded atonement10, nabs20, smily01, south16, labcoat06, older04, wviking06/14, tweezers15 and cafe 05/06/15 for id[saz] x03 and cheers14 at Second Hand Shop
Traded id[saz] for id[juu] with Juu[4]
Traded hyakuren10/17 and id[saz] for imperial08, combination17 and id[anneko] with Anneko[7]
Traded imperial08 and combination17 for duounion13 and meng09 with Asuka[9]

2nd November Got christmas12, prowess06, halloween06, gontakure07, mother19, golf14, item01 and item02 from Pass the Baton Reley
Got longway15 and brat01 from Synchro25
Got serves15, speedstar20 and item04[shitenhouji] from Freebies 15
Traded tornado09 for kagayake07 with Disutansu[10]
Won tiebreak19, hairclips04, samurai01 and item03[rikkai] from Scrambled Data 26
Traded king11 and id[saz] for raccoon17 and id[flore] with Flore[12]
Got dancemaster, contest07, strict02, cheers07, smilymaster, older20, champions20, cheers07,animated02, megane01, labcoat14, sexy20, id[saz], item03[seigaku] item04[rokkaku] and item04[higa] from Game Set
Traded meng09, serves15 and zhouyu17 for pretender20, illusion14 and rebel02 with Kaze[15]
Traded labcoat14 for flippy01 with Keselyx[16]
Got recruitball x04 from Recruit A Tennis Player

3rd November Traded prowess06 for dojo20 with Indigo[17]
Traded contest07 for rebel06 with Asuka[18]
Traded cocktail18 for fuun03 with Keselyx[19]

4th November Won gracious18, western06 and mirror17from Find Karupin 28

6th NovemberGot idmaster from Master Badge Shop
Traded id[saz] for id[serenti] with Serenti[20]

7th NovemberGot cheersmaster, endurance10, sister06, sexy03 and item03[strudolph]
Got item01 from Synchro 25
Got rai20, school01, braids13, dreambeliever03, rai05 and mumble01 from Update 33.0
Traded dreambeliever03 for flippy05 with Keselyx[21]
Traded hairclips04 and western06 for return05 and tiebreak10 with Ashkah[23]
Traded golf04/14 and braids13 for charamate11,stage12 and kindan19 with Ori[24,2]
Traded samurai01 for return02 with Vainilla[3]
Traded mirror17 for dojo19 with Indigo[4]
Traded scoresheet17 and item01 x02 for single98, dance15 ,ecstasy18, item03[rokkaku], tiebreak04 and south 08 at Item Exchange

8th NovemberTraded dance15 for illusion12 with Moon_Wolf[5]
Won style18, ecstasy15, item01, item02, item03[fudoumine] x02, item03[hyoutei], item03[higa] and item04[jyousei] from Tenimyucation 18
Claimed habu 03/06/07/15 and fas01from Old Rackets
Traded school01 and look-alike09 for rai10 and prowess07 with Kaze[7]

9th November Got recruitball x01 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Traded brat01, cafe06, mother19, dearprince13, raccoon17 and longway15 for sexy17/18 at Second Hand Shop
Won guanyue17 and item04[hyoutei] from Scrambled Data 27

10th October Won kenken02 and secret05 from Who Am I? 18
Traded coolprinces08 for school02 with HikaruKibou[8]
Won crucifix03, tweezers07 and item04[hyoutei] from Synchro 27
Got recruitball x02 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Traded crucifix03 for fuun17 with Ashkah[9]

11th October Traded j-mini04 for stage11 with HikaruKibou[10]

12th October Won otouto04, minor06, kyuushuu04 and item03[rokkaku] from Seiyuu Guess 28
Traded guanyue17,longhair12, item 03[seigaku] item04[seigaku] x02 and item04[hyoutei] for linying19, muga06, item03[yamabuki] x02 and item03[jyousei] x03 with Kaze[12]

13th OctoberTrade halloween01, halloween02, item02 x05, item03/04 jyousei x04, item03/04[rokkaku] x03 and item01 for gracious01/02/03/04/13/14, pretender03/05/07/08, kindan01/06/11 and diving17 at Item Exchange
Trade item03[rokkaku] for item03[hyoutei] with Keselyx
Got dance05, viking01, nabs06, rivals06, kagayake11 and item04[shitenhouji] from Match Set
Got recruitball x04 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Traded item03[hyoutei] and item04[hyoutei] x04 for fuun10/12/15/16 at Item Exchange

