Series: Bleach
Title: Love Story
Pairing: GrimmjowYachiru (she is older so Grimm is not a pedo O_O)
Warnings: fluffiness/cuteness
Summary: "I got tired of waiting...wandering if you were ever coming faith in you was...fading..."
Part Five
It all happened so fast. There was yelling and crashing and reiatsu everywhere. Grimmjow left and so did Ken-chan. But in different directions, to my relief.
I thought they were going to rip each other apart. Ikkaku and Yumi convinced them both that that wasn’t a very good idea. I was told, actually, ordered to not leave my room. And I couldn’t refuse. He didn’t tell me as Ken-chan. He told me as Zaraki-Taichou.
So, I decided to wait and sit on my bed. Eventually, Grimmjow showed up at my window. I smile but it faded quickly at his expression. It was anger and worry and...sadness?
“I’ve been transferred.”
“What?!” I stare at him in surprise.
I should have seen this coming. Ken-chan was very angry. I feel tears building in my eyes. I flash step away before they could spill. Grimmjow catches up with me easily and we go to our hiding place.
“You can’t leave!”
“I don’t have a choice. I’m being put in the Tenth.” He hisses the number.
Toshi-chan would make sure to keep a close on him. And Matsumoto...I don’t want her anywhere near him!
“I won’t let you go!” I shake my head in anger.
“You can’t fight this. It’s already been decided. I leave tomorrow.”
“No!” I try to cover my head in my hands but he stops me.
“We’ll find a way to fix this.”
“I don’t know. But will work out. It has to.”
He presses his lips to mine and the tears fall this time. This kiss...I don’t like it. This should not be our official first kiss! It’s too...sad. It’s like he’s telling me goodbye...that there’s no hope. We’ve only been together for such a short time considering how long we Shinigami live. It’s not fair! How can life be so cruel!
But I know of its cruelties. Before I met Ken-chan...that was all I knew. I thought my life would improve. And it had. But’s back to being so painful.
He pulls back with a small lick to my bottom lip.
I refuse to leave my room. I refuse to leave my bed. I stay hidden under the blankets, ignoring everyone who tries to come near me. I scare them away with my reiatsu. For the past three nights I have silently cried myself to sleep. I search out Grimmjow’s reiatsu every chance I get, hoping to catch him alone. But he never is. There is always someone around him. Whenever it’s Matsumoto’s, my reiatsu gets really bad and borders on destroying the division. No one comes in to talk to me though.
And then...I sit up in my bed and stare out my window. This is the fourth day I’ve been without him. I can’t do this anymore.
I dress quickly and leave to the Living World.
Only a few more chapters left!