1st January '10 Won meng11 and ah-un08 from Who Am I? 24
Traded cake16 for morning19 with HikaruKibou[19]
Traded undergog03 for impromptu11 with Kaze[20]
Traded king13 for impromptu07 in The Switch
2nd January '10 Got event15, balloon01, katsu06, roses10, bowling12, j-mini20, naniwa15, tango12, ssas06, legs12, cherry01/14, memories01, bowling05, platinum15, garasu04/11, surfing11, feint04, hamburger16 and airport02 from Christmas Swapping[24, 16]
Claimed muda03, dominate19, first17, invitation06, kirin01, quxing13, bento06, nfu09, host11, muga19 and charamate12 from Update 41.0
Traded scoresheet24 for single70, morning19, pillar01 and item04[shitenhouji] at Item Exchange
Traded sushi19, return01, feint01, smoke12, prowess04 and tarundoru18 for imperial03, charamate02 and prowess07 at Second Hand Shop
Got milestone13 from Update 41.0
Traded muda03 for depend14 with DrkParadise[17]
Traded kirin01 for halloween17 with Vanilla[18]
Traded chunlong20, guoguang20 and quxing13 for duounion18, depend01 and seiyuu05 with Anneko[21]
Traded garasu04/11, nfu09, underdogs04, awake13, first17 and bubblegum20 for tarundoru08/10/13, imperial16, manzai13, watermelon02 and illusion10 with Kaze[24, 4]
Traded feint04 and bento06 for depend08 and illusion16 with Asuka[6]
Claimed cake03, speedstar17 and cherry02/06/08 from Old Rackets
3rd January '10 Traded cake03/04/05 for duounion02, watermelon13 and impromptu19 with Mari[9]
Traded scoresheet25 and item03/04 hyoutei for single92, xiaopeng10, gossip14, imperial20 and item04[fudoumine] at Item Exchange
Won limit17, kenken15, dearprince05 and higamyu04 from Guess The Song 20
4th January '10 Won quxing08 and item04[seigaku] from Synchro 35
Traded cake06/09 for muga02 and manzai07 with HikaruKibou[11]
6th January '10 Won tarundoru09, bubblegum09 and rebel07 from Pick A School 20
Traded daishi09, gossip02 and omettosamba06 for devil14, emperor14 and duounion03 with Flore[14]
7th January '10 Got perfect06, reliable04, mikan19, flippy06, imperial04 and item04[higa] from Match Set
Traded item02, item03/04[seigaku] x03, item03/04[fudoumine], item03/04[yamabuki] and item03/04[higa] x03 for illusion20, depend04/05/06, weiming07, host15 and habu01/04/05 at Item Exchange
8th January '10 Traded bell02 for kenken14 with Lucathia[15]
Got imperialmaster, kirin13, omettosamba02, illusion13, illusionmaster, concrete13, family11, train13 and item03[hyoutei] x02 from Game Set
Won ori05, boat13, evolution16 and first15 from Let's Learn English With Long Ma 04
Traded boat13 and concrete13 for linying06 and limit11 with Moon_Wolf[17]
9th January '10 Won bandanna03, surfing08, item03[strudolph] and item04[seigaku] from Who Am I? 25
Traded reliable04 for tarundoru12 with Keselyx[18]
Traded higamyu04 for tarundoru02 with Indigo[19]
Got baton13, watermelon05, adopted20, master15 and item03/04[rokkaku] from Group Collect
10th January '10 Won charamate15 and ending03 from Spot The Difference 36
Won nfu19, gym07, item02 and item04[jyousei] from Tenimyucation 20
Got advance14, talent17, revolution08, ire03, tea03/07, bejing09 and higher19 from Update 42.0
Traded higher19 and talent17 for host12 and dominate14 with Moon_Wolf[21]
Got morning13 and speedstar01/02/04/05/06 from Old Rackets
Traded revolution08, quxing08, tango12 and beijing09 for tarundoru16, weiming11, kenken17 and habu18 with Ori[24,1]
Won train11, lingying20 and item04[rikkai] from Pick A School 21
Traded xiaopeng10 for rebel08 with Disutansu[2]
Traded scoresheet26 for single30, devil10, recharge05 and item04[rikkai] at Item Exchange
12th January '10 Traded ire03, j-mini20 and id[saz] for tarundoru06, teatime09 and id[hikarukibou] with HikaruKibou[5]
Won rai19 and slap02 from Insight 39
13th January '10 Won resolve07, bento05 and item04[hyoutei] from Freebies 20
Won jump14 from Synchro 36
Won tarundoru04, longma03 and item03[hyoutei] from Motion Vision 15
Won collapse14, jiping12 and zhengnan15 from Find Karupin 37
Traded ori05 for teatime11 with Ori[6]
Traded train11 for devil13 with Moon_Wolf[7]
14th January '10 Traded tea10 and slap02 for cherry13 and kenken19 with Lucathia[9]
Traded jiping12 for limit20 with Disutansu[10]
Traded dearprince05 for duounion17 with Featherwolf[11]
15th January '10 Traded charamate15 and kirin13 for linying09 and impromptu10 with Indigo[13]
Won underdog02/16, collapse05 and evolution20 from Let's Learn English With Longma 04
16th January '10 Traded ending05 for conference13 with HikaruKibou[14]
Got item02 from Group Collect 20
Traded item02 x03 for conference07/15/17 at Item Exchange
Got conferencemaster, recovery17, prowess09, train15 and item01 from Game Set
17th January '10 Traded longma03 for charamate17 with Lucathia[15]
Got valentinekiss04, stylish15, overwhelm01, xiaobo07, deal19, rock5413, scarf08 and autumnbreeze15 from Update 43.0
Claimed speedstar14, tarundoru18 and cherry11/14/18 from Old Rackets
Traded deal19 for manzai02 with Lucathia[16]
Traded pool06/08 and cherry14 for limit01/16 and rebel02 with Aisu[19]
18th January '10 Won dirty02, jump05, gekiryuu16, quxing09 and item02 from Guess The Song 21
Won alone07, viking03, okinawa06 from Pick A School 22
20th January '10 Won speech10, pillar20 and item03[hyoutei] from Motion Vision 16
Won alone13, devil03 and chengwu19 from Find Karupin 38
21st January '10 Obtained event 08
22nd January '10 Won bejing05, flore17, revolution02 and axing04 from Let's Learn English With Longma 05
Traded chengwuu19 and quxing09 for limit02 and teatime10 with Anneko[20]
23rd January '10 Traded axing04, collapse05 and valentinekiss04 for weiming 12/15/18 with Disutansu[23]
Traded j-mini08 for charamate16 in The Switch
24th January '10 Traded speech10 for emperor06 with Asuka[24]
Claimed gold14 and tannhauser14 from Update 44.0
Traded scoresheet27 and item01 for single34, rebel13, okurimono03, karaoke14 and item01 at Item Exchange
25th January '10 Got longway20, ending16 and item03[shitenhouji] from Member Contribution 11