14th OctoberGot fuunmaster, adeiu19, western19, yagayake13, item04[higa], sexymaster, king08, strict20, kagayake02, item03[strudolph], graciousmaster, airport09, mumble09, kagayake03 and item04[seigaku] from Game Set
Got recruitball x01 from Recruit A Tennis Player

15th OctoberGot morning05, ready04, freedom11, pole01, injury08, treasure10 and balance14 from Update 34.0
Traded western19 for adieu09 in The Switch
Won tiebreak07, devil20 ,item03[hyoutei] and item03[jyousei] from Tenimyucation 19
Traded minor06 and id[saz] for return20 and id[himilika] with Himilika[14]
Traded ready04 for morning14 with Kaze[15]
Claimed torso14 and fas10/12/17 from Old Rackets
Traded strict20 for synchro13 with Mari[16]
Traded freedom11 and injury08 for combination14/16 with Disutansu[18]
Traded wonderfuldays09, combination14/16 and item03[hyoutei] for tiebreak08/15, legs18 and item04[yamabuki] with Asuka[21]
Traded retsuden06 for rai02 with FeatherWolf[22]

16th OctoberGot milestone21 from Update 34.0
Traded jump11 and airport19 for devil07 and duounion19 with Ori[24]
Traded otouto04 for morning10 with Keselyx[1]
Traded scoresheer18 for single10, snowman10, kouhou08 and item03[rikkai] at Item Exchange
Traded rose19 and shioin20 for pretender10/13 with Butterskotch[3]
Won technique05, dirty20 and item04[fudoumine] from Scrambled Data 28
Got recruitball x02 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Traded school02, secret05, diving17, monks01 and retsuden18 for depend03, dojo05, imperial09/12 and tiebreak02 with Lucathia[8]

17th October Got wonderfuldays10, dashi10 and item03[fudoumine] from Freebies 16
Won zhouyu11 and adopted12 from Insight 31
Traded legs18 for return19 wtih Kaze[9]
Traded dance05 for tiebreak16 with Moon_Wolf[10]

18th October Won longma07, silver08 and presence16 from Find Karupin 30
Traded adopted12 for tiebreak18 with Serenti[11]

19th OctoberTraded longma07 for train09 with Indigo[12]

20th October Traded style18 for serves03 with Keselyx[13]

21st October Traded animated02 for stage03 with Sabriel[14]
Got watermelon19, seiyuu09[donated image], seiyuu15, trickster08, go go meganes11, adult03, kindan16, feint01 and zansaber05 from Update 35.0

22nd October Traded king08 for tiebreak14 with Indigo[15]
Traded silver08 for duounion15 with Schaly[16]
Won gift04, hairclips13, moonsault02 and fuun13 from Catchphrase 27
Won haitang08, speedstar04, brush11 and jump15 from Catchphrase 28
Traded technique05, trickster08, zhouyu11 and pole01 for flippy17, kindan20, seiyuu10, and morning18 with Kaze[20]
Claimed fas13/19 and prowess17 from Old Rackets
Traded presence16 for imperial11 with Asuka[21]
Traded hairclips13 and adult03 for fas03/05 with Lucathia[23]
Got kindanmaster, kenken18, cake04, kagayake15, item04[rokkaku], kagayakemaster, resolve07, zhenzi02, return03 and item04[yamabuki] from Game Set

23rd November Traded haitang08 for flippy13 with Juu[24]
Traded brush11 for flippy06 with Featherwolf[1]
Traded snowman13 for fas07 with Flore[2]
Traded scoresheet19 for single50, seishun14, halloween05 and item04[strudolph] at Item Exchange

24th November Obtained recruitball x03 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Won dashi07and capoeira18 from Insight 32
Traded zansaber05, item03[strudolph] x02, item04[strudolph] x03 and item04[rokkaku] for dojo10, item03[jyousei] x02, item04[jyousei] x03 and item03[yamabuki] with Kaze[3]
Traded spiral03 and dashi07 for fas15/18 with Indigo[5]
Traded torso14 and wonderfuldays04 for illusion19 and fas11 with Keselyx[7]

25th November Won pretender18, devil17 and item03[seigaku] from Motion Vision 09
Won sexy09, speedstar07 and family10 from Find Karupin 31
Traded resolve07 for illusion03 with Moon_Wolf[8]
Got diving17, alone09 and item04[rikkai] from Member Contribution 09
Traded adieu19 and devil08 for tiebreak01 and watermelon15 with FeatherWolf[10]
Got gekokujou05 and gay02 from Layout Contest 04 Voting
Traded bigi12 for prowess07 with Anneko[11]

