Sep 12, 2006 20:17
Guess who beat House to the diagnosis tonight? That's right. My parent's thougt I was crazy when I said it at the beginning but were seriously freaked when I was right. it was hilarious lol
Sep 11, 2006 20:25
Sorry, but because u opened this you will die in 3 days. sorry. the only way you can reverse this is by reposting it within 5 minutes. good luck
By opening this chainmail u have been given bad luck for 2 months. If u repost this message then the bad luck will turn good repost as "DO NOT OPEN IN FRONT OF PARENTS"!!!!
Sep 05, 2006 15:17
I love my boys. And cara and I had a convo about how gee dyed his hair blonde right after me...crazy stalkers. lol
Aug 31, 2006 00:20
And the Eddie Izzard video of the day is....Death Star Cantina