Got limit06, combination 10, item04[hyoutei] and item04[rikkai] from Staff Pay
Got medely01, goal07, evolve18, jibu11 and redeyes10 from Update 44.0
Traded evolve18 for speedstar11 with Mari[1]
Traded endingf16 for fujouri04 with Anneko[2]
Traded revolution02 for seasons01 with Moon_Wolf[3]
Traded beijing15 for flippy09 with Lucathia[4]
26th January '10 Traded medley01 for cherry09 with Juu[5]
Traded resolve07 for tarundoru19 with Keselyx[6]
Claimed prowess04, scudserve10, concrete03, taka-san19 and mikan13 from Old Rackets
Won synchro11, piano05 and item03[higa] from Freebies 21
27th January '10 Traded mystic02 for flippy14 with HikaruKibou[7]
Won overwhelm05, stylish20 and item04[seigaku] from Motion Vision 17
Won gogomeganes16, atonement08 and ecstasy 13 from Find Karupin 39
Traded bento05 and gekiryuu16 for depend20 and manzai08 with Indigo[9]
29th January '10 Won talent01, goal05, gold19 and jibu11 from Let's Learn English With Longma 05
Traded jibu11 for flippy03 with HikaruKibou[10]
30th January '10 Traded item01, item03/04 hyoutei x02 and item03/04 rikkai x03 for conference07, flippy10, train18 and devil02/04/06 at Item Exchange
Traded flore17 and recovery17 for tarundoru05 and manzai18 with Lucathia[12]
Won short-term06 and mecha06 from Kamikakushi 04
Got flippymaster, ponta05, boat19, train19, trainmaster, loyal18, scout15, devil12, devilmaster, gracious08, juwan18, charamate07, item01, item04[rokkaku] and item04[shitenhouji] from Game Set
Traded hamburger16 and combination10 for retsuden18 and manzai01 with Indigo[14]
31st January '10 Traded talent01 for tannhauser12 with Moon_Wolf[15]
Traded synchro11 and piano05 for manzai04/09 Asuka[17]
Traded nfu19 and autumnbreeze15 for duounion20 and habu12 with HikaruKibou[19]
Traded goal05 for speedstar12 with Juu[20]<
Got ouji01, artstudio19, kiss20, seigakugame03, nosurrender07, brazil04, progressive01 and onepoint08 from Updates 45.0
Traded nosurrender07 for weiming19 with Disutansu[21]
Claimed mystic13, samurai01, speedstar08, joytotheworld07 and pillar02 from Old Rackets
Got power20, watermelon08 and item03[fudoumine] x02 from Staff Pay
Traded boat19 for host08 with Asuka[22]
Traded weiming18 for dominate12 with Disutansu[23]
1st Febuary '10 Won kirin04, mystic08, acrobatic02, higamyu17 and item02 from Guess The Song 22
Won power18, sexy13, hakase19, perfect10 and item02 from Guess The Song 23
Traded ecstasy13 for emperor01 with Kuri[24]
Won balloon19, trickster13, tornado10, role09 and item02 from Guess The Song 24
Got single81 and item02 x02 from Staff Pay January Bonus
2nd Febuary '10 Traded sexy13 for emperor03 with HikaruKibou[1]
Traded scoresheet28, item01 and item02 x03 for single113, garasu13, gift10, item04[seigaku], labcoat04 and charamate09/10/13 at Item Exchange
Traded adopted20, soliloquy15, baton13, dashi10, nabs06, flippy06, sas06, usu11, viking03, perfect06, speedstar06, gay02/05, scarf08, snowman10, gym07, memories01, bowling12, family10/11, jump05/14/18, roses10, wonderfuldays10 and duounion04 for speedstar15/19, prowess07, bigaku02, tweezers13, dance11, glorious05, kiss05, jibu15, rock5404, xiaobo01, ori05 and hairclips17 at Second Hand Shop
Traded trickster13 and item04[seigaku] for dominate01 and item03[jyousei] with HikaruKibou[2]
3rd Febuary '10 Traded item03/04[jyousei] for duouinion07 at Item Exchange
Got charamatemaster, sunrise02, l-doru16, duounion01, speedstarmaster, kenken16, memories01, duounion06, item03[hyoutei] and item04[shitenhouji] from Game Set
Won cavemen09, smile05 and item04[higa] from Motion Vision 18
Won recharge11/19 and cavemen13 from Find Karupin 40
Traded first15, ending03 and evolution16 for gardening08, overwhelm11 and tannhauser10 with Kaze[4]
Traded hairclips17 and mecha06 for rai18 and mystic15 with Lucathia[6]
4th Febuary '10 Got duounion master, manzai01, ssas17, watermelon01 and item04[jyousei] from Game Set
Traded progressive01 for mystic11 with Juu[7]
Got seigakugame07 and tea08 from Layout Contest Vote
Traded ssas17 for linying07 with Moon_Wolf[8]
5th Febuary '10 Traded jibu15 and artstudio19 for kenken04 and mystic05 with Anneko[10]
Won jibu16, valentinekiss10, evolve05 and teatime15 from Let's Learn English With Longma 06
Traded kenken16 for seiyuu19 with Moon_Wolf[11]
6th Febuary '10 Traded id[saz] and prowess04 for id[kuro] and tannhauser20 with Kuro[13]
Traded ah-un08, petenshi04, power18, underdog16, mikan13, morning19, tornado10, watermelon05 and airport02 for id[saz] x03 at Second Hand Shop
Traded id[saz] for id[mari] with Mari[14]
Traded id[saz], dirty02 and loyal18 for id[Moon_Wolf], seasons11 and ouji07 with Moon_Wolf[17]
7th Febuary '10
Got shodo09, strings18, final02, catfish17, stairs08, detective07, forfiet18, birthdays02, nosurrender19, karaoke09, item02 and item03/04[rikkai] from Update 46.0
Traded seigakugame03 for shodo04 with Kuro[18]
Got crucifix07, glorious01, j-mini08, spot08 and coolprinces01/02 from Old Rackets
Got technique01, longway06 and item03/04[shitenhouji] from Staff Pay
Traded bigaku02 and glorious01 for habu19 and host19 with HikaruKibou[20]
8th Febuary '10 Won mystic01 and brazil19 from Who Am I? 29
9th Febuary '10 Traded item03/04[shitenhouji] for watermelon06/11/12 at Item Exchange
Traded technique01 for ouji05 with Asuka[21]
Got watermelonmaster, seigakugame15, underestimate18, weiming08 and item04[rokkaku] from Game Set
Traded brazil04/19 for impromptu17 and meng03 with Feather_Wolf[23]
Traded wisdom02 for ouji16 with Asuka[24]
10th Febuary '10 Traded ecstasy18 for muga15 with Mari[1]
Traded kiss05 and jibu16 for impromptu05/18 with Disutansu[3]
Won timing20, recharge10 and item03[shitehouji] from Motion Vision 19
Traded scoresheet29 for single60, longhair04, retsuden20 and item03[fudoumine] at Item Exchange
Won quick06, silver05, underdog15, item02 and item03[yamabuki] from Tenimyucayion 20
Got cds02master from Master Badge Print Shop
11th Febuary '10 Traded catfish17 for shodo10 with Anneko[4]
Got bandanna11, zansaber11, ire07, prowess07, id[saz] and item03[higa] from Game Set