26th November Traded alone09 for duounion04 with Indigo[12]
Won hebaba17, lasers19, torso15 and trickster16 from Let's Learn English With Longma 01
Traded trickster16 for devil09 with Kaze[13]

28th November Claimed bubblegum17, gekiryuu01, host14, conference10 recovery16, stage01, host05 and garasu15 from Update 36.0

29th November Traded recovery16 for meng04 with Mari[14]
Traded prowess17 for mystic17 at The Switch
Claimed cake02/16 and usu12 from Old Rackets

30th November Won flippy08, mamushi19 and item04[hyoutei] from Freebies 17
Won contest17, secret17 and item03[rikkai] from Scrambled Data 30
Traded meng04 for seiyuu03 with Kaze[15]


1st December Won dojo02, bandanna11, soliiloquy15 and memories01 from Catchphrase 31
Won dearprince03, bandanna20, kick03, amiable05, item03[rokkaku] and item04[seigaku] from Pick A School 15
Traded item03/item04[seigaku] for item03[yamabuki] x02 with Kaze
Got morning01 from Advent Calander 01

2nd December Won avenge19 from Motion Vision 09
Traded amiable05 for fas16 with Keselyx[16]
Traded bubblegum19, garasu15 and lasers19 for meng04, conference06 and rai16 with Kaze[19]
Traded item03/04 jyousei for pretender 14/15/17 at Item Exchange
Won trickster05 and injury16 from Who Am I? 19
Won legs20, kyuushuu02, usu11, cavemen06, item04[fudoumine] and item04[strudolph] from Who Am I? 20
Traded kouhou19, older20, gay18, minor07, look-alike08/14, megane01, crime13, yakiniku13, south08, moonsault02, usu12, balance14, viking15, habu16, brat01, seishun14 and pillar08 for id[saz] x03, return14/16 and prowess07 at Second Hand Shop
Won trickester18 and pole08 from Spot The Difference 34
Traded legs20/trickster05 for watermelon17 and conference01 with Kaze[21]

3rd DecemberTraded kyuushuu02 and dearprince03 for watermelon03/20 with Lucathia[23]
Traded hebaba17 and gekokujou05 for pretender11 and fas09 with Ori[24,1]
Traded scoresheet20 for single62, freedom16, tiebreak04 and item04[strudolph] from Item Exchange
Got returnmaster, gay05, left15, pretendermaster, short-term06, gossip04, dojo04/08, item03[seigaku] and item03[strudolph] from Game Set
Traded fuun13 and id[saz] for imperial02 and id[sabriel] with Sabriel[3]
Traded bandanna11 for kenken12 with Kaze[4]
Traded gossip04 for conference04 with FeatherWolf[5]

4th DecemberTraded capoeira18 for conference28 with Moon_Wolf[6]
Got recruitball x03 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Traded left15 and injury16 for fas06 and conference20 with Anneko[8]
Won gupguang08, morning09, Trickster01 and freedom14 from Learn English With Longma 01
Traded pole09 for morning15 with Kaze[9]
Traded reruitball x20 for Update skill [kato kazuki] at Recruit A Tennis Player
Traded guoguang08, freedom14, item03[shitenhouji], item04[shitenhouji] and item04[hyoutei] for speedstar13, seiyuu14 and item03/04[yamabuki] with Disutansu[11]
Got tiebreak12 and adult06 from Advent Calander 04

December 5th Traded habu15 and item03[rokkaku] for train20 and item04[yamabuki] with Keselyx[12]
Traded bandanna20 for train01 with Indigo[13]
Got dojo11 from Advent Calander 05
Traded myglove17 and rhythm04 for kenken10 and conference08 with Juu[15]
Traded strict02 for host10 with Keselyx[16]

December 6th Traded item03[rikkai] x02 for item04[yamabuki] x02 with Jin
Got smoke01, emperor05, todai09, tenimuhou04, loyal01, gym12, kokeshi01, gekokujou06, smily05 and illusion04 from Update 37.0
Claimed imperial06 from Advent Calander 06
Got eventcard: Recruit A Tennis Player
Traded tenimuhou04 and item03/04 rikkai for smoke04 and item03/04 yamabuki with FeatherWolf[17]
Traded todei09, zhenzhi02 and item03/04[seigaku] for emperor19, smoke02 and item03/04[yamabuki] with Kaze[19]
Traded gekokujou06 for smoke06 with Moon_Wolf[20]
Claimed fas20, mystic02, habu08, watermelon04 and retsuden08 from Old Rackets
Traded adult06 and retsuden08 for smoke07 and fas08 with Lucathia[22]

