I'm so overwhelmed...missing two days of school is no bueno...and I have three tests to make up and not to mention a final essay to write today which I have no idea about. :( Someone shoot me now....
Sam I'm sorry u missed 2 days of school but hey at least one of thos days was worth not going I mean like HEY we all SOOO got to hang for the first time in like a month which kick mucho @$$ WOOT.... lol I hope Vaughns doing better my mom said he started feeling bad again and ur way to work =/ no good.. ttyl
He's doing better, and I'm okay I guess. Overwhelmed, had a panic attack this morning and my asthma is still really bad, but hopefully it will get better.
wow Sam thats not very good thats kinda scary =/ I hope and pray u start doing better soon....By the way if for some reason this does not make sense its becuase I'm still half out of it....BAD DREAMS SUCKK SOOOOOO BAD GRRRRR and I slept on my arm wrong so it doesnt feel right either...ok just thought I would let u know lol...alright well I'm gonna try and get back 2 sleep feel better soon just about everything and I'll ttyl much <3
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