Traded seigakugame07 for shodo11 with HikaruKibou[5]
12th Febuary '10 Won scarf, three07, kindness12 and forfeit19 from Let's Learn English With Longma 06
14th Febuary '10 Traded seigakugame15 and ire07 for ouji04 and seiyuu18 with HikaruKibou[7]
Got event16 and valentines07 from Valentine (kiss) Event
Got valentine04 from Kuro
Traded short-term06 and karaoke04 for meng19 and muga05 with/got valentine06 from Mari[9]
Got valentine02 from Kuri
Got hyde14, comedy12, tenacity20, ranger03, 4thcast02, rooftop09 and gouya04 from Update 47.0
Got ah-un11, dojo01 and coolprinces03/10/13 from Old Rackets
Got evolve17, fuun04, item03[seigaku] and item04[fudoumine] from Staff Pay
Got valentines01 from Moon_Wolf
Got valentines02 from Sabriel
Traded hyde14, 4thcast02 and zansaber11 for shodo03, tannhauser16 and coolprinces16 with/gave valentines07 to Kaze[13]
Got valentines04 from Disutansu
Gave valentines07 to Moon_Wolf[14]
Gave valentines07 to Kuri[15]
Gave valentines07 to Asuka[16]
Gave valentines07 to Disutansu[17]
Gave valentines07 to FeatherWolf[18]
Gave valentines07 to Mari[19]
Gave valentines07 to HikaruKibou[19]
Gave valentines07 to Ori[20]
Gave valentines07 to Juu[21]
Gave valentines07 to Kuro[22]
Gave valentines07 to Himilika[23]
Gave valentines07 to Sabriel[24]
Gave valentines07 to Indigo[1]
Gave valentines07 to Aizu[2]
Gave valentines07 to Anneko[3]
Gave valentines07 to Keselyx[4]
Gave valentines07 to Flore[5]
Gave valentines07 to Lucathia[6]
Traded labcoat04, rooftop09, three07, tenacity20, redeyes10 for halloween11, mystic09/18 and impromptu02/16 with Disutansu[11]
15th Febuary '10 Got valentines02 from Anneko
Got valentines07 from HikaruKibou
Got valentines06 from Ori
Traded quick06 for teatime17 with/got valentines06 from Lucathia[12]
Traded juwan18 and forfeit19 for manzai20 and teatime06 with Indigo[13]
Won kiss10, ire03, medly10, demon06, roses05 and weiming09 from Twist Bingo
16th Febuary '10 Won glorious14 and bigi20 from Kamikakushi 05
Won western09, fas12 and item03[rokkaku] from Freebies 22
Traded stairs08 for manzai17 with Mari[14]
17th Febuary '10 Got valentines05 from Juu
Traded perfect10 for gardening12 with HikaruKibou[15]
Won axing15, rock5411 and item04[rikkai] from Motion Vision 20
Won cheers20, kirin10 and haitang16 from Find Karupin 42
18th Febuary '10 Traded bigi20, timing20, stylish20 and detective07 for meng13, shodo16, halloween03 and rebel09 with Moon_Wolf[19]
Traded final02 for morning08 with Juu[20]
Traded kiss20 for shodo12 with Kuri[21]
19th Febuary '10 Traded scoresheet30, item02, item03/04[fudoumine], item03/04[rokkaku] x02 and item03/04]higa x02 for album05, quick08, tornado05, weiming14/16/20, cherry03/04, habu09/10 and item03[hyoutei] at Item Exchange
Won medley18, forfeit01/19 and fanclun14 from Let's Learn English With Longma 07
Got weimingmaster, depend12, scout04, habu15 and item04[rikkai] from Game Set
22nd Febuary '10 Got valentine01 from Indigo
Got valentines03 from Keselyx
Got white05/06, humiliation10, golden03, grip18, price18, kendo13, leangle04, white02 and limit13 from Update 48.0
Traded kendo13 for tarundoru03 with Keselyx[22]
Got limit18, synchro07 and item04[yamabuki] x02 from Staff Pay
23rd Febuary '10 Traded quick08 for host20 with Ori[23]
24th Febuary '10 Won overwhelm12, capoeira07 and item04[seigaku] from Motion Vision 21
Won okiraku13, rooftop07 and ranger18 from Find Karupin 43
25th Febuary '10 Traded depend12 for overwhelm09 in The Switch
Traded kiss10 for shodo18 with Disutansu[24]
Traded fas12 and capoeira07 for tarundoru14 and overwhelm06 with Moon_Wolf[2]
26th Febuary '10 Won control15, medley06, golden16 and price03 from Let's Learn English With Longma 07
Got golden19, viking10, rooftop08 and petenshi17 and item03/04[higa] from Group Collect
Tradede synchro07 for emperor17 with Asuka[3]
27th Febuary '10 Traded scoresheet31 for album16, linying09, emerald07 and item04[strudolph] from Item Exchange
28th Febuary '10 Traded golden16/19 and spot08 for cherry20, white07 and limit15 with Heather[6]
Won gogomeganes08 and kirin05 from Who Am I? 31
Traded cheers20, retsuden20, valentinekiss10 and nosurrender19 for meng10, habu17/20 and morning20 with HikaruKibou[10]
Claimed shopping02, rush07, varsity05, crafty11, butler17, broken04, heart14, sister15 and kindan08 from Update 49.0
Traded valentines01/02 x02, valentines03/04 x01 and valentines03/06 x01 for kenken01/02/05 and prowess07 at Valentine Kiss Event
Traded evolve05/17 for linying15 and white04 with Juu[12]
Traded katsu06 for ouji11 with Kuro[13]
Traded axing15 for limit09 with Disutansu[14]
Got role01, quxing20, item03[rikkai] and item04[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
Got habumaster, contest15, kendo04, kenken06 and item04[fudoumine] from Game Set
Got atonement 01/02/03/07/10 from Old Rackets
Traded okiraku13, varsity05 and grip18 for ouji08/14 and shodo07 with Lucathia[17]
1st March '10 Claimed atonement11/14/16/16 and surfing16 from Old Rackets
Got okinawa07, zhengnan09 and item04[jyousei] from Memeber Contribution 12
Won kouhou19, younger16, mother12, hakase10 and item02 from Guess The Song 28
Traded golden03 for coolprinces09 with Indigo[18]
Got album26 and item02 x02 from Monthly Staff Bonus
2nd March '10 Got item02 from Group Collect 20
Traded rush07 and ponta05 for white14 and morning03 with Heather[20]
Traded acrobatic02, zhengnan09, younger16, kindan08, mikan19 and longway06 for kenken20, tarundoru07 and prowess07 at Second Hand Shop
3rd March '10 Traded silver06 and scarf18 for shodo05/08 with Asuka[22]
Got omettosamba17 and item04[higa] from Synchro 43
Won stairs16, autumnbreeze14 and underdog05 from Find Karupin 44
Got gay19, nosurrender12 and item03[hyoutei] from Freebies 23
4th March Got karaoke18, coolprinces05, quxing20, look-alike03, trickster08, kenken09 and item04[seigaku] from Match Set
Traded gogomeganes08 and price03/18 for gardening03 and tarundoru15/17 with Sabriel[24,1]
Traded dirty20 and crucifix07 for muga08/12 with Ashkah[3]