December 7th Traded avenge19 for perfect20 in The Switch
Traded avenge19 and item03/04[strudolph] for smoke08 and item03/04[yamabuki] with Keselyx[23]
Got role03 from Advent Calender 07
Got combination03, twins15 and item04[fudoumine] from Group Collect 17

December 8th Traded contest17 and gontakure07 for smoke12 and linying10 with Asuka[24,1]
Got meng16 and bubblegum20 from Advent Calander 08

December 9thWon charamate03, cavemen12 and gogomeganes20 from Find Karupin 33
Won rai16, habu02 and item03[seigaku] from Motion Vision 10
Traded item02, item03/04[yamabuki]x12, halloween03/04 x05 and scoresheet21 for smoke03/05/09/10/11/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20, train03/04/06/07/08, single10, timing04, reliable13 and item03[higa] at Item Exchange
Traded meng16 for watermelon10 with Kaze[2]
Won timing07 and presence15 from Pick A School 16
Got tiebreak09 from Advent Calander 09
Won meng01 and yakiniku16 from Insight 34

December 10th Traded role03 for smoke12 wtih Kaze[3]
Traded timing04 for illusion11 with Asuka[4]
Traded timing07 for secret19 with Moon_Wolf[5]
Traded rivals06 and tiebreak04 for halloween10 and habu13 with Ori[7]
Got smokemaster, joytotheworld07, dream20, dojo16, dojomaster, cake09, fanta18, fas04, item03[fudoumine] and item03[shitenhouji] from Game Set
Traded diving17 and freedom16 for watermelon07 and tiebreak11 with Flore[9]
Traded trickster01/18 for depend11 and flippy12 with Sabriel[11]
Got illusion09 and technique13 from Advent Calander 10

11th DecemberTraded loyal01 for meng10 with Asuka[12]
Traded meng10 for depend19 with Kaze[13]
Traded jump15 for watermelon18 with Indigo[14]
Won strongest01/14 from Let's Learn English with Longma 02
Got recruitball x03 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Traded combination03 for conference12 with Anneko[15]

12th December Traded yakiniku16 for imperial13 in The Switch
Traded mamushi06 and gekiryuu01 for conference02/05 with Disutansu[17]
Got item03[hyoutei] and item04[seigaku] from Advent Calander 12

13th December Traded short-term06 for fas02 with Lucathia[18]
Got awake09, seasons11, impromptu14, freeloader03, weiming01, paperairplane02, evolution04, limit05, milestones10/12 and from Update 38.0
Traded gym12 for limit18 with Juu[19]
Traded seasons11 for train14 with Moon_Wolf[20]
Claimed kenken08, capoeira20, j-mini04 and limit04 from Old Rackets
Traded dream20 and paperairplane02 for rebel04/17 with Ori[22]
Got tiebreak13 from Advent Calander 13

14th December Traded presence15, freeloader03 and kokeshi01 for seiyuu07, weiming17 and impromptu13 with Kaze[24,1]
Got fas14 from Advent Calander 14

15th December Got fasmaster, kindan16, juwan20, tiebreak03 and item03[seigaku] from Game Set
Got charamate14/15 from Advent Calander 15
Got recruitball x02 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Got hyakuren13, christmas15 and item04[fudoumine] from Freebies 18
Traded awake09 for conference11 with Kaze[2]

16th December Won role16, freeloader04 and item04[hyoutei] from Motion Vision 11
Won left02, nature17 and underestimate20 from Find Karupin 34
Traded hyakuren13 for limit12 with Moon_Wolf[3]
Won wild18, spot03, item04[yamabuki] and item04[jyousei] from Pick A School 17
Got item01 from Advent Calander 16

17th December Got single97, mamushi08, recovery02 and item03[higa] from Item Exchange

