Title: Christmas Alone
Pairing: find out as you go
Genre: fluff, romance, potential smut?
Rating: PG
Summary: Kyuhyun starts working, Sungmin's in charge of him
So yeah, Min, he's gonna start working tomorrow, Leeteuk said through the phone.
"Okay hyung, thanks for telling me," Sungmin replied, walking home from his late shift.
And you're going to help him get by the day.
"What? I don't have any shifts tomorrow!"
You'll get extra on your paycheck.
Sungmin thought about it for a moment. "Okay fine. What's this kid's name?"
Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun.
The name was familiar to Sungmin, but he couldn't place his finger where he's heard it. "'Kay hyung. I'll see you tomorrow, I guess," Sungmin said before hanging up. "Take care."
You too, Min. Good night, Leeteuk hung up.
Sungmin breathed out against the cold air. It was pretty late, around 9:30. He was the one to leave last after they closed up the cafe, asking Leeteuk needed any help getting work done. But the latter refused, urging the younger one home.
It's been almost 5 years since Sungmin started working at the little crowded cafe. He enjoyed working there with the other 13 employees. At first, because he doesn't have a lot of money to spare, he stayed over at Siwon's apartment for roughly 9 months. Sungmin saved up all the money from his paychecks from that whole 9 months to get his own place, afraid that he might be a bother to the devoted Christian (even though Siwon insisted that he like his companionship). After all those times, he's gathered enough money, and one day he signed the contract to his apartment. When he moved out, all the employees visited him, giving him welcoming gifts to decorate his empty apartment with. Along with that, Leeteuk handed him an envelope. When Sungmin opened it, he was surprised to find cash in it.
Everyone pitched in, the elder had said. I don't think that's a lot, but I think it'll help to pay for some furniture.
Sungmin remembered crying by the doorstep because of how kind everyone was to him.
His apartment wasn't that far from the cafe; it was a mere 15 minute walk away. Sometimes the other employees would come over and visit after their shifts since it was the closest one to the cafe.
Sungmin walked down the crowded Seoul streets. Despite the time of the day, they were still buzzing with activity. Night clubs with their blaring music, people going home with their cars, teenagers walking around enjoying the crisp winter night. It was around late December, almost New Year, with light snow falling from the sky. The temperature was slowly dropping, so Sungmin quickened his pace, wondering about a lot of things at once.
What should I do tomorrow? I don't have any shifts... Why does this Kyuhyun kid sound familiar? Where have I heard him? How much is Teukkie-hyung going to pay me extra? I still have to pay the rent...
But all those thoughts were out the window once Sungmin entered his warm apartment. He smiled at the familiar smell of the room. He quickly put his stuff away and changed to more comfortable clothes, a loose pink shirt with light gray sweats. He drank a small glass of milk before going to his room to snuggle under his soft, warm comforter and falling to sleep.
"Welcome back hyung."
"Hi Kyu," Donghae smiled. It's been 2 days since Kyuhyun was hired at the cafe, and Leeteuk had told Donghae earlier that day that he'd start working tomorrow. "How was your day?"
"Ah, you know... like normal..." Kyuhyun replied, following his hyung to the kitchen and sitting on one of the chairs of the dining table.
Kyuhyun grinned. "You know me."
"Yea well, I wouldn't really guess anything else since that's like the only thing you can do after I bought it for you yesterday..."
"But that doesn't mean that I'd play it today."
"Knowing you after these two days, yes, yes you would. Besides, I wasn't the one who deliberately missed dinner last night and stayed up until who knows when playing that game. You didn't miss any meals today did you?"
"No hyung... but I still haven't had dinner because I was wondering if you'd like to join me for it."
"Okay, I haven't had dinner myself... so I guess I'll have to cook..."
Kyuhyun accompanied Donghae in the kitchen, staying away from the utensils and whatnot because he knew he couldn't cook to safe his life. They made small talks; Donghae of his work at the cafe, Kyuhyun of his day alone. When dinner was done, they ate together, talking every once in a while.
"Oh, Kyu, you're starting work tomorrow."
"That soon?"
"The guy who's gonna be helping you around started the day he was hired."
Kyuhyun did a double take. "The same day he was hired?"
"Yeah. Sungmin-hyung's one of our pianists."
Kyuhyun merely nodded and went back eating.
"Oh, what? No input at all? You're not even interested in knowing about Sungmin-hyung?"
"I'll... I guess I'll just find out about him when I see him..."
Dinghae raised an eyebrow at his dongsaeng, but shrugged it off and finished his dinner. "Do the dishes tonight?
"Sure hyung. Tired?"
"A bit. I'm going to bed early, okay? Good night, Kyu," Donghae said, standing up from his seat and leaving towards his room.
"Night hyung," Kyuhyun called, standing up to gather the dishes that needed to be cleaned.
He had to admit that he was nervous. Many thoughts swarmed Kyuhyun's head at once. But also, he was actually looking forward to his working experience. He's also looking forward to meet Sungmin for some reason.
I wonder what he's like...
Sungmin woke up at 6, quickly taking a shower and dressing up in his uniform. He packed a bit of his belongings and his wallet to bring to work, decided that he'll get Ryeowook, one of the chefs, to make him some breakfast, and left his apartment.
The morning air was cold and crisp, snow still falling down. I guess it'll be a white New Year this year... he thought as he walked to the cafe.
It was fairly early in the morning, but the cafe itself opens at 6 for the morning commuters. Siwon, Donghae and Eunhyuk were already busy serving coffee, mochas and whatnot to the early-risers.
Siwon was the first to spot Sungmin entering the cafe. "Hyung? I thought you don't have any shifts today?"
"Teukkie-hyung wanted me to come in to help the new kid," Sungmin replied.
"Oh Min-hyung!" Donghae called while serving a lady her morning coffee. "Teukkie-hyung wants to see you in his office!"
"Thanks Hae!" Sungmin called back before dropping off his stuff in the employee locker room. He quickly made his way to the back of the cafe to said office. He knocked twice before Leeteuk called him in.
"Morning Min," Leeteuk smiled and gestured at the only empty seat in front of his desk. The new employee sat on the other one. Sungmin eyed him for a bit. He's pretty tall and handsome, Sungmin had to admit; long legs, good built, messy, curly brown hair, deep cocoa eyes. "Uh, Min, this is Kyuhyun, the one I talked about last night?"
"Oh, uh, hi Kyuhyun," Sungmin said.
Kyuhyun turned to look at him, smiled a half-smile and nodded. "Morning, Sungmin-sshi."
"Kyuhyun, Sungmin 's going to help you around the cafe today. Min, he's new, obviously, so just take it slow and be patient, okay?" Leeteuk said
"Okay, C'mon Kyuhyun. Let's start."