Traded stairs16 for tannhauser17 with Lucathia[4]
Traded atonement02/08/11/15 and trickster08 for seiyuu06/08/11, white01 and mystic08 with HikaruKibou[9]
Traded id[saz] for id[heather] with Heather[10]
5th March '10 Traded rock5404 for ouji09 with Moon_Wolf[11]
Got kenkenmaster, smile02, petenshi11, morning04 and item03[jyousei] from Game Set
6th March '10 Traded kirin05/10 for halloween12/14 with Indigo[13]
Won seigakugame18, strings06, golden02 and spinkick14 from Let's Learn English With Longma 08
7th March '10 Got cross05, yun04, theif10, practise07, bronze13, pirates12, afternoon03, nfu14, dreambeliever02, gardening17, cactus09 and and gouya20 from Update 55.0
Tradedd cactus09 and golden02 for afternoon07 and gardening01 with Heather[15]
Traded cross05 for impromptu12 with Asuka[16]
Traded okinawa07 for gardening18 with Kuri[17]
Traded scoresheet32 for album31, bowling16, golf11 and item03[rikkai] at Item Exchange
Traded bronze13, petenshi11, seigakugame18 and bubblegum09 for gardening01, host02 and seiyuu01/17 with HikaruKibou[21]
Got impromptu04, jan02/20, gossip09 and capoeira09 from Old Rackets
Got look-alike04, zhengnan12, item04[fudoumine] and item04[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
8th March '10 Traded crafty11 and omettosamba17 for ouji02 and tiebreak08 with HikaruKibou[23]
10th March '10 Won seiyuu04, meng20 and item03[strudolph] from Motion Vision 23
Traded sister15, adieu09, golf11 and tweezers13 for emperor13 and white03/15/18 with Kuri[24,3]
11th March '10 Traded kendo04 for school01 with Keselyx[4]
Traded scoresheet33, item03 x03 and item03/04[rikkai] x02 for album12, hairclips18, recharge15, seiyuu02/16/20. morning06/07 and item04[rokkaku]
12th March '10 Won golden20, tension13, rigged12 and catfish16 from Let's Learn English With Longma 08
Got seiyuumaster, answer07, role02, morning17, morningmaster, rainbow10, speech17, tarundoru01, item03[yamabuki] and item03[rikkai] from Game Set
Traded speech17 for gardening16 with Asuka[5]
Traded golden20 for pure06 with Heather[6]
Traded contest15 for ouji06 with Indigo[7]
Traded tension13 and catfish16 for overwhelm02/03 with Lucathia[9]
Traded pirates12 for shodo15 with Ashkah[10]
13th March '10 Won anneko10, loyal15, avenge04, meng15 and item03/04[shitenhouji] from Group Collect
Traded humiliation10 for overwhelm04 with Disutansu[11]
Traded spinkick14 and nosurrender12 for rai12 and overwhelm07 with HikaruKibou[13]
14th March '10 Got soft01, annoyed06, odorimasenka12, peach10, stranded04, sacrifice13 and drivingmyself07 from Update 51.0
Traded yun04 and stranded04 for gardening05 and soft05 with Juu[15]
Traded jibu11 and karaoke09 for soft08 and tiebreak06 with Kuro[17]
Got avenge11/15, emperor19, animated14, brush10 and seasons13 from Old Rackets
Got milestone05 from Update 51.0
Got east06, broken04, item04[hyoutei] and item04[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
Traded broken04 for host04 with Heather[18]
15th March '10 Traded mystic08 for soft15 with Ashkah[19]
16th March '10 Traded glorious05 for manzai15 with HikaruKibou[20]
Traded shopping02 and broken04 for muga07 and overwhelm18 with Sabriel[22]
17th March '10 Won drivingmyself02, scudserve08 and item04[strudolph] from Motion Vision 24
Won ire15, awake13, musical03 and item03[rikkai] from Find Karupin Special 01
Got animated19, school18 and item04[rokkaku] from Freebies 24
Traded animated19 for soft09 with Heather[23]
19th March '10 Traded drivingmyself02/07, musical03 and sacrifice13 for coolprinces17/20, tannhauser08 and synchro02 with Lucathia[24,3]
Won west08, practice09, pirates03 and rigged12 from Let's Learn English With Longma 09
Traded megane01, school18 and seasons13 for meng12, gardening02 and shodo06 with Ori[6]
20th March '10 Got missing01, pure03, technique12, healed03, item04[strudolph] and item04[rikkai] from Group Collect
Traded scoresheet34 for album37, catfish02, serves09 and item01 at Item Exchange
Traded synchro02 for gardening19 with Asuka[7]
Traded awake13 and west08 for ouji10/18 with Ori[9]
21st March '10 Traded valentine02/05 and valentine04/valentine07 for white13/20 at Valentine Kiss Event
Traded role01 for soft10 in The Switch
Got strict11, music14, cavemen11 and seiyuu15 from Scoresheet Donation
Got lol03/10, anniversary07, seaslug19, iguana11/14, vampire06, elite13, buffet03 and event18 from Update 52.0
Traded pure03 for lol04 with Heather[10]
Got gossip16, shioin17, shodo18, tarundoru11, item04[yamabuki] and id[saz] from Game Set
Won spiral19, hamburger08, lucathia17 and champions07 from Insight 47
Got fanta06/08, avenge16, longma03, king14 and rebel20 from Old Rackets
Traded fanta06/08 for vampire09 and anniversary12 with Heather[12]
Got serves05, manzai05, item04[hyoutei] and item04[jyousei] from Staff Pay
22nd March '10 Traded karaoke19 for overwhelm13 with Kuro[13]
Got event01master from Master Badge Print Shop
Got buffet12, platinum17 and item03[strudolph] from Member Contribution 13
23rd March '10 Traded ire15 and ordorimasenka12 for host07 and limit19 with HikaruKibou[15]
24th March '10 Traded conference07 for prowess07 with Disutansu[16]
Won surprise03, adult01 and item04[shitenhouji] from Motion Vision 25
Got capoeira06, seaslug05, item04[seigaku] and item01 from Staff Pay
Traded missing01, catfish02 and practice09 for impromptu15 and tannhauser02/06 with Indigo[19]
25th March '10 Traded iguana11/14 and atonement03 for shodo02, mystic06 and overwhelm17 with HikaruKibou[22]
26th March '10 Won anniversary19, makeyoufree09, heart16 and broken19 from Let's Learn English 09
28th March '10 Got takeover01, assistant13, entertainer02, shinsen20, gomenchai18, semero11, habit07, music19 and item03/04other from Update 53.0
Got bigi09, gontakure10/12, freedom18 and king01 from Old Rackets
Traded serves05 for takeover05 with Heather[23]
29th March '10 Traded buffet12 for presence17 with Lucathia[24]
Won longma04, injury17, goal13 and higher02 from Insight 48
