Series: Bleach
Title: Love Story
Pairing: GrimmjowYachiru (she is older so Grimm is not a pedo O_O)
Warnings: fluffiness/cuteness, little somethin'-somethin'
Summary: "I got tired of waiting...wandering if you were ever coming faith in you was...fading..."
I wait for her in her bed, hands behind my head. When she finally comes in, I sit up and watch as she collapses into fits of giggles before she skips over to me and hugs me, still lauging.
“What is it?” She pulls away.
“I got my revenge on Matsumoto!” She grins at me in triumph. I wrap my arms around her and pull her down with me to the bed. “She was jealous of me. She couldn’t believe all the attention I was getting. Weird, eh?”
“How did you get your revenge?” I run my hand down to her ass and run my fingers through the material between the two cheeks. She shivers against me.
“I sneaked into her room while she was asleep and gave her a new hairstyle.”
I roll us over and smirk down at her. She smiles back up at me as I slip my hand down the front of her Shinigami robes. She moans softly as I touch her through the material.
And this fic is done! O_O