18th December Got gossip02, weiming01, titles02 and koeishi18 from Let's Learn English With Longma 02
Got tiebreak17 from Advent Calander 17
Traded item03/04[fudoumine] x05, item03/04[hyoutei], item03/04[rikkai] x02 and item01 for weiming02/03/04/05/06, tiebreak20, stage04/07 and amiable01 at Item Exchange
Got item02 from Group Collect 17
Traded role16, evolution04, kokeshi18 and freeloader04 for habu14 and speedstar06/10/18 with Kaze[7]
Got recruitball x02 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Got imperial05 and prowess07 from Advent Calander 18

19th December Traded mamushi08 and left02 for muga14 ang meng06 with Ori[9]
Got tiebreakmaster, karaage01, guanyue09, stage13 and item04[seigaku] from Game Set

20th December Traded spot03 for conference09 with Asuka[10]
Got symbol03/05, pure19, bell02, nfu02, quick15, xiaopeng03 and underdog03 from Update 39.0
Got stage18 and kenken 11 from Advent Calander 19

21st December Got habu11, megane01,date01 and western20 from Old Rackets
Traded quick15 for watermelon09 with Disutansu[11]
Got stage20 from Advent Calander 20
Got imperial10 and quick18 from Advent Calander 21

22nd December Traded nature17 for limit06 with Moon_wolf[12]
Traded quick18 for conference14 with Disutansu[13]
Traded karaage01 and juwan20 for seiyuu12 and illusion15 with Indigo[14]
Got stagemaster, zhenzhi07, piano03, train10 and item03[hyoutei] from Game Set

23rd December Got item01/02 from Advent Calander 22
Won meng05, cake05 and item03[rokkaku] from Motion Vision 21
Traded capoeira20 for morning12 with Moon_Wolf[15]
Traded amiable01 for morning11 with Keselyx[16]
Got flippy02 and pure13 from Advent Calander 23

24th December Traded xiaopeng03 and weiming01 for conference16/19 with Disutansu[18]

26th December Won spot09 and chengwu05 from Who Am I? 23
Traded piano03 and strongest01/12 for morning02 and illusion06/17 with Indigo[21]
Traded chengwu05 for watermelon05 with Anneko[22]
Traded smily05 for illusion18 in The Switch 18
Traded spot09 for watermelon16 with Asuka[23]

27th December Traded halloween06 for emperor07 with Lucathia[24]
Traded guanyue09 fore muga10 with Kaze[1]
Got gardening15, mecha14, axing11, dash15, seattle15, concrete18, sushi19, anneko14, imperial17 and torso14 from Update 40.0
Gave fanta18, mamushi19, mumble01/09, sexy09, kick03, tweezers07, wild18, technique13, torso15, memories01, western20, date01/03/05, gift04/16, gogomeganes20, kyuushuu04 and treasure 10 to Christmas Swapping
Traded scoresheet23 and item01 for single114, chunlong11, petenshi04, king13 and item04[higa] at Item Exchange
Traded mecha14 for flippy11 with Vanillia[2]
Got kenken13, cake06, prowess04 and surfing13 from Old Rackets
Traded axing11 and concrete18 for limit07 and rai09 with DisutansPu[4]

28th December Got recruitball x02 from Recruit A Tennis layer
Traded dash15 for limit08 with Disutansu[5]
Traded nfu02 for gardening04 with Kaze[6]

29th December Got recruitball x01 from Recruit A Tennis Player
Got tarundoru18, dashi09 and item03[yamabuki] from Member Contribution 10
Got evolution08, wisdom02 and item03[rikkai] from Freebies 19

30th December Traded chunglong11 for morning16 with Indigo[7]
Won guoguang09/20 and paperairplane08 from Pick A School 19
Traded reliable13 for weiming18 with Keselyx[8]
Traded evolution08 for weiming10 with Asuka[9]
Traded recruitball x10 for second handshop04 at Recruit A Tennis Player
Won nfu19 and item03[seigaku] from Synchro 34
Got chunlong20, resolve15, juwan12, gogomeganes18, item02, item03[rikkai] and item04[higa] from Group Collect 19
Traded nfu19 for seiyuu13 with Ori[10]
Won awake13 an egao09 from Insight 36
Traded anneko14 and paperairplane08 for depend12 and watermelon14 with Lucathia[12]

31st December Won gardening14, omettosamba06, ending05, underdog04, seasons10 and dreamlive102 from Let's Learn English With Longma 03
Traded egao09, ttiles02 and dreamlive102 for gardening10, rebel07 and rai06 with Kaze[15]
Traded seasons10 for emperor04 with Asuka[16]
Traded guoguang09 and gogomeganes18 for weiming13 and conference03 with Disutansu[18]

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