Traded scoresheet35, item01 x02 and item03/04[strudolph] for album32, south01, rock5413, teatime20, higamyu05, limit03/10/14 and item04[shitenhouji]
Got limitmaster, retsuden14, paperairplane09, depend07 and item04[shitenhouji] from Game Set
Traded medley10 for muga01 with HikaruKibou[1]
30th March '10 Traded gomenchai18 for gardening11 with Kuri[2]
31st March '10 Won west09, boat06 and item04[fudoumine] from Motion Vision 26
Won vampire04, practice01 and seasons04 from Find Karupin 47
Traded peach10, leangle04, shodo18 and viking10 for lol02, white16, emperor20 and dominate04 with Kuri[6]
Got ori10, humiliation03 and item03[shitenhouji] from Freebies 25
Got wonderfuldays10, sunrise05, tension09, shioin18, item03[seigaku], item03[strudolph], item04[rokkaku] and item04[rikkai] from Staff Pay
1st April '10 Won evolution19 and higher13 from Who Am I? 36
Traded boat06 for mystic10 with Asuka[7]
Got album06 and item02 x02 from Staff Bonus [March]
Got gogomeganes09, ready18, item03[seigaku] and item04[rikkai] from Staff Pay
2nd April '10 Won seaslug04, assistant10, celebrate20 and practice09 from Let's Learn English With Longma 10
Traded heart16 for lol17 with Hikaru Kibou[8]
3rd April '10 Traded hairclips18 for sushi14 with Lucathia[9]
5th April '10 Traded hakase19, smile02, answer07, atonement16, quxing20, kouhou19, east06, south01, l-doru16, control15, gardening01, petenshi17, master15, rigged12, healed20, limit06/18, roses05, concrete03, longway20, christmas15, joytotheworld07, strings18, okurimono03, brush10 and rebel07 for tarundoru20, prowess07, depend09, surfing14, gossip04, demon12, tarundoru10, slap06, adieu03, semero02/03, rai19 and hyde10 at Second Hand Shop
Won forfeit02, elite03, christmas01 and item03[hyoutei] from Catchphrase 37
Won contest17 and revolution04 from Insight 49
Traded scudserve08 for halloween02 with Lucius[10]
Got opposition01, request06, boy20, invinicible02, help11, oretachi01, athletic08, can02, white15 and anniversary15 from Update 54.0
Traded sushi14 for vampire05 with Asuka[11]
Got milestone20 from Update 54.0
6th April '10 Traded manzai01 for anniversary09 with Moon_Wolf[12]
Traded broken19 for linying03 with Indigo[13]
Claimed awake04, chunlong11, recharge18 and volleyball13 from Old Rackets
7th April '10 Won detective06, hyde15 and item03[yamabuki] from Motion Vision 27
Won cactus11, brush02 and entertainer05 from Find Karupin 48
Traded injury17 for lol01 with Ori[14]
Got yajin02, spinkick14, alone14, freeloader14, item03[yamabuki], item03[shitenhouji], tem04[hyoutei] and item04[other] from Staff Pay
Traded cactus11 for opposition14 with Heather[15]
8th April '10 Traded longma04 for soft20 with Anneko[16]
Traded ranger18 for linying02 with Ashkah[17]
Got seigakugame10, band18, item03[seigaku] and item04[rokkaku] from Staff Pay
9th April '10 Won request05, lol17, iguana14 and stranded06 from Let's Learn English With Longma 10
Traded tension09 for shodo19 with Disutansu[18]
10th April '10 Won contest14, lasers15, charamate11, crucifix04, tiebreak08 and item04[rikkai] from Catchphrase 39
11th April '10 Claimed kittens07, cosplay05/19, menicon03, sweat17, fashion08, predict01, twominutes13 and endurance19
Traded sweat17 and kittens07 for cherry16 and menicon08 with Heather[20]
Claimed twins01/02/03/04/06/09 from Old Rackets
12th April '10 Traded scout15 for menicon02 with Ashkah[21]
13th April '10 Traded seasons04 for menicon05 with Ori[22]
14th April '10 Won sushi09, advance05 and item03[jyousei] from Motion Vision 28
Got tako02, minx13 and item04[strudolph] from Freebies 26
Traded charamate11 and iguana14 for lol16 and host03 with HikaruKibou[24]
Won scout07 and oretachi19 from Insight 46
Traded sushi09 for anniversary03 with Asuka[1]
Got emerald11, secret15, pirates06, cursed09, item03[yamabuki] item03[rikkai] item04[rikkai] and item04[shitenhouji] from Staff Pay
15th April '10 Traded scoresheet36, item03/04[seigaku] x03, item03/04[yamabuki] x03 and item03/04[rokkaku] x02 for album17, test12, hebaba19, depend10/13/18, host01/06/09 cherry05/07 and item03[jyousei] at Item Exchange
Traded request05 for vampire02 with Moon_Wolf[2]
Traded scout07 for depend13 with Ashkah[3]
Got axing10, shopping02, item03[rikkai] and item04[higa] from Staff Pay
Got role01 from Synchro 46
16th April '10 Traded sunrise05 and forfeit02 for halloween09 and gardening06 with Indigo[5]
Won decision20, fashion02, boy20, elite15, pingpong10 and fool03 from Let's Learn English With Longma 11
Traded demon06 for cherry10 with Kuro[6]
18th April '10 Traded hyde10 for coolprinces07 with Juu[7]
Got green09/10, bible16/17, thirteen08, greencourt04, fence09, handpuppet20, cooperation09, tenacity09, jiping10 from Update 56.0
Got white12, acrobatic14 and item04[jyousei] from Group Collect 27
Traded bible16/17 for takeover11 and host17 with HikaruKibou[9]
Got dependmaster, guoguang18, tornado19, shodo20 and item04[yamabuki] from Game Set
Traded champions07 for emperor15 with Lucius[10]
Traded item03/04[yamabuki] x01, item03/04[rikkai] x04 and item03/04 other for host13, shodo01/13/14/17 and impromptu01 at Item Exchange
Traded role01 and cosplay19 for green12 and soft18 with Ryuzaki[12]
Traded depend13 for tannhauser11 with Keselyx[13]
Got demon11, bigi09/16, tenacity03, hundred15, meng14, twins19 and surfing05 from Old Rackets
19th April '10 Got jump16, goal20 and item04[rikkai] from Group Collect 27
Got item02 from Group Collect 24
Got item02 from Group Collect 25
Traded hundred15 for tannhauser07 with Keselyx[14]
20th April '10 Traded gogomeganes09, strings06, white15 and west09 for linying08/11, lol08 and menicon13 with Sabriel[18]
21st April '10 Won windy12, evolve20 and item04[fudoumine] from Motion Vision 29
Won gossip17, cheers06 and takeover06 from Find Karupin 50
Got emperor10, menicon12, goal02, animated20, item03[yamabuki], item03[rokkaku] item04[strudolph] and item04[jyousei] from Staff Pay
22nd April '10 Got ponta19, takeover0, item03[higa] and item04[rokkaku] from Staff Pay
Traded handpuppet20 for menicon06 with FeatherWolf[19]
23rd April '10 Won fool02, director20, opposition18 and bible08 from Let's Learn English With Longma 11
Got glorious14, puns07 and item03[hyoutei] from Member Contribution 14
24th April '10 Got shodomaster, thirteen04, leangle16, white09 and item03[fudoumine] from Game Set
25th April '10 Got partner09, best14, whiteline13, loveletter19, bench12, entire08, running12 and white19 from Update 57.0
Won best10 and jan04 from Layout Contest 06 Voting
Got serves17, devil12, garau03/13 and coolprinces20 from Old Rackets
Traded garasu03 for cake06 with Heather[20]
26th April '10 Won hyde13, medley06, synchro20, seiyuu07 and item02 from Guess The Song 36
Won symbol16, takoyaki08, battery18, slowlife15 and item02 from Guess The Song 35
Traded revolution04 and cake02/06 for halloween15 and green07/17 with Lucius[23]
28th April '10 Won entertainer12, east08, glorious02 and item03[shitenhouji] from Find Karupin 50
Traded awake04 for king14 with Puppy[24]
Traded stranded06 for ouji17 with Sabriel[1]
Got taka-san19, decision17, animated09, habit04, item03[fudoumine], item04[hyoutei], item04[rokkaku] and item04[rikkai] from Staff Pay
29th April '10 Traded decision17/20 for imperial01 and overwhelm19 with Lucathia[3]
Traded seiyuu07 for anniversary17 with HikaruKiboui[4]
Traded scoresheet37 for album07, tea03, muda01 and item03[strudolph] at Item Exchange
Got baton03, ouji15, item03[other] and item04[jyousei] from Staff Pay
30th April '10 Won thirteen02, windy05, kittens16 and invincible07 from Let's Learn English With Longma 12
Traded hyde13 for mystic16 with Asuka[5]
Traded evolve20 for manzai12 with Heather[6]
1st May '10Traded fashion08 for gardening13 with Izumi[7]
Traded kittens16 for overwhelm08 with Puppy[8]
Traded quxing20 for menicon18 with Ori[9]
Got album14 and item02 x02 from Staff Bonus [April]
Won test03/16 and longway15 from Data Collecting With Inui 46
2nd May '10 Traded cheers06 for habit15 in The Switch
Won seigakugame13, combination04 and megane04 from Catchphrase 42
Got pose04, bus02, protest05, suits05 and dashi01 from Update 58.0
Traded bus02 for pose08 with Puppy[10]
Traded protest05 for pose05 with Lucathia[11]
Traded suits05 for pose10 with Moon_Wolf[12]
Traded item03/04[seigaku] for item03/04[rikkai] with Heather
Got twins12/13/17/18 and bigi04/07 from Old Rackets
3rd May '10 Got mystic07, valentinekiss04, habit19, natural03, item03[hyoutei] and item03[shitenhouji] from Group Collect 28
Traded garasu13, taka-san19, bigi09/16, music14/19, tarundoru01/02/03/04/05/06/07/08/09/10/12/13/14/16/17/18/19/20, jump 16 and higher13 for host16/18, prowess07, karaage17, longma04, pressure08, kiss04, stage15, zansaber12, hairclips17, missing17, white02 and abare09 at Second Hand Shop
4th May '10 Won menicon20, jiping07, memories16 and humiliation12 from Insight 50/51
5th May '10 Got tango01, childofgod03 and item04[shitenhouji] from Freebies 27
Won capoeira19, animated04 and contest15 from Find Karupin 51
Got photograph02, revolution05, gracious06, pressure14, item03[jyousei], item04[seigaku], item04[yamabuki] and item04[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
Traded photograph02 for pose02 with Heather[13]
6th May '10 Traded paperairplane09 for rebel15 with Lucathia[14]
Traded running12, evolution19 and best10 for glorious01, pose12 and menicon01 with Ori[17]
7th May '10 Won lotsmore18, menicon02, manager05 and predict04 from Let's Learn English With Longma 12
Traded revolution05 for halloween01 with Moon_Wolf[18]
Won fence10, gym11, green14, musical06 and item02 from Who Am I? 38
Traded natural03 and childofgod03 for emperor16 and partner09 with Lucius[20]
8th May '10 Traded director07/20 and predict01/04 for muga20, pose14, dominate09 and menicon04 with Ryuzaki[24]
Traded item02 x04 for item03/04[rokkaku] and item03/04[other] with Heather
Got hostmaster, entertainer03, suits12, gardening07 and item04[other] from Game Set
9th May '10 Got sandwich08, shitenB05 and steps04 from Update 58.0
Traded scoresheet38, item03/04[hyoutei] x07, item03/04[rokkkaku] and item03/04[other] for album35, brat20, gogomeganes02, manzai03/06/10/11/14/16/19, cherry12, impromptu20 and item03[fudoumine] from Item Exchange
Got lawyer09, hide13, show01, stalk12, outdoors07, takeover02 and event20 from Update 59.0
Traded naniwa15, rigged12 and animated14/20 for mystic04, bottle04, first04 and illusion03 with Ryuzaki[4]
Traded illusion03 for pose19 with Heather[5]
Got ah-un05/13, tarundoru06/07, kindness07 and muda06 from Old Rackets
10th May '10 Got bus14, kindness10, item03[seigaku] and item03[jyousei] from Staff Pay
Traded tarundoru06/15 for cherry15/17 with Heather[7]
12th May '10 Won emperor11, sweat17 and item03[shitenhouji] from Motion Vision 32
Won guoguang03, ire01 and muda02 from Find Karupin 52
Traded abare09 for lol20 with Keselyx[8]
Traded cavemen06 for gardening09 with Flore[9]
Got invincible18, amiable06, bowling06, gontakure17, item04[fudoumine], item04[rokkaku] item04[higa] and item04[other] from Staff Pay
13th May '10 Got gracious13, fas14, cross17, meng07, seattle08, white08 and item01 from Match Set
Traded makeyoufree09 and fence10 for anniversary10 and green18 with Moon_Wolf[11]
14th May '10 Won learn16, bench07, predict17, flyhigh08, partner01, and cosplay16 from Let's Learn English With Longma 13
Got sandwich16, hyde07, item03[hyoutei] and item03[shitenhouji] from Staff Pay
Traded id[saz] for id[lucius] with Lucius[12]
Got manzaimaster, diving10, dreamlive416, gardening20, cherrymaster, running05, whiteline20, tarundoru09, item04[seigaku] and item04[other] from Game Set
15th May '10 Traded hyde07 and cross17 for green13 and entire05 with Asuka[14]
Won todai17, healed12, labcoat18, clubroom10 and item02 from Guess The Song 37
Traded tarundoru09 for prowess07 with Heather[15]
Traded strict11 for ouji20 with Kat[16]
Won music11 and item04[shitenhouji] from Synchro 50
Traded id[saz] for id[kuri] with Kuri[17]
16th May '10 Got milestone22 from First Masteries
Got taakun07, restaurant06, motto03, rackets04/10, secondyears07 and green20 from Updates 60.0
Got rackets03, best04, seigakugame02, cooperation20, item03[rikkai] and item04[seigaku] from Group Collect 29
Got gardeningmaster, pingpong04, bell13, white10 and item04[higa] from Game Set
Got halloween18/19, muga09/13/18 and anniversary09 from Old Rackets
17th May '10 Traded invincible18 for meng02 with Lucius[17]
Traded healed12 and musical06 for takeover20 and request07 with Anneko[19]
Got forfeit06, mecha03, item03[strudolph] and item03[yamabuki] from Staff Pay
18th May '10 Got impromptu08, vampire13 and coolprinces19 from Old Rackets
19th May '10 Got gardening09 from Freebies 28
Traded medley06 and goal02 for takeover07 and anniversary06 with Indigo[21]
Won mecha08, fool15 and item04[higa] from Motion Vision 33
Won secret12, cross02 and mimic18 from Find Karupin
Traded guoguang03, whiteline13/20 and higamyu05/17 for pose07, soft06, tannhauser18, dominate06 and underestimate09 with Flore[24, 2]
Won resturant10 and cross09 from Insight 53
Got forfeit19, hitman07, suits14, brush09, item03[strudolph], item04[seigaku] and item03/04[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
Traded scoresheet39 and item01 for album11, minor09, roofto01, ready01 and item04[fudoumine] from Item Exchange
Traded white02 and underestimate09 for green05 and motto02 with Heather[4]
20th May '10 Traded forfeit06 for dominate20 with Indigo[5]
Traded ire01, tango01, leangle16 and kiss04 for tannhauser15, vampire20, green19 and pose15 with Keselyx[9]
21st May '10 Won aspire02/14/17, protest11, ohtake05 and bus04 from Let's Learn English With Longma 13
Got buffet16, brat01 and item03/04[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
22nd May '10 Traded hitman07 for seasons01 with Lucuis[10]
Won entertainer17 and final13 from Catchphrase 44
Got avenge04, cosplay17, item04[hyoutei] and item02 from Staff Pay[Game Set]
23rd May '10 Claimed supportive12, cheeringsquad08, famous19, more14, indoor01 and emperor08 from Update 61.0
Traded more14 for emperor12 with Puppy[11]
Got twins05, combination01, garasu10, retsuden18, style08 and pure03/04 from Old Rackets
24th May '10 Traded fool02 for muga03 with Sabriel[12]
Got healed07, sweat08, item03[higa] and item03[shitenhouji] from Staff Pay
25th May '10 Traded todai17 for pose01 with Keselyx[13]
Traded clubroom10 and shitenb05 for lol11 and takeover19 with Ryuzaki[15]
26th May '10 Won redeyes15, semero17 and item03[strudolph] from Motion Vision 34
Won data03, jibu16 and indoor16 from Find Karpuin 54
Got heart05, otouto10, tarundoru03, progessive09, item01, item03[seigaku], item03[fudoumine] and item03[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
Traded cross09 and bus04 for pose13 and anniversary13 with Puppy[17]
Traded labcoat18 and role09 for invincible12 and best20 with Ryuzaki[19]
27th May '10 Traded otouto10 for ouji03 with Lucuis[20]
Traded item01 x02, item02 x04, item03/04[seigaku] x02, item03/04[hyoutei] x03, item03/04 rokkaku, item03/04[rikkai] and item03/04[other] for scarf14, timing01, white11/17, muga04/16 linying01/04, menicon07/07/10, overwhelm10, ouji03/12/13 and impromptu03 at Item Exchange
Got whitemaster, cheeringsquad20, conference11, ouji19, oujimaster, strongest01, cross15, impromptu06, mugamaster, gontakure05, first08, impromptu09, impromptumaster, jipinh10, golden10, meng15, item03[fudoumine] , item03[yamabuki], item04[strudolph] and item04[rikkai] from Game Set
30th May '10 Won lawyer02, stalk04, lotsmore04 and 2ndyears03 from Let's Learn English With Longma 14
Got gamecentre02, humiliation15, item03[other] and item02 from Staff Pay - Game Set
1st June '10 Traded samurai01 and tarundoru03 for pose03 and symbol05 with Lucuis[22]
Traded scarf14 for invinicble12 with Asuka[23]
Got linying08, airport16 and item01 from Freebies 29
Traded lasers15 for pose16 with Kaze[24]
2nd June '10 Won bottle15, balance11 and item03[yamabuki] from Motion Vision 35
Won gold14, broken02 and strongest06 from Find Karupin 55
Traded scoresheet40 and item01 for album09, humiliation16, atonement19, illusion03 and item04[rokkaku] at Item Exchange
Got mystic14, sweat02, bigi20, bowling18, item03[yamabuki], item03]hyoutei], item04[yamabuki] and item04[rikkai] from Staff Pay
Got jumpfesta2010-02, minna20, respect05, therivals15, mom02 and ranger01 from Update 62.0
Traded garasu10 and sweat17 for therivals01 and jumpfesta01 with Heather[2]
3rd June '10 Got rebel05, higamyu12, item03[rikkai] and item04[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
5th June '10 Traded combination04 for rai01 with Disutansu[3]
Got album28, and id[saz]x02 from Monthly Bonus [May]
Won hide20, stalk09, show18 and supporitve09 from Let's Learn English With Longma 14
Won green15 and puns14 from CatchPhrase 46
Traded crucifix04, gym11 for jumpfesta2010-03 and therivals13 with Kaze[5]
Got takeover06, jibu14 and item03[rokkaku] from Member Donation: Red
Traded loyal15, bigi20 and meng07 for entire13, teatime12 and therivals03 with Kuro[8]
Got talent09, ranger08, quick07, prowess07, item03[shitenhouji] and id[saz] from Game Set
Traded id[saz] for id[alice] with Alice[9]
Got symbol01, habit01, item04[yamabuki] and item02 from Staff Pay: Game Set
Got brat14, wisdom13, nobody16/20, slap04 and twominutes18 from Old Rackets
Got cds03 master from Master Print Shop
6th June '10 Got everyone06, halu17, seventezukas03, tsukurou18, argue18, green01 and vampire18 from Update 63.0
Traded hyde15, guoguang18, axing10 and tsukurou18 for pose06/09/11/17 with Juu[13]
Traded entertainer03/05 for dominate05 and vampire10 with Indigo[15]
Traded fool03/15 for dominate15 and therivals13 with Sabriel[17]
Traded glorious02, gracious06/08/13, rai19 and valentinekiss04 for pose18/20 and prowess07 at Second Hand Shop
Got posemaster, supportive05, contest07, meng09 and item03[seigaku] from Game Set
Traded halu17 for green02 with Ryuzaki[18]
Got gontakure03, anneko12, aspire08, test14, and shioin04/05/07 from Game Set
Got milestone07 from Update 63.0
7th June '10 Traded cross15 and secret15 for rai15 and tannhauser02 with Asuka[20]
Traded cross02 for opposition17 with Moon_Wolf[21]
Traded tenacity09 , item03[yamabuki] x02 and item04[seigaku] for gontakure04 and item03[higa] with Disutansu[22]
Traded underdog05/15 for shioin08 and aspire18 with Kaze[24]
8th June '10 Got seventezukas11, more05 and famous12 from Pick A School 36
Traded pirates03/06 and cosplay17 for alone01/02/10 with Ori[3]
Traded scoresheet41 for tenimyucd10, photoalbum08, cake13 and item03[other] at Item Exchange
Traded muda06 for lol14 with Vanillia[4]
Traded first08, stalk09/12 and humiliation0312 for alone05/07/09/11/16 with Lucathia[8]
Traded rebel09, hyde15, zansaber12, item03[strudolph] x03 and item04[strudolph] x02 for prowess07, halloween13, tenimuhou17, item04[hyoutei] x02, item03[rokkaku] x02 and item04[rokkaku] with Kaze[11]
9th June '10 Traded contest07, bench07 and celebrate20 for twins07/10/20 with Indigo[14]
Won rackets15, redeyes12 and item03[shitenhouji] from Motion Vision 36
Got cavemen10, linqi16, hebaba07, tsukurou03, item03[higa], item04[hyoutei], item04[rokkaku] and item04[rikkai] from Game Set
10th June '10 Traded forfeit01 and entertainer17 for tannhauser04 and rebel13 with Indigo[16]
Got roses17, thirteen15, item03[rikkai] and item04[rokkaku] from Staff Pay
12th June '10 Traded item04[seigaku] and item03/04[jyousei] for item03[higa] with Lucathia
Traded timing01 for twins08 with Ori[17]
Won resturant07/15 /18 and everyone15 from Let's Learn English With Longma 15
Won acrobatic04, ouji02, devil17, item03[yamabuki] and item03[other] from Probability 92% 01
Traded id[saz] for id[puppy] with Puppy[18]
Traded healed07 for twins11 with Anneko[19]
13th June'10 Got kyouju02, sidegenius03, andrew18, bully12 and punish05 from Update 64.0
Traded item03[hyoutei] for item04[rikkai] with Puppy
Traded item03/04[rokkaku] x04 and item03/04[higa] x10 for overwhelm14/15/16/20 and alone03/04/06/08/12/15/17/18/19/20 at Item Exchange
Got treasure18, braids03, item03[hyoutei] and item02 from Staff Pay - Game Set
Got overwhelmmaster, kyouju10, bible08, meng16, alonemaster, style11, jumpfesta2010-08, meng17, item03[rikkai] and item03[other] from Game Set
Traded jibu14 for kyouju09 with Kuro[20]
Got shioin09/10/11/12/13/ and left07 from Old Rackets
14th June '10 Traded forfeit19 for coolprinces03 in The Switch
Traded protest11 for menicon11 with Lucathia[21]
Got makeyoufree19, kenken01, item03[hyoutei] and item03[rikkai] from Staff Pay
Traded suits12/14 and fence09 for tarundoru10, emperor13, item04[rikkai] and item04[other] with Alice[24]
15th June '10 Traded scoresheet42 for tenimyucd19, prowess10, hebaba05 and item04[rokkaku] in Item Exchange
Traded sweat08 for kyouju07 with Izumi[1]
16th June '10 Traded baton13 for vampire08 with Lucius[2]
Traded fuun04 for kyouju01 with Alice [3]
Won kittens17, test20 and serves04 from Find Karupin 56
Traded habit01/04/15, missing17, semero17, elite03, cooperation09/20, help11, humiliation15/16, assistant10 for takeover03, opposition05, therivals02/05, menicon14, lol09, jumpfesta2010-04/18, green03, kyouju01, entire06 and halloween07 with Indigo[15]
Traded devil17 for tannhauser09 with Kuro[16]
Got puns17, xiaobo18, stalk10, ending18, item03[rikkai] x02, item03[higa], item04[shitenhouji] from Staff Pay
18th June '10 Traded learn16 for lol19 with Anneko[17]
Won supportive18, jumpfesta2010-12, respect06 and bully05 from Let's Learn English with Longma 15
Got outdoor07, minna11, item03[hyoutei] and item04[other] from Staff Pay
19th June '10 Traded tarundoru07 for shioin03 with Lucuis[18]
Traded pun14 and ending18 for anniversary01 and meng18 with Kuro[20]
Got mengmaster, answer17, secret17, emperor02 and item04[shitenhouji] from Game Set
20th June '10 Got lotsmore07, music19, sushi15 and serious05 from Donations: Scoresheets
Got lucathia06, silver08, item03[other] and item02 from Staff Pay: Game Set
Got sideking01 from Update 65.0
Traded andrew18 and 2ndyears07 for therivals10 and kyouju15 with Ryuzaki[22]
21st June '10 Got jiping04/20, power05/07 respect01 and shioin15 from Old Rackets
Got aspire01, tea15, item03[other] and item04[yamabuki] from Old Rackets
Traded king01 and therivals13 for kyouju11 and advance14 with Lucuis[24]
22nd June '10 Traded id[saz] for id[ryuzaki] with Ryuzaki[1]
Won ah-un03 and treasure08 from Insight 56
Won seasons19, show03, brat07, item03[hyoutei] and item04[rokkaku] from Probability 92% 02
23rd June '10 Traded scoresheet43 for tenimyucd23, buffet15, outdoor13 and item03[rikkai] at Item Exchange
Traded bigi04/20, music11x02, music19, dreamlive416, sandwich08/16 and boy20 for id[saz] x03 at Second Hand Shop
Traded greencourt04 and bench12 for twins14/16 with Juu[3]
Traded assistant13 and punish05 for jumpfesta2010-16 and rebel09 with Indigo[5]
Traded silver08 for jumpfesta2010-15 with Puppy[6]
Got gossip18, rai11 and item04[higa] from Motion Vision 38
Got rai05, kindness18 and windy13 from Find Karupin 57
Got kansai13, trickster15, oretachi11, menicon18, item03[strudolph], item03[higa] , item04[yamabuki] and item04[rikkai] from Staff Pay
Got twinsmaster, kenken02, yakiniku03, emperor09 and item03[rokkaku] from Game Set
24th June '10 Traded argue18 for dominate11 with Indigo[7]
Got wild08, catfish13, item03[other] and item04[hyoutei] from Staff Pay
25th June '10 Won bully17/18, kyouju11, everyone12, argue03 and tsukurou08 from Let's Learn English With Longma 16
Traded ohtake05 fro koyuju18 with Disutansu[8]
26th June '10 Got ranking13, compassion05, rooster07 and irregular05 from Update: 65.0
Got kubobe19 from Update 66.0
Got raccoon01, yougotgame10, item03[seigaku] and item02 from Staff Pay: Game Set
Traded bully12 for kubobe05 with Heather[9]
Traded outdoor13 for kubobe07 with Puppy[10]
27th June '10 Traded menicon02 for kyouju03 with Moon_Wolf[11]
Traded emperor13 and longma04 for partner03 and kubobe02 with Lucuis